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Safe and Sound

Arianna was scared but had to put on a brave expression. She was dressed in a long ball gown, and she cursed under her breath. “Why the fuck did I wear a long gown? Fuck, this will slow down my mission,” she mumbled worriedly.

She looked around, and on sighting one of her uncles with a keeper, she took a deep breath in relief. Although she was brave, she still couldn't help but worry about getting killed, because her stepmother would not blink an eye before ordering for her death. That woman hated her so much that sometimes she couldn't help but wonder if she had offended her in her past life.

Arianna swiftly checked her head and redressed her gown, she faked a bright smile, and boldly walked under the canopy where the celebration was going on. She noticed that the party was not as lively as it used to be, and at the back of her mind, she scoffed at her father, happy that their evil practice was not fully carried out. She knew it was because Anita and the other strangers were released, but she acted oblivious to the truth.

“Uncle Joe, is everything alright?” Arianna asked with a fake sympathetic voice.

Her uncle was shocked to see her in that premise and his eyes widened in surprise. “Arianna, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping at home?” Her uncle Joe, asked suspiciously.

Arianna knew she had to act and think fast, and she did the first thing her instinct directed her to do. She placed a hand on her uncle's shoulders, gently squeezing it. “Uncle, sleeping is boring, and I want to do something different. Moreover, I had a lengthy conversation with my great uncle, and he advised me to become concerned about the matter of the town. He said that was the only way to prove my lineage and heritage,” she replied with the perfect smile she could think of.

“Humm, so you suddenly want to prove your heritage. I thought you said you didn't care about finding out about your lineage,” Uncle Joe said with a grimace on his face.

Arianna knew the conversation might end up implicating her so she decided to guilt-trip her uncle into helping her. “Uncle Joe, why are you acting so strange? You're one of the people who is fond of telling me to pay attention to my father's chiefdom, now I have finally decided to listen to you, yet you're sending me away. Is it perhaps because I am motherless?” She asked and burst into fake tears.

Uncle Joe immediately became pitiful and he blamed himself for making the young lady cry. “I am not trying to discourage you, dear niece. I was merely concerned about you not having a decent sleep. But anyway you shouldn't be here. The keepers have no major respect for your father, they will happily cut off your head if they find you here,” he replied with a look of concern.

Arianna stylishly looked around, and on sighting Anita and Jacob in the dark corners, she moved to phase two of her plan. “Wow, I didn't know they disrespect my father. I have to get out of here then. Please, we have to hurry,” she told her uncle. The door they used to enter had been shut tightly.

“Fine, fine, let go,” Uncle Joe agreed, and Arianna quickly held his hand, hoping to leave that place fast, because at any time an alert could enter that the sacrificial items were missing. But she didn't expect it to happen so fast because the men were having fun.

Jacob and Anita swiftly followed Uncle Joe from the shadows, making sure that no one saw them. When they got to the front of the Ku Di Jo hotel, a loud announcement was made about the missing stranger and the gatemen were ordered to shut the door, but before they could, Anita and Jacob ran out at the speed of lightning.

“Ken, allow my niece to leave, please,” Uncle Joe begged one of the guards who he was familiar with, and luckily for him, Ken smiled at Arianna and opened the door for her to pass.

“Thank you very much, Uncle Joe and brother Ken,” Arianna appreciated and ran out hurriedly. She could hear growls as the leader ordered the hooded drillers to go out and look for the escaped men. She took to her heels, running to the forest like there was no tomorrow.

Anita stopped to look at the back, and she saw the same creepy elderly woman whose car she entered. The woman was seated on the roof, a menacing smile on her face.

‘That escape was too easy,’ she heard the woman's hoarse voice echoing in her ears and it was followed by mischievous laughter.

“Jacob, look at that elderly woman,” Anita called out to Jacob who was running like his life depended on it. Jacob slowed down, but on looking in the direction which Anita pointed, he couldn't find anyone.

“But she was right there, mocking us,” Anita looked confused herself, but Jacob shook his head and held her hands, running along with her.

“You're just tired, let's go,” Jacob said softly.

Anita looked at the back with furrowed brows and the woman was still seated there, smiling at her menacingly, mumbling the same cryptic words, but unfortunately, Jacob was unable to see her.

Bobby and the seven strangers were in the woods, impatiently expecting Arianna, Anita, and Jacob. Bobby looked scared, and he kept pacing around. Some of the strangers tried to calm him down, but he refused to be calm until he had seen Arianna. Immediately Arianna was sighted from above, Bobby's face lightened up and he ran to hug her like a little child.

The young couples exchanged a quick kiss before Jacob and Anita joined them.

“We have to move quickly, the guards will soon catch up with us,” Jacob informed him, looking at the back to secure their safety.

Anita had a worried look on her face, she knew something strange was going on, but bringing it to the group's attention at that moment was not the best option, because everyone wanted to survive.

“So you're Anita?” Judy, one of the ladies said with a smug look on her face, her eyes scrutinizing Anita. The other strangers looked at her indifferently and Ariana couldn't help her curiosity.

Anita was shocked to see that the same woman and man she met at the market were the ones who rescued her, she was even more astonished when she found out that they were couples. But there was no time to exchange pleasantries, because a big jeep arrived at that moment, and the light was turned off so as not to attract the guards’ attention.

“Our ride is here,” Arianna informed everyone with a smile on her face.

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