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Chapter 02 Decision

Ever since then, every time I try to get some work done, my mind's all over the place. I keep replaying that wild article about the father-in-law and daughter-in-law getting it on. Even when Katniss gets home from work, I can't help but wonder what might go down if she and Nathan were alone at the office. It's like I'm obsessed. Could it really happen like in that article?

Nah, no way. In the story, the husband convinces the wife, and only after she agrees does she start seducing the father-in-law. For me, that first step is a total no-go. I mean, a novel's just a novel, right? If I tried to get Katniss to seduce Nathan now, she'd probably chew me out at best, or maybe even have me committed.

One night, I got home, and Nathan was playing with our son Simon. There was food on the table, and Katniss, in her nightgown, was tidying up. Even though Nathan lives with us, Katniss always dresses pretty conservatively, even when it's hot.

But today, since she was cleaning, Katniss kept bending over to dust under the sofa and TV cabinet. Her nightgown was conservative, but even the most conservative ones have a neckline that's a bit loose. Every time she bent over, I could catch a glimpse of her chest and that deep cleavage. She's definitely got a full figure.

Thinking about those scenes from the adult novels, I started watching Nathan to see if he'd sneak a peek at Katniss. But as I ate and watched, I only saw Nathan accidentally catch a glimpse once. He immediately turned his back to her and kept playing with Simon, not looking back.

Totally different from the novel, but it makes sense. Nathan's a simple, honest farmer. He's got that old-school mindset where a daughter-in-law is like another daughter. No way would a father sneak a peek at his daughter, let alone a father-in-law at his daughter-in-law. So when he saw Katniss's chest, he looked away without hesitation. That's just how older folks are. If he did sneak a peek, he'd probably feel super guilty.

Man, it's a headache. Katniss is conservative and won't go for it, and Nathan's the same. Makes sense, though. Because of my job, I get calls in my sleep, so I'm a light sleeper. Any little noise wakes me up.

That night, I woke up to the bed shaking a bit. In the moonlight, I saw Katniss secretly pleasuring herself again. She was biting her lower lip, one hand on her breast, the other working below. She had her eyes closed, but after a while, she stopped and sighed, realizing it wasn't enough.

I squinted at Katniss as she turned to me, looking at my face and gently caressing it. So affectionate. Katniss and I never have big fights, just little arguments we forget about the next day. Our relationship's always been solid, deeply in love.

Katniss kept looking at me, her beautiful face blushing. I knew she was moved. I couldn't satisfy her, and even self-pleasure wasn't enough. If it weren't for her deep love for me, her physical desires might've driven her to cheat. But because she loves me, she'd never betray me.

Katniss just turned 30 today, right when sexual desires peak. I get her needs. It's a shame about my own body. As Katniss drifted off to sleep, I kissed her lightly on the face.

Another weekend, and finally, no overtime! I can actually chill for a day. Nathan's on the couch playing with Simon, and Katniss is whipping up dinner. It's a rare family day, so she's going all out with the meal. And me? I'm taking advantage of the downtime to help out around the house—sweeping, mopping, taking out the trash.

After tidying up our bedroom, I headed to Nathan's room. Since both Katniss and I are always working, we barely have time for house chores. Nathan usually handles his own room and the living room, while Katniss and I take care of ours. Maybe Nathan feels weird about entering our bedroom, so he never cleans it. Today, with some rare free time, I decided to clean both Nathan's room and the living room.

I was scrubbing the floor in Nathan's room when I noticed a small mark by his bed. It looked like a dried-up droplet, light white like egg white, with no smell. My heart skipped a beat. Could it be...?

Just as I was wondering, I spotted a trash can under Nathan's bedside table, filled with crumpled tissues. I slowly pulled them out and opened them up. Inside was some sticky liquid, similar to egg white, with that unmistakable male scent. No doubt about it—it was semen.

Could it be from Katniss and Nathan hooking up? Nah, no way. Everything at home points to their relationship being totally normal. Plus, judging by the dryness of the tissues, this must've happened last night. Katniss was with me all night, and if she'd snuck out, I would've noticed.

The only explanation is that Nathan was jerking off by the bed, and a few drops of semen accidentally hit the floor. He must've wiped up the rest with tissues and tossed them in the trash. If I hadn't stumbled upon the mark on the floor and checked the trash, I'd never have known about Nathan's late-night session. He probably didn't even realize a few drops hit the floor.

Even though Nathan's 54, he's still got needs. It's been four years since Mom passed away, so he must be taking care of things himself. Thinking about it, I felt a pang of sympathy for Nathan. He raised me, waited for me to grow up, and now, with his wife gone, he's left to handle his needs solo. I can provide for him in every way, but I can't give him a fulfilling sex life.

Katniss is left unsatisfied and often resorts to pleasuring herself, while Nathan's in the same boat. They're such a perfect match—why can't they just satisfy each other? Thinking about it, I feel like the odd one out in this house.

But then, if this could solve Katniss's needs and give Nathan a satisfying sex life, the thought of seeing my beautiful, kind wife with the simple, rugged Nathan is oddly thrilling. But how do I even start making that happen?

Unable to resist the urge, I've decided to do whatever it takes to bring Katniss and Nathan closer. As her husband, I'm going to play matchmaker between Katniss and Nathan.

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