Read with BonusRead with Bonus


“thank you for the tip but you did not have too”

“I know I did not have too but I wanted too, that’s what your doing right working and getting tips?” he says

“well yes but you are already letting me use your car”

“which you are paying for.” He interrupts

“No I am not, a burger and fries is clearly not enough for a car rental” I say

He laughs and asks if I am alright. I tell him yeah and just look up at him for another moment.

“I like this” he says

Like what? I ask. “You looking at me like that” he responds

“ How am I looking at you?” I ask

“You look at me like I am this perfect person when indeed I am not.” He says

I laugh a short quiet laugh, if only he knew. “that is only partially true”

“ I hope you have a good night and get some rest tonight” Victor says

“ Thank you, I hope you do too” I say as I turn and walk back to the car,

When I arrived home Adam was up sitting at the counter.

“Why are you so late?” he asks

“What do you mean?” I reply. I am only maybe 15 minutes later than normal

“You are a good 10-15 minutes later than normal, I was getting worried. You didn’t answer your phone and 10 minutes ago when I called the shop no one answered.” He says

“ Oh, I am sorry. Victor was there so I stayed and talked to him for a minue.” I reply

“Why was he there?” Adam asked

“He usually is there every night I work waiting in the parking lot to make sure I leave safely.Tonight I went to thank him for the generous tip he left.”

Adam stood up and walked out the front door. I heard the truck crank up and speed out of the driveway. I hurriedly went and put my phone on charge, As I was waiting for the phone to charge I replayed our conversation. What did I say? Did I do something wrong…

When the phone cut on I tried callin Adam but I could hear his phone ringing in his bed room. I hung up and waited a few more minutes Then I called Victor. He answered on the first ring.

“Hey, I am sorry for calling so late but Adam…” I started

“I know, he just left here. He came to question me about my intentions with you. He almost knocked my door down trying to come in here” Victor said

“ oh, my goodness im so sorry, I have to go I think he is pulling back in” I say

“Ok he should be good now but if you need me call me and Ill be there” Victor said

Adam came in looking worn out and tired. I yelled at him what are you thinking?? You are not my father. You have no right questioning who I talk to!

Adam rubbed his hand acrosshis face and looked up at me. “I know and I am sorry. I just worry ever since Donald…” he started

I cut him off “ No! that will never happen again!” I yell Just please be nice Please. Let me have friends. Adam looked at me and said yes, I know you need people other than me its just hard to trust anyone again. You are precious. I love you.

I could not believe what Adam said, he loves me. What does that mean? He quickly started back “ I love you like a sister, like some one I need to protect. I thought it was romantic type love at first when you first cam ehere but its developed into more of a family type love. You mean so much to me. But I think I’ve grown to attached to you. We need to find your own place.”

“what are you saying? Youre kicking me out?” I ask

“No, I already was meaning to talk to ayou about finding your own place because I uh I am talking to someone more age appropriate and it doesn’t seem right having you live here. It could look weird to someone else.” Adam said

“I umm I understand I say. Ill start looking tonight” and I turn to walk away.

He stops me and says that I will always have a place there with him and I can always call him and he will always help me regardless of what relationship he winds up in. But it doesn’t feel true. I feel like I lost my last support, my last parental type in my life that I could trust. The next day I did not go to school. My birthday is just a couple days away and now I have to find my own place to live, by myself. I am still in high school. I don’t want to go back home to my good for nothing mother. But I may have too.

I finally find a single wide trailer that one of the rental guys in town owns. He gives it too me pretty cheap so I can manage. He knows about my crazy mom and the living situation so that is helpful.

I left Victor on delivered for the last two days while I was trying to sort all this out. I was hoping I would appear more of a grown up by not adding to my list of drama that I have. Adam takes it upon himself to have some new furniture delivered to the house as a birthday present.

I was so overwhelmed by all of the generosity. I sat down that night and decided to give Victor a call.

“Hey’ he said

“Hey, what are you up to?” I asked

“nothing much, just been wondering where you have been…” He replied

I went on to explain to him everything that had happened. Then I told him that I did not want to disturb him wth all of the nonsense. But I am pretty much settled now if he wanted to come by and see the new place. He agreed and said that he would be by in about an hour or two.

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