The Making and Losing of a Friend

The time finally came when I heard a knock at the door. I was so excited to make a cool older new friend that actually liked doing what I did. Sarah was ok, but she was into makeup, clothes and books. Me I liked books, yes , but I LOVED throwing the ball around and seeing what new things I could find out in the woods. Something about the calm and peaceful air always felt right. We left and I showed him all of my favorite spots. I showed him the pond, the deer trails I found, where I kept my secret stash of goodies if I stayed out all day long. The truth was some days my mom would lock me out and I would not have time to grab something to eat. So I would be outside all day feeling like I was starving because my mom would be getting high and having sex with her new flavor of the week. She did not think I knew but I did. My sister was old enough that one f her friends drove so she was rarely home anymore. But this went on with Cody for months all the way until November. Then one day when he came by to get me so we could go explore it was my sister that opened the door this time. Surprisingly they never officially meet. I could tell right away that she liked him. She had this odd way of batting her eyelashes that made them appear bigger than what they actually were. But at the same time it made her eyes look like an anime character all big and lost. But apparently it was what guys were into. Cody looked surprise to see her standing there and asked if I was home after a second. I was of course standing there.. right behind my sister.. but he was so drawn to her he did not even see me. I finally started jumping up and down over her should and saying yes I am right here. I pushed back my sister and grabbed his arm and turned him away. A few seconds later I heard he screaming wait up I want to come. In all my life she NEVER waited to hang out or do anything that I labeled as fun. I was furious. I told Cody let us hurry so we can lose her.

But he had other plans. He slowed and told me I should not be mean to her. It would suck to leave such a beauty in the woods by herself. I laughed and he gave me a mean glare The rest of that adventure was pointless. He started showing her all of our special thoughts, showing her our secret hiding places. THEN he showed her my secret stash! When our mom would lock me out it was never my sister too. She was either gone or balring music in her room so she never knew it was not because I wanted to stay outside all day it was because she would not allow me back in. a part of me wanted to tell her but another part of me knew it was my fault for some reason for being locked out so I never confided in her on the days where my clothes were unkept and I was eating like a starving animal in the middle of the night. She just thought I was hormonal. When he showed her my secret stash I became angry and ran. I ran and cried. I ran so hard by the time I reached my house only a few minutes had past. I ran inside and slammed my door. After what seemed like eternity my sister came back and plopped down on my bed to tell me how cute she thought Cody was. Then when I looked up at her I could see something more happened. Her shirt, which was tucked in before was untucked. Her top bottom popped and her face was red. I yelled you fucked him didn’t you?! She screamed back no! But I didn’t believe her. She told me they just kissed and she pulled away. She did not want her first time to be in the woods.

The next day when Cody showed up my sister was the first one at the door. Instead of him waiting for me she grabbed his hand and they disappeared into her room for hours. When he would finally come out her hair was always a mess and he looked like he just rolled out of bed. I was furious so I would never interrupt but I did always try to stand in the living room to see if he would want to hang out still. He never did. He would just wave goodbye or leave without saying a word. I gave up even answering the door because I knew he wasnt there for me anymore. It was like that over the next couple of weeks. I finally quit waiting for him and continued exploring on my own like how it used to be. Finally about March/ April my sister had enough of him and broke it off. He didn’t come back over for a little while. I felt like a bad friend and decided to skip the bus one morning to wait for him so we could talk There was some mornings when the bus would not show at all and my mom would just drop me off to school on her way to whatever job she may have had at the time. I hid in the bushes just until I started to see his shadow appear in the dark. Right when I was about to jump out to scare him I seen headlights coming down the road so I sunk back in. He stopped just short of the bushes I was in to let the car pass but instead it stopped as well too. That’s when I seen it was my mother.

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