Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I had never experienced this kind of kindness. It always had some type of strings attached. Victor would come into the shop every other day or so and just ask how everything was or how the vehicle was doing. It was short but meaningful conversations. But he seemed to linger a little longer like there was more he wanted to say near the end of our conversations. I know I made sure to stop by his table a couple extra times just for a glance of the sweet smile her would flash my way. I have came to notice his dimple did not show as much when he smiled talking to other people. One day I made a game of it. I watched another waitress stop by his table and seen him smile up at her. There was no dimple showing. Then I went by to bring his unsweet tea and the deepest dimple peeked through. Then I watched as he talked with a neighbor in the next booth he even gave a deep throaty laugh, still no dimple. When I brought his burger to the table he looked up just as I was coming through the ktchen door and an instant smile hit his full precious mouth. And of course the dimple came out. When he checked out I asked if he knew that his dimple seemed to only pop out every now and then. He looked at me through hooded eyes and told me that his dimple only shows when he is at his happiest. I smiled brightly then and his eyes fell down to my lips and paused for a moment before he looked back up at me.

“You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen” He whispered

“You are too” I replied

He quickly turned and went out the door, That night when we closed down the shopped I spotted his white dodge in the corner lot and gave him a slight wave. He flashed his lughts back to me and pulled out slowly. As I was pulling out of the parkng lot my cell phone dinged with a text

‘Hey , it’s Victor I am sorry for over stepping tonight. I should not of said that’

‘Why are you sorry? Did you not mean it’ I replied

‘No, I don’t lie. I just… well.. I should not of said that. Your birthday is still how many days away?’

‘ My birthday is in two weeks…sir’ I answered

‘Stop calling me sir….ma’am’ he quickly responded

‘Ok, my elder I will. You keep reminding me of how young I am. My mom did not teach me much but she at last taught me manners’ I snipped back.

‘ Quit texting and driving’ he replied

‘ same to you….sir’ I replied

‘ Good Night Dawn’ He responded after a minute

‘Good Night Victor’

I could no fall asleep that night. I kept tossing and turning . I was uncomfortable yet my mind was racing. I could not focus on anything. I thought about my past and every encounter I had prior I thought about if I was worthy of a nice young man . Did he even like me or was he tolerating me because he felt sorry for me. There was so me ifs if this if that. I finally drifted off at some point and the alar clock rang a little too quickly the next day.

I messaged Victor “hey”

He responded rather quickly ‘Good Morning, how did u sleep?’

‘ Unwell, & u?’ I responded

‘whats wrong’ Victor replied

‘Nothing wrong really’

‘just could not sleep

‘I am ok’ I texted back to back

‘if I can help with anything let me know. Have a good day Dawn’

‘Thank you, u 2’ I said

If only he knew what I was thinking that would not of been his response. He would not of offered to help me. He doesn’t want me im too young.

I walked into the kitchen and Adam had already left for the day but he had breakfast plated for me on the counter with a not that said I hope you make the best of today. -A

He really is too nice. I do not know what I have done to deserve such friendship from him.

My day went by rather quickly, I am excelling in all of my classes so they really are a breeze. When I arrive at the shop Adam is leaving from taking a late lunch. He gives me a quick hug and said that he has a few things to talk to me about when I get home later. I look at him a little puzzled and say ok. He usually is not so serious.

Later that evening Victor comes in for his “free” burger and fries and unsweet tea. I have the cook start making it before he even sits at a table. When his food is out in les sthan ten minutes he asks “are you in sucha rush for me to not be here?”

I shake my head no and said “I just thought since I knew what you wanted I would go ahead and put your order in”

“I am just messing with you, it is ok.. But I do like the wait. It gives me more time uh with um waiting. “ he responds rather choppy.

I look at him with a questionable face and ask if hes ok. He laughs says ok and continues eating. After a little while and working through our supper rush I go towards his table to see he has already left and he left a $20 on the table. I shake my head as I pocket the money. The night goes quick with the rush and cleaning after. When I go to leave I spot his white dodge idiling in the lot. But this time I walk toward the truck. He rolls down the window and glances down at me with his amazingly blue eyes.

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