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The Dragon Goddess Left

“The Eclipse Messenger convinced Lady Nira to ask for her mother's dragon power, to become the next ruler. Nira wasn't interested in this, but because of her fondness for Eclipse, she decided to obey her.

The dragon was shocked when her daughter asked for her power source, she took it that Nira was curious, so she playfully told her that it was Willowbrook's sacred tree that empowered her.

Star found out that Eclipse was the one behind the question, and she banned Nira from seeing her. Nira refused to obey her, so Star threatened to report her to the goddess. Nira knew her mother might punish Eclipse if she found out they were friends, so she stopped seeing her. But little did she know that Eclipse was in love with her.

At that time, seven foreigners arrived in Willowbrook, and they were mesmerized by the beauty. These foreigners were explorers, and on hearing about the dragon goddess and her four children, they longed to see them, but it was impossible, because of the dragon's overprotective nature.

Eclipse thought of this as a great time to bond with Nira so she snuck into her room and told her about the strange humans who had just arrived. Nira's curiosity got the better part of her, and when she was sure that Star was busy with something else, she ran to visit the foreigners and became friends with them.

For seven days, the foreigners wine and dined with Nira, Eclipse, and the villagers of Willowbrook. Everything was going fine, until the shedding night; during the shedding period, the goddess was usually weak and thus had to go into hiding. After kissing her children, the dragon left Willowbrook, accompanied by her messengers, only the four messengers assigned to her children stayed behind. But Eclipse secretly left the goddess's side and came back to Willowbrook.

The villagers were given alcohol to drink, and in the middle of the night, they became drunk. The foreigners asked for the goddess's secret, and according to them, it belonged in the city. The drunk villagers told them that the dragon's strength was her children, once you are in possession of them, you will be very powerful. So the foreigners captured the goddess' three children, and accidentally took Moon as part of the children. {Unknown to them that her children were her weakness}

Nira was with Eclipse in the woods at that time, and she was oblivious to the villager's betrayal. She seemed that something was wrong, and quickly ran back to the town, but it was too late, her siblings were gone.

Star, oblivious of what transpired, saw Eclipse in the woods while searching for Nira, and she sent her to the dragon, calling her a traitor.

The dragon goddess felt strange, but she thought it was because of her shedding. When she heard about Eclipse and her daughter's relationship, she banished her from Willowbrook.

Everything became painfully clear when the goddess returned and met everywhere in ruin, worse still, she couldn't find any of her children. Nira had left the town, in search of her siblings. The dragon found out that her children had been captured, and the good in her turned dark. She blamed the villagers for betraying her and cursed Willowbrook. The dragon goddess left the town, in search of the foreigners, and her messengers turned into her armies.

After the goddess left, the demon lord came to Willowbrook and fell in love with our land. He took us as his subjects and began to terrorize our people, always demanding blood. The elders had a meeting and promised to offer him foreigners’ blood, in return, he would change the town's predicament. To do that, the demon needed a seed of the dragon goddess, but the last of them, Nira , was missing, so instead of making the town better, he sent out all the fairies protecting Willowbrook in the goddess's absence, and brought in his demons. Since then no one knows where the goddess, her children or Nira are. There’s a tale that the goddess returned from the search empty-handed, and battled with the demon lord for the throne. But she lost because she was weak, and the demon trapped her spirit in the Willowbrook tree.

Several years later, Nira came back for her mother. Unfortunately, she was mistaken for a stranger and was sacrificed, but being a local and the daughter of the goddess, she was reincarnated, and her reincarnation woke up her mother who came crying for her daughter.

The demon lord realized that the only way for the dragon goddess to defeat him was if she found her children. No one knew what happened next, but since then, Nira has not been found, and her siblings are as good as gone. But they’re still alive, we the creations of the goddess can sense them, but we don't know how to reach them.

A seer prophesied that Nira is the only one who can regain peace and help defeat the demon lord. She is the dragon goddess's most powerful daughter, she is the one with the real dragon. The seer told us that Nira would return at the right time, but for centuries now, we've waited and lost hope. We are tired of the demon lord and his monthly sacrifice. He is killing us slowly, but there's nothing we can do.” Bobby paused, and the listeners looked at him eager to know what happened next, some of them had even held their breath. “That’s the story of the great war and the demon lord’s invasion,” he said with a melancholic smile.

“It is related to you guys because our ancestors promised to offer foreigners blood. And the villagers dislike foreigners, they see them as the cause of this misfortune,” Arianna chipped in.

“So we'll get sacrificed to the demon lord as a peace offering in exchange for some stupid explorer mistake?” Amira asked with arched brows, trying to figure out the meaning.

“Apparently, not just you, but your entire generation if care is not taken,” Jacob replied and sighed sadly.

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