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Chapter 3

Chapter Three.

Harlow POV


It was the next morning. I lodged in a hotel last night to last the night, and now I’m awake. I checked out of the hotel quite early and I’m on my way back to the mansion.

I hauled down a cab and got in, he started driving after I told him my location. I’m not one to drive cars because I am a rough driver, and that is why I mostly make use of cabs.

Getting out of the cab, I paid the driver and strode into the mansion. All on my mind was to get my belongings and leave his home, I’ll send in a divorce letter later on after I sort out my emotions.

But this marriage? It’s over. They both disgusted me but he disgusts me more. I could have wanted to let go of my pain if only he didn’t do that much.

Going further into the mansion I suddenly felt chills all over my body. The house felt cold and I wondered why. I have never felt this way in my life but those chills went through my spines.

I stood in front of the trails as I held my turning head. I felt dizzy but still held in and ran through the stairs.

"Damon," I called slowly, but no one answered. Since he wasn't home, it was my best opportunity to pack my things and leave.

I opened the door to the bedroom and stepped in, but surprisingly, I got on something and slipped, getting me but hit the ground.

"Ouch," I winced, and I made to stand u,p, but my eyes fell on the pool of blood I was in. My hands were covered in blood, so as my clothes.

I yelled, terrified by the scene that was before me. "Ahhhh" I screamed in fear and shock written all over my face.

Damon lay lifeless in his blood pool. A knife was directly stabbed at his heart, and he looked like someone whose life had left his body for hours, his body pale and his lips dried; I screamed in horror again.

I stood up, staring at my hands filled with blood. I was trembling in fear and tears were now on my face.

"What is this? Why? How?" I tried to think but it wasn't even making sense as I continued stuttering.

How could he be dead?

Who killed him?


" God." I walked over to his body. My legs were a bit sticky, but I still went ahead to check if he was still breathing.

I stood in front of his cold body. Trying to remove the knife but it was effortless and was struck hard into her heart. Piercing the in and outside of his body.

Why this painful death?

I cried out, my hands on his body trying to stop the blood that was gushing out of his chest.

"Please, please wake up. I didn't mean you dead. I was just hurt and I just said things. Please, Damon, wake up and let go our separate ways without you being dead." I cried, my hands shaking every now, and I knew one thing: he was dead already because his body was already cold.

I see reasons why I felt cold when I first got into the house. Someone had murdered him. He just couldn't kill himself. Where’s Sylvia?

I glanced around and saw his blood handwritten. He could have written this before he gave up the ghost I suppose.

"FINN" I was breathing heavily as I read the name out loud, Finn? Who’s Finn?

I just couldn’t think more or less as I took out my phone to call the cops and 911; as soon as I called both, I called our families too.

I could hear the door open, and some people made sounds. I knew it was the cops instantly because it had been a while since I called them.

The door opened, and both families dashed in with shocked faces. Who wouldn’t be shocked by the sight? It was horrible.

“Harlow Krane, this place is surrounded by the DSS, and you’ll be advised not to attempt to escape as you’ll be shot down dead.” I could hear the announcement from outside which had me more surprised.

What the fuck was happening?

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Clark's mother cried out in pain as she encountered a pool of blood at the entrance of the room.

"Damon." She screamed, tears falling from her eyes as she touched her lifeless son. I was still there staring at everyone surprised because I couldn’t understand why my name was called like a criminal.

She dashed towards me and held my clothes suddenly. "What did he ever do to you? Why did you do this to him? " She fired at me. I stood there aghast, shocked, and terrified at the same time.

What kind of accusation was that?

"I didn't do this! I called the cops already when I met him like this. I came in myself to see him this way; I was as terrified as you guys are right now," I defended, but she wasn't listening.

"You called the cops when you met him like this? Does this make sense in your ears? It seems right to see you in the pool of blood, his blood all over your clothes like you used it to take your bath." She screamed, her hands already on my neck. Ready to choke me and I cried out.

" I didn't do this," I yelled in tears as it was as though no one believed me, and she was choking me to death. She let go, and I breathed in.

I turned my face towards my sister and my parent. If Damon's family didn't believe me, then my family would. They knew I couldn’t do this, for goodness sake.

"Mother, Father. You need to believe me. I didn't kill him," I cried out desperately, but they didn't say a word.

I could hear Mia, my older sister, scoffing. She narrowed her eyes and sneered. "How do you expect us to believe that lie huh? You've always been violent since college, and now your hands and body are covered in a pool of blood.“

”I’m telling the truth; I have no hands in this. I swear with my fucking life, you all know I’ll never do something like this.“

”How come he’s dead and alone with you then? You are here denying you didn't kill Damon. You stole him away from me, and now you have finally succeeded in killing him." She cried out like she was in sympathy.

But then I didn't expect much from her. She was the sympathetic fool here. She had always wanted me dead, so she could have Damon to herself, but she just lost all the opportunities, so she was coming back at me.

"I have never been violent, and I didn't kill him. I didn't. Mom, Dad. You aren't saying anything?" I asked, my face now looking at them desperately.

Four of the cops entered immediately, and two pointed their guns toward me; one was coming toward me while I kept moving backward, scared.

“Harlow Krane, you are under arrest for the murder of Damon Rad, any words you say right now will be used against you at the court.”

I was handcuffed and dragged away.

"I swear I didn't kill him. How can I kill my husband." My hands trembled in fear. "Mom, mom, y…you don't trust me? You don't believe me? I'm your daughter and you've to believe me." I cried out in pain at the worst accusation I could ever face.

"Even if we want to believe you, the evidence is too glaring to think you are innocent?" That was my dad talking.

I stopped struggling for a while, and my whole world was crushed; I looked at mom's face, hoping she’d say something, but she didn’t say anything.

I just wished Damon would just wake up and stand up and just say the name of whoever killed him so I could be left out of this.

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