Read with BonusRead with Bonus


We cleaned up the kitchen and put everything away. As we were finishing I noticed the time. I had to get ready for work! I told Victor he was welcome to stay but I had to head into work soon. As I was making my way to my room I heard him walk in the living room. I quickly threw on my uniform and tied my hair back. I was not one for makeup so that was an easy 30 minutes saved there!

I walked back into the living room and Victor gave a small laugh “ that was fast”.

I stopped and felt like I should apologize for a moment but stilled myself. He spoke up again and he apologized instead “I am sorry I did not mean to offend you, I just heard and with my sister and mom girls always take much longer than necessary to get ready. I just wasn’t expecting you to be done already”

“Its ok, I don’t waste time with makeup so it is no rush. And I did my hair this morning, that usually takes a few minutes with all these curls.” I blushed in response.

“I love all those curls” He spoke softly back

“Thank you, I have a love hate relationship with them Sometimes they are great, other times they just do what they want. So a bun is usually how I rock it” I told him

“you do a great job either way, they look amazing done” Victor said.

I went and sat beside him on the couch. Victor turned and looked at me “Can I drop you off at work today?”

“um, sure. I mean you would have to bring me back home if youre to drop me off”I said back.

“That is kind of the plan” Victor said.

“Ok, if it is not putting you out of the way” I responded rather excitedly.

We sat in silence for the next couple of minutes. After a few I stood up to get my shoes and purse from the car.

Victor went and opened my door for me and help me up into the truck. As we rode into town we talked about what kind of music we liked. Then we played a game where he had me guess who was singing what. I failed miserably but he was great at it! Of course he would be. It was his game haha.

When we pulled into work Victor jumped out and opened my door . He asked me if it was ok if he came back later for supper. And I laughed in response and said of course. Supper time could not get here fast enough. Finally at about half past 8 he walked in.

He had showered and I could smell his scent before I even reached his table. He looked up with the most perfect grin and dimple when I reached him.

I sat his unsweet tea down and told him his plate would be on the way. He thanked me. We had a last minute rush come in so I had to stay busy until we closed. We would sneak glances at each other and throw a smile in here and there. It felt good having this sexy man watching my every move. Not creepy but nice. He helped wipe everything down at the end of the night so it cut our clean up time down in half and we headed out the door.

I talked about my shift and all the small town gossip as we made the way back to my place. I was so excited. I hope he was into me. Really truly into me. I wanted to kiss this full red lips so badly. I wanted to feel his heat. We got to the house and he still came around to open my door and he took my purse from me as I climb down out of the truck. Once we reached the stairs he handed it back and gave me a hug, We stood there for a few minutes embraced with each other. I could feel a small throb coming from below his waist but he was doing a good job as to not push his dick on me as we hugged. But oh I wanted to feel him. His muscles across his back were tight, I nestled my nose into his neck and breathed in deeply. I could feel his fingers twitching every now and then. I slowly pulled back but just enough to look up at him and to his lips that were so ready to be placed on mine. But Victor had other plans. He stepped back and down a couple steps like I just threw hot water on him…

“Are you ok?” I asked

“Yes, I just, have a good night Dawn. Do you work tomorrow?” He asked


“Ok. I’ll drive you if that’s ok.”

“of course” I responded and he went to his truck. I stood there for a minute watching him and finally I went inside. I was exhausted and maybe this was for the best. Maybe he was justbeing friendly and he wasn’t so into me. I showered and laid down in bed just as a Good Night text came through form Victor.

The next few weeks went on like this. He would come over to bring me back and forth to work then leave, Nothing more than a hug each time. Or a protective hand on my lower back when we were walking but that was it. I enjoyed spending time with him but I wanted more.

So I got off work early one night before closing. And Victor was waiting for me outside in the truck. When we started riding towards the house I talked anout how early it was still. “Do you want to come in a watch a movie maybe?” I asked

“Sure” Victor responded quickly.

When we got inside I told him that I needed to go change into something more comfortable while he picked the movie.

I closed the bedroom door and before I could talk myself out of it I picked up the lingerie I grabbed at the store last week. It was a lacy red halter top that was completely see through and a matching lacy red thong. I pulled my hair out of the bun and refreshed it with my oil spray. Once that was done I slipped my robe on as to not show anything off.

Victor was flipping through the channels when I walked up the hallway. I stopped right on the door frame. Before I could say his name he sensed me and looked up. That sexy smile was there.

“I have a surprise for you” I said

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