Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Getting Help

“As much as I love this new feeling, we still can't ignore the main issue on the ground. We need to straighten things out. We can't keep hiding forever,” Arianna said. They had just finished eating their lunch, and sat down in a well-ventilated room, enjoying the cool breeze.

“You are right, Arianna. Sooner than later we'll be found, we need to figure out how to deal with this mess,” Jay chipped in, and everyone's eyes were on Anita.

Anita felt overwhelmed, but she tried to control herself. “I don't know what to say. I've thought about your words, but I still don't believe I am the dragon goddess's reincarnated daughter. It sounds so unimaginable,” she replied politely.

Bobby leaned forward, his expression serious. "We understand it's a lot to take in, Anita. But we've seen the signs, the connections you've's hard to deny the truth."

Anita shook her head. "I know what you're saying, but what does it even mean? What am I supposed to do? Who am I going to meet? How do I defeat this demon lord? And how sure am I that I am not just some ordinary girl who was cursed at birth?” she asked, her eyelashes dropping in sadness.

Arianna placed a reassuring hand on Anita's arm. “I don't know much about you, we met just a few days ago, but I know you're special, and we'll figure it out together.”

“You're so sweet and kind, Arianna. Bobby is so lucky to have an angel like you,” Anita replied, a teardrop escaped from her eyes, and Arianna caught it before it fell on her cheeks.

“I am honored to know you,” Arianna confessed with a smile. “The squad and I have been researching, trying to understand the prophecy and your role in it." She informed me.

Jacob took the notebook to the center table. "I've been studying ancient texts. It seems the dragon goddess's children are meant to wield immense power, but also face great danger, that's why they need messengers.”

Rose, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "Danger from who? The demons? I thought the demon appeared after the goddess left, why did the goddess know that her children would be in danger? Was she aware of the demon lord's plan?"

"I don't know if she was. But you're right, the demon lord has always been envious of Willowbrook since the beginning. When the goddess left Willowbrook, that was the perfect opportunity for him to strike. That's why we need to awaken your powers, Anita,” Bobby replied.

"What powers? I don't feel any different. I doubt I even have any power." Anita said soberly.

Bobby smiled broadly. “You're still discovering yourself, over time, you will have access to it."

Anita's face lit up with curiosity. "Really? How do I access these powers?"

Arianna smiled. "That's what we need to figure out. Together."

"I think I might know someone who can help in terms of awakening a dead dragon,” Jacob confessed, his eyes pointing to Anita.

Anita's eyes locked onto Jacob. "Who is it?"

Jacob hesitated, collecting his thoughts. "His name is Elijah. He's an ancient sage, knowledgeable in dragon lore and magic. He's very cunning, I learned to be mischievous from him."

"And you trust him?"Jay's brow furrowed.

Jacob nodded. "I've heard stories about Elijah's wisdom and neutrality. If anyone can help Anita awaken her powers, it's him."

Rose leaned forward, intrigued. "Where can we find him?"

Jacob consulted his notebook. "Elijah resides in a secluded monastery, deep within the Willowbrook Spine mountains."

Bobby's expression turned serious. "That's treacherous terrain, filled with dark creatures and hidden dangers. We can't venture into that part of the woods, it is too risky."

Arianna's grip on Anita's arm tightened. "We'll face those risks together, we are a team."

Anita took a deep breath, determination etching her features. "Let's do this. I'm ready to discover who I truly am."

“The main issue is, how do we leave here without getting noticed by those searching for us?” Jay asked, bringing everyone's attention to their major problem.

"We'll need a secret secure route," Bobby said, studying the map spread out before them. "I know a local guide who might be willing to help. His name is Marcus, and he's familiar with the Willowbrook Spine's hidden paths."

Jacob nodded. "I've heard of Marcus, he is a distant family friend. He's trustworthy."

Arianna's eyes sparkled with determination. "Let's contact Marcus and arrange a meeting."

Rose's brow furrowed. "How do we know we can trust him?"

Bobby smiled reassuringly. "Marcus is one of us, I am sure he has also lost people to this ritual. He's loyal to the cause." He answered and gave Jacob a melancholic look, which Anita saw.

Anita's thoughts turned to Elijah, the ancient sage. "What can we expect from Elijah? Will he be willing to help?"

Jacob's expression turned thoughtful. "Elijah's motives are never clear-cut. He'll help if it suits his interests."

Jay's eyes narrowed. "And what interests might those be?"

Jacob shrugged. "That's for us to find out."

"What if Elijah demands something in return for his help?" Amira spoke up, her voice filled with concern.

Jacob's expression turned thoughtful. "That's a possibility. We'll need to be cautious."

The room fell silent, and each member lost in their thoughts, weighing the risks and potential rewards of seeking Elijah's guidance.

Anita's eyes dropped in fear. “Guys, I can't believe you are willing to go through this risk. But please, if it turns out that I am not the true Dragon daughter, can you promise to forgive me?” she asked solemnly.

“Anita, please try to believe in yourself. This is not just about us, it's about our children, sisters and brothers, and our future,” Rose replied, trying to cheer her up, and Amira quickly stood up.

“But I can bet my whole life savings, that you're the dragon's daughter, you look like one,” Amira said jovially, trying to clear the air.

Everyone laughed at her joke, and at that moment, it seemed like everything would be alright. Bobby excused himself and went outside, he took a pen and a small paper, and wrote a letter to Marcus, directing him to come to the storehouse. The letter was signed in Jacob's name. The letter was tied to the leg of a pigeon, and it flew in the direction Bobby directed.

“I have sent it,” Bobby announced as he entered the house.

“What's next?” Amira asked curiously.

“Let's get ready, take a bath, pack what we might need, then we'll get dinner. I am sure by that time, we'll have gotten Marcus's response,” Bobby replied with a grimace.

“Oh! How about after dinner we should have a heart-to-heart conversation, getting to know one another. It's essential to know and trust one another,” Rose suggested happily, and Amira quickly agreed.

“I'm in,” Jay said, “There are a lot of people I am curious to know more about,” he continued, his eyes fixed on Anita.

Bobby and Jacob looked like they wanted to disagree with the rest of them, but Arianna stopped them.

“I think it's a good idea, let's do it!” Arianna agreed, and the three people who agreed earlier raised their fists triumphantly.

Jacob and Anita looked at each other with furrowed brows, and Jacob smirked mischievously.

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