Read with BonusRead with Bonus


He slowly walked towards me starring deep into my eyes. I started trembling slightly feeling like I was making a mistake. But I could not say no now. Right?

He finally got to my arms and slowy pushed them down and he placed his big muscular arms around my shoulders and head. It was alittle awkward but it calmed my nerves. I sis not know exactly what I was expecting if he was truly just giving me a hug. But this was not it. He just held onto me, well my head with just the slightest pressure. And rested his head on top of mine. After about a minute I slowly started to relax and put my arms more against his waist as I hugged him. I felt like a weight was being pulled from me. Slowy, heavily moving from our hug. We sat there in silence a few more minutes embraced. I started to feel tears forming my chest was heavy. I had not been hugged in so long. Not like this. Not by my mother, father or sister. This felt nice, protective. The tears began to fall and then I started to ugly cry. Yes, straight on ugly cry right into his chest. Once I realized I was a sniffing crying mess all on his bare skin I started to apologize and pull away. He told me it was ok and when I looked up he was crying too. He said it felt good to hug and that we should do that more often. I agreed. I went to the guest bathroom to clean up and he did not follow me. He was staying in the kitchen. Maybe he was just being a friend. I did not have to worry about him trying me.

When I got out, he had already cleared the counter of breakfast and was dressed. He asked if there was anything that I would like to do today and I told him I am not sure, maybe I should just go home. He turned his head slightly and looked at me “I thought you were staying a couple nights?” I told him that I did not think I was anymore because Kathy left. HE informed me that I was still his friend and she did not dictate who he was friends with but if I wanted to leave or if I was uncomfortable I could.

I told him I would think about it and grabbed a bottle of water. He sat down at the bar and asked if we could talk now. I just sat.

He asked me if it was the same guy and I told him all about Kody. It just poured out of me. He seemed like an adult that cared that wanted to know the good, the bad, the ugly. Why I trusted him. Why my mom did not believe me, where was she now. All the questions. By the time I finished it was dark outside. We sat at the counter all day while I cried my heart out oon the floor. And he listened. He asked questions when he was able, cried at times and slammed his fist on the counter a couple times. When I was all done and did not say another word for a few minutes he pushed his chair back and stormed to his room.

Did he want me to leave now since I told him everything that had happened to me? He seemed concerned throughout it all. I was so confused. I got up and started to get my things together out of the living room. Once I finished packing my bag I sat down with it at my feet. I forgot Kathy was my ride over here. I would have to ask him to bring me home.

I worked up the courage to face him and knocked on his door. He told me I could come in so I opened the door and looked inside. This was my first time looking in his room. I never dared before it felt forbidden. I did not see him at first so I took a step further in stilling my nerves. “Adam?”

His bathroom door opened and he came out drpping wet with just a towel hung dangerously on his hips. He had the perfect v cut down into the towel and a small hair trail from his navel disappearing down below as well. He did not have a six pack but you could see his stomach was lined with hard muscles. I made my eye look up and make contact with him. He quickly said “ I’m sorry” and turned quickly back into the bathroom and shut the door. I turned around blushing and went back into the living room. I sat quietly adjusting my clothes as I did.

About ten minutes later he came back out fully dressed and apologized again. I told him he didn’t nee dto apologize I was sorry for going unwanted into his room. He let me know that I was welcome any where in his house at any time. He felt bad for walking out undressed and he did not want me to feel any type of way. He then went and got us both a water and sat down. He let me know that he researched Kody and found where he was . He asked if he could call his police buddy to file a report. I quickly told him no and he asked me why not. I told him that I already researched what would happen if I did get the courage to report it and that I did not want to go through the medical examine nor the recounting of what happened over and over again to everyone unde the sun. Just telling him was enough for the next few years. He listened and let me know that it was up to me but he would go with and stand behind me through it all. I just said I would think about it. He told me that he loved me even more for being so brave and that if anything he wanted to protect me more. He said he would always be there for me and would help protect me if anything ever happened like that again. It felt nice having someone be concerned for me, someone willingly to believe and stand by me. I had not gotten that from anyone before.

He stood up and said let's go and we walked out the door. I did not know where we weregoing but I felt confident in my safety with him.

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