Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Adam and I spent time together that summer. He would bring me shopping and out to eat a lot. Kelly quit her job with me at the shop and would only answer or call maybe once a week. Our conversations were always short and just basically checking up on each other.

My relationship with Adam turned more into a big brother type. He would call throughout the week when I wasn’t at the house with him just to check up or see if I needed anything. I worked at the shop full time over the summer and winded up meeting a few new friends as well. One night after I closed up the shop I went out to go leave and my truck would not turn over .I tried over and over again, I even went out and opened the hood and wiggled the battery contacts like I had to do before but nothing was changing. I tried calling my mom and sister but of course there was no answer. Then I called Adam. I hated to bother him so late and I knew that he would help me, as he has done it before but still I did not want to bother him if I did not need too. He answered after the third ring. “Hello” he said breathlessly. I apologized quickly and told him that my truck would not crank and I was not able to get a hold of anyone. He said that he was about an hour away but he had a friend he trusted that he could call to come help me if that was ok. He told me that he was sure I have meet him before and he lived two minutes down the road. His name was Donald. I said ok but I felt uneasy about it. Donald frequented the shop weekly sometimes with his wife and kids but other times alone. When he was alone he would have this creepy smile on his face the whole time and would dmake a point to lightly brush my hand every now an dthen when the chance presented itself. I always passed it off as what the guys do at times and never thought more of it. Now that its dark and so close to midnight and the fact that we will be alone caused my stomach to tighten and my lungs to forget how to breathe deeply.

Adam called me back and let me know he would be there in a minute. He told me to let him know when we got home.

Donald pulled up in a big old Ford, he sat in his truck for a minute before getting out and smiled that creepy smile at me when he did. He said hey girl, I heard I needed to rescue you.

I brushed it off and replied I wouldn’t say rescue more so just give me a ride home. The less time out here in the dark alone with him the better. What could happen in the truck while he is driving right? He said ok and went to go open my door. His truck was jacked up and so tall that when he offered his hand to help me up I graciously took it to save myself embarrassment from falling. He shut my door and practically ran to his side. When we started down the road he tried to make small chat about my day but I knew I was being rude, giving him short one worded answers. When we reached my dirt road he spoke up and said Adam told me about what happened to you. I snapped my head toward him in shock. I could not believe Adam would tell him. “Did you like it” he asked. I asked “what do you mean?!” He said did you like not having control, someone using you for their own pleasure. Did you enjoy it?

I did not know how to respond, silent tears once again began falling down my face. I was caught, do I tell him let me out here and run in the dark(which I hate) the rest of the way home or keep riding while listening to him spew this nonsense, about something he knows nothing at all about. I choose the latter. He kept starring at me as he drove down. Once he pulled into my driveway and parked under the trees I could not open the door fast enough. As I went to go step out he grabbed my arm and yanked me back toward the center of the truck. The old ford only had One big bench seat so there was nothing there to catch my fall as he pulled me back. I landed backward with my head on his thigh. Donald was short, maybe 5’3”. As soon as I landed on his thigh he jumped up and moved so his body was on top of mine. I was scrambling to try and move anywhere other than under him but he was too quick and nimble. I yelled no just stop I don’t like it. I don’t want this. I am going to call Adam. He pushed his knees into my thighs and reached up to cover my mouth with his hand. I bit down on him. Causing him to snatch his hand back and he sat up quickly. The pain in my thighs was enough motivation for me to pull one leg out and I kneed him in his groin. I could feel how hard he was when I did and he yelped with pain. I was able to turn around and crawl toward the drivers door and push it open. As soon as I did and started to fall out to the ground he grabbed me by my ankles and pulled me back. As he did that he flipped me over to my back. I screamed out as my head his the side of the bench seat. I was not fully on the seat as he started to rip my pants down.

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