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Lady Nira and Eclipse

“The Eclipse Messenger,” Jacob said, disrupting the silence in the room.

“What did you say?” Bobby asked him curiously.

“I could swear that I have seen the Eclipse Messenger, back at the coffee shop, she was there,” Jacob continued.

Anita looked interested and she sat down on the available chair. “Who is the Eclipse Messenger?” She asked no one in particular.

“She's just a stupid fairytale witch. Mothers tell their children about her story to discipline them and to make them obey their words,” Jay explained with a gentle smile.

“When I was young, I refused to attend elementary school. My mother told me if I disobeyed her orders, she would tell the Eclipse Messenger to haunt me. I didn't believe her, but shockingly, the next day, an old woman appeared in front of my room. Her teeth were all broken and wrinkles were on her face, she kept looking at me, smiling menacingly and promising to haunt me if I didn't listen to my mother. I was so scared, and that was the last day I disobeyed my mother,” Rose shared her story, laughing at the memory.

“So the Eclipse Messenger truly exists, and she's friends with your mother?” Amira asked Rose with widened eyes.

“No, no, hell no. I was always haunted by that old woman's face, so when I got to college, my mother eased my fear and confessed that the old woman who came to our house was her friend's grandmother,” Rose replied.

“Wow, that's creepy. I would have lost my mind if I was in your shoes,” Jay said, giggling excitedly.

Everyone burst into laughter– everyone except Bobby.

“The Eclipse Messenger is not an ugly woman, it is said that there are hundreds of messengers, but the Eclipse Messenger is the only one known. The remaining have vanished from Earth, they left the minute the dragon goddess disappeared,” Bobby informed them with a frown. “The demon lord created his own group of selfish messengers, but they're nothing like the first ones.”

“Are the dragon goddess's messengers good people?” Anita asked, her voice laced with fear.

“In the past, the messengers were the goddess servants. Out of the hundreds that existed, she had four favorites: The Moon Messenger, The Star Messenger, The Galaxy Messenger, and The Forest Messenger. This messenger's primary assignment was to take care of her children.

Legend has it that no one knew about the Eclipse Messenger, she was the least popular despite her heavenly beauty. It is rumored that Eclipse fell in love with the most powerful daughter of the dragon goddess. They would both play around without the dragon goddess's permission.

One day, The Star Messenger got angry that the Eclipse Messenger was stealing away the heart of the girl she was instructed to protect, so she told the goddess about the unholy relationship going on between her daughter and one of her messengers. The goddess became angry and sent out the Eclipse Messenger from Willowbrook, it was at that time that calamity befell Willowbrook, and the goddess vanished, along with all her messengers.

The Eclipse Messenger didn't leave with her because she had been banished from Willowbrook. But when the goddess disappeared, The Eclipse Messenger returned to the town, but as a different person. No one knows if she's in support of the demon lord or if she wants to bring back the goddess and her children.” Arianna explained everything that had happened in the past.

Anita, Amira, Rose, and Jay looked scared, and the ladies looked around to make sure that no one was watching them.

“This is so creepy!” Rose moaned and hugged Anita in fear. Anita was surprised by her sudden gesture, but she hugged her back.

“The history of this town is so complicated. But what does it have to do with us? Why have foreigners been sacrificed?” Jay asked.

“Let me explain this one, please,” Jacob said, his voice filled with mischief.

“No, I doubt Jacob is the right person to explain it. He lied to me during our first meeting and told me a different story,” Anita chipped in, looking at Jacob with a one-sided smile. Jacob smiled broadly at her.

“Actually, half of the story I told you is true. I don't know the original version, only the royal family knows what happened. Arianna knows a bit because her father is a chief, and of royal bloodline,” Jacob replied sincerely.

“Yes, that's true. Not everyone knows what truly happened. I am also aware because my ancestors were serving in the palace as soldiers when the great war took place,” Bobby said.

“Great war? Wow, this is getting more interesting. Please tell us about this great war and the demons’ invasion,” Amira pleaded, curious to know what happened.

“And how it is connected with us,” Jay chipped in.

“Okay, sit tight. This might get a little creepy,” Bobby informed them, after receiving a go-ahead from Arianna.

“I think we should turn on the light. I might not be able to sleep tonight if I get too frightened,” Rose cried out playfully.

“Don't worry, you will be fine,” Anita comforted her with a friendly smile.

“Thousands of years ago, the dragon goddess, mother of all living things and keeper of the Willowbrook magic, gave birth to four children: two females and two males. The children were loved and adored by everyone, and the goddess blessed each of them with a messenger who would guide and educate them.

Lady Nira was the most jovial and curious of all the goddess's children. She was always eager to discover new things and meet new people. Her messenger, Star, wasn't able to match the young girl's energy, and most times, Lady Nira would stay with The Eclipse Messenger who would teach her and take her on tours. Lady Nira and Eclipse hid their relationship because her mother had warned her not to associate with anyone, other than her siblings and Star.

The dragon goddess was overprotective of her children, she looked at them equally and made sure they had a good relationship with one another, until one night.

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