Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I cried for the next hour, I cried until I could barely open my eyes. It wasn’t until I heard the front door again and I nearly jumped off the bed that I realized how long had been crying. I rushed out the room half expecting Cody to be standing there but instead it was my mother. With red eyes and anger written all over her face. “What the fuck did you do?”

What did I do?! “ I did nothing, Cody came over and he pulled me out of the shower then raped me! I can prove it!” I started to lift my shirt and she lunged at me. She slammed her fist into my arm and told me not to accuse good people of such trash talk again. I pleaded with her that I wasn’t lying. She told me she did not want to hear it. She knew I was a whore and now I have taken a good boy from my sister with my whorish ways. I could not believe what I was hearing. I even told her I was bleeding down there and my ass and she scoffed and said I was so stupid that it was just my period. I could not show her any proof of what happened. She did not want to hear of any of it. Then she told me I needed to call Cody and apologize from making such terrible accusations. I cried no, please don’t tell him I told you. It will be so much worse the next time if he finds out. She turns and walks to the phone. Next thing I hear her in such s sweet tone “ Hey handsome, yes its me. Look Someone owes you an apology. Yeah she was saying some wild stuff..Stuff I know I would need to teach you when the time is right.. mmhmm not now.. You’re a naughty boy… yes shes right here.. ok love.” She cover the mouth piece and said “you would be so lucky for him to want you and to have sex with you . you better apologize or you will get ten licks when you get off the phone”

I took the phone from her and stared at the wall. Cody spoke up and said “Hey, you know what don’t apologize I want her to spank you. Just the thought of it turns me on” I hurriedly said “Im sorry Cody I apologize for what happened” MY Mom spoke up and told me it was all my fault so I told Cody I know its all my fault. He loved hearing that. He promised to see me in a couple of days then hung up. When I got off the phone my mom told me to head outside she had a new friend coming over she needed to get ready for and turned to leave. I tried one last time, I begged, pleaded for her to hear me. But it only made her angrier. So I left. I went to the woods and found a new hiding spot against a old tree with an opening in the bottom. I am pretty sure it was on a neighbors property but I did not care at this point. I settled in and cracked open a book. When I was not able to read the words any more I stood up and stretched. I was so sore, I could feel the bruising starting to knot up already and my skin tighten all over. I slowly made my wawy back home. By the time I got to the house my mom and her new toy had left so I just cleaned up and went to bed.

It was a week before I saw Cody again. This time it was another one of my late nights when I had to stay outside of the home while my mom had her “friend” over. I was walking down our dirt road when I heard someone running behind me. When I turned around he was already on top of me. He pushed me down right next door to my house in the neighbors front lawn. It was kind of sloped to where we were inclined just a little bit. I slapped at Cody and yelled for help. He placed one hand over my mouth while the other started to pull my pants down. I squirmed underneath his weight trying to get just a little bit of leverage so I could roll, move something. But I could not. I seen headlights to my left. It must be my moms friends leaving because no one else lived down that way. I tried biting his hand off of me but that only sped things up for him and turned him on more. When the headlights reached us Cody waved! He actually reached up and waved. The car never stopped. There was no way they could not see two people laying here. They should have seen me struggling. But they kept going. I started crying then. Tears were streaming down my face. Cody continued to pull my pants down just below my knees. When he leaned up to undo his zipper and pull his penis out I was able to flip just enough to kneel. I pushed with everything I had and it caused him to fall just enough I could finish standing. I pull my pants up and started running and screaming “help, someone please help me” It was no use. I seen my neighbors car was not home and my mom. Well she was probably enjoying a cigarette in the bath after her latest fuck.

It was pitch black dark now, we lived way out in the country so we had no street lights anywhere. You could just see the faint glow of houses here and there as you make your way down the dirt road. I came to the beginning of our long driveway. The whole time I was running I kept glancing back in hopes that Cody was not in pursuit. I never saw him. It wasn’t until I reached our gate that he grabbed me again. This time he pushed me down face first into the dirt. He was quicker about ripping my pants down. His hand was on my face, the sand I could fill scratching my cheek and going into my ear. I heard his pants fall. The next thing I remember was searing hot pain as he pushed raw and dry into me. I felt my skin tearing.

When he was finally done He thanked me, stood up and walked away. I laid there crying my eyes out. Wishing I would die. I never had this thought before until tonight. I was over it all. Over the pain and the hurt. Over being pushed aside and being treated like I was nothing. It was not worth me living anymore.

I pushed myself up and dressed myself. Once I was able to steady my feet I made my way home. I pushed open the front door. To see the house was a wreck. It looked like a tornado went through our living room. I yelled for my sister and mom but no one came. I tried to find them, I looked in every room. No one was there.

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