Read with BonusRead with Bonus

The First Time

I listened carefully as she called him over to her. She was loud enough so I can hear but bold enough to where I wanted to sink all the way back and pray to not ever be on the receiving end of the reprimand she was about to give him. She asked if he was done toying with her daughter. Cody seemed surprised by this question and she asked him again. He told her that he was not toying with her. That she broke up with him and my mom could not believe it. She said well is it because you don’t know how to give a good fuck or what/ Cody again stepped back in shock that this grown woman was speaking to him this way. Then as she started to pull off she laughed and told him that if he wanted to learn she was a good teacher. I could not believe what I just heard! My mother was coming on to someone her own daughters age! How desperate could she get?!

I must have slipped and broke a branch or something because the next thing I knew Cody was reaching in and grabbed my bookbag and was pulling me back out of the bush. He asked me how much of that did I hear. I told him everything, so if you want to go tell your aunt we can. I heard it all. He slapped me then. Quick, fast and sharp right across the face. My hand flew up and covered my cheek and I took off running. I seem to always run away. Or at least try too. It was now close to where the sun could rise and you could see everything up and down the road so I had no issues getting back home. That was until half way down the road where the trees are huddled in close to one another for a few hundred feet I stopped moving and was flying backward. Cody grabbed my bookbag and was slamming me to the ground.

The wind was knocked out of my chest and I couldn’t not breathe. Hot tears were now rolling down my cheeks from the pain of my books in my book bag jabbing into my back. I could not talk. Cody sat on top of my with his legs on either side of my thighs and asked how much of that did you hear again. This time I did not respond. I just shook my head no. He slapped me again. How much of that did you hear?! I just stared at him through my tear filled eyes. He sat there a minute longer just staring at me. After I stopped crying and was able to slightly breathe better he looked away and whispered I am sorry. I of course knew this was my fault. I should of just went to school. Then none of this would have happened. SO I told him it was okay. Then in usually fashion I kept talking. I invited him over to the house since it seemed we were both skipping today. He helped me up and told me he may come for a few but he may not stay he wanted to just get home. We walked in silence the rest of the way to my house. Once we got inside I made us some eggs and toast to eat. It was about 8am now, I knew My mom would be at work by now and if she was going to work that would mean she would be getting the missing school phone call any minuet now. And lo and behold I was right. Two minutes later the house phone rang and I answered.

She screamed so loudly my ears rang. She wanted to know where I was at because she did not see me at the bus stop when she drove by the morning. I obviously had to tell her a quick lie so I told her I had to pee so I walked in the woods some to relieve myself just as the bus was coming. Then I started home but went through the woods in a shortcut instead of the road. She believed me even though we both knew she really did not care. Once I was off the phone with her Cody was watching me.

“You lie so easily” He said.

I rebutted with no I don’t, just some things are better left unsaid. Then I looked down and seen how filthy I was. I didn’t realize I had gotten so dirty. I told Cody I would be right back I was going to jump in a quick shower then we could play some video games.

After I grabbed clean clothes from the room and stripped down naked in the bathroom I heard a knock at the door. I yelled just a minute and there was nothing so I hopped in the shower. When I was holding my head under the water letting it rinse away all of the dirt and leaves I thought I heard the door open. When I pulled the curtain back Cody was standing there. I yelled for him to get out, but instead he moved closer. I asked him what he was doing and his only reply was the “some things are better left unsaid’’

I backed up to the corner of the shower as he reached in and turned it off. I had grabbed the shower curtain at some point and held it over myself trying to cover all my exposed skin. I thought he was my friend. What was he doing in the bathroom with me. What did he want. Was he still angry because I overheard my mom offer herself to him?

All the thoughts came rushing into my head as I stood there frozen waiting to see what he was going to do. He already hit puberty. I was running through the woods with him when his voice was starting to crack. I knew this much. His voice penetrated my thoughts “come here” I shook my head no. As soon as I started to turn my head in the motion of no he reached up and grabbed my wrist that was holding the curtain and yanked me toward him. I yelled please no don’t do this. He told me to shut up as he pulled me out of the shower. I still had the curtain wrapped around my body so as I was fumbling trying not to slip and fall on the soapy floor I wrapped my feet up even more in the curtain. It started to tear and fall down as I was pulled the rest of the way out. My wrist must have been slippery because right when he reached the bathroom door my wrist came free and I tumbled to the ground. Cody was like an animal as he turned around and looked at me. He yanked the shower curtain, tearing it in half as he grabbed for my arms. He hooked a hand under each of my arm pits and pulled me out of the bathroom like I was a sack of trash. That is how I felt in that moment. Like Trash, how did I keep getting myself in these situations. Why was I always on the end of some assault. What was I doing wrong?

He pulled me down the short hallway into my bedroom. He let go once he had me in the middle of the floor and told me to get on the bed. I did not move, which was a mistake on my part. Because after he shut the door and turned to see me still on the floor he screamed. Get on the fucking bed right now!

My Heart dropped and I scrambled to the bed on all fours. I did not want another beating. Granted this was not my father, but I could not imagine anything worse at my age that someone would do to me. Once I got to the bed and pulled myself up he was behind me grabbing my ass and pushing his hard cock against my back. He reached up and pushed down on my spine so my feet were still planted on the floor and my stomach was flat against the bed. I told him please no, don’t do this. And he asked me what it is that I thought he was going to do, I replied with beat me.

He told me what he had in mind was much better than a beating, that he would show that bitch of a mother of mine that he knew how to please a woman. I started crying because I thought about the sex scenes from the blaze books I would glimpse at in my skimming. This wasn’t what it was supposed to be like. I was too young. As I was thinking these things he slammed my ass to hard new tears pricked in the corner of my eyes. I could feel the sting as he stood up straight and used both his hands to spread my butt cheeks apart. I did not understand why he would want to see my ass like this. He reached down but instead of my ass this time he touched my pussy. He spread my legs apart further so he could “see Better”.

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