Read with BonusRead with Bonus

The Fifth Virgin

The room was dark and the only sign of light in that room was the one coming from the burning woods. Soft eerie music was being played in the background, and creepy cries could be heard from the other rooms.

‘The demon was a man until he sacrificed a virgin human,

His glory is our curse, we have to keep on sacrificing,

Today we have come, with five virgins,

Accept it, we pray, and show us your mercy.’

Those cryptic words kept echoing in Anta's head, as though she was being forced to listen and obey them.

Her head hurts so bad and she couldn't help but wonder if hundreds of people were drumming on it. After laying on the bed for hours, slowly her eyelashes fluttered open, taking in the mysterious room she was in.

“Where am I?" Anita murmured as she turned her head around the room. She knew she wasn't in her room, this place looked nothing like hers, but she also couldn't remember how she got her.

All she could grasp was entering an older woman's car, and suddenly everything became dark.

She tried to concentrate to think about her next step of action, but the consistent cryptic words were making it annoyingly hard. ‘Think Anita! Think!’ She cried out to herself, trying to focus, but it did nothing to help her memory.

“Help! Somebody help me!" She heard a loud cry from another room, and it was followed by the sound of a drilling machine. When the machine was turned off, the shouting disappeared…. vanished. Leaving no sign of its existence.

And just like that another lady began to scream, the drilling machine was turned on and off, and then silence prevailed every corner.

This routine felt strange and scary to Anita. ‘Who were the ladies? Why are they screaming? Are they being molested or killed?” She asked herself, her voice shivering like a frightened fish.

Anita didn't know what to do, so she tried standing up from the bed, hoping to help the ladies, but it was impossible, as her body was tied to the bed. She struggled for hours but her effort was futile, the chain holding her body refused to shatter.

On realizing that it was useless to struggle or call for help, Anita calmed down and listened to the cryptic words, hoping to gain something for it.

‘Today we have come, with five virgins.’ That specific line caught her attention, and her eyes widened in shock.

She was not a virgin; she was far from being one.

‘What am I going to do? Are they going to kill me if they find out that I am not a virgin like they assume?’ She wondered out loud and began to struggle once again. At this point, tears were beginning to drop from her eyes, and she looked like a desperate mother Hen trying to save her baby from an eagle. But in her case, she was trying to save her life for ‘Ku Di Jo.’

‘Ku Di Jo': she murmured thoughtfully, then the frightened look on Jacob's face when she told him the man of the hotel flashed in her eyes, and her eyes widened in horror. Before she could find her tongue, her phone rang, and her eyes quickly found their way to her chest pocket. But her hands were tied, and she couldn't pick up the call. The phone rang two times before Anita remembered that her phone could also work through voice control.

"Answer call," Anita instructed, her voice shaking slightly. And luckily for her, the call went through.

"Hello?" a familiar voice said on the other end.

"Jacob!" Anita exclaimed, relief washing over her. "Where are you? I need your help!"

"Anita, what's going on? I've been trying to reach you for hours. Where are you?" Jacob asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I don't know," Anita replied, trying to hold back tears. "I was taken by some people. I don't know where I am or what they want with me."

"Okay, stay calm," Jacob said. "I'll try to track your location. Can you hear anything around you? Any sounds or voices?"

Anita listened carefully, trying to focus on the sounds around her. "I can It's eerie and creepy. And there are voices, whispers. They're saying something about sacrifices and virgins."

Jacob's voice grew urgent. "Anita, I think I know what's going on. We need to get you out of there, now."

Anita's heart raced with fear. "What can I do, Jacob? I'm tied up and can't move."

"Try to stay calm," Jacob said. "I'll do everything I can to find you. Just hold on, okay?"

Anita nodded, even though Jacob couldn't see her. "Okay...I'll try."

The line went silent for a moment before Jacob spoke up again.

“Anita, try not to listen to that eerie sound. If not when I get there you might be unconscious or dead,” he informed her with a caring voice.

“But that's impossible, Jacob. The sound is loud and tempting. Please help me!" Anita burst into tears as she called out for help.

Suddenly she heard approaching footsteps, whoever was coming was walking fast, scaring the hell out of her.

“Oh my gosh! I think the drilling people are here for me!" Anita cried out before Jacob could console her.

"Drilling people?” Jacob sounded confused. "Anita, act dead or asleep. I will be there with backup very soon. Please, try not to die before I get there,” he pleaded with a soft emotional tone.

Anita's heart raced as the footsteps approached. She tried to calm herself down, remembering Jacob's words. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, pretending to be unconscious. The footsteps stopped in front of her, and she could sense a presence looming over her. She remained still, trying not to flinch.

"Ah, the fifth virgin," a voice said, dripping with malice. "You're one of the final pieces of our ritual."

Anita's eyes remained shut, but she could sense the person's gaze on her. She tried to slow down her breathing, hoping to convince them she was unconscious.

"Let's get this over with," another voice said, and Anita felt a hand grab her ankle.

She bit her lip, trying not to cry out as they began to untie her. She was lifted off the bed and carried away, her eyes still closed.

"Jacob, please hurry," she whispered to herself, hoping he could hear her.

As she was carried, the eerie music and creepy cries grew louder. Anita's heart pounded in her chest, and she wondered if she would ever see Jacob again.

Suddenly, she was thrown onto a cold, hard surface. She opened her eyes to find herself in a dimly lit chamber, surrounded by hooded figures. On different beds were four ladies and two men, their eyes were shut.

The leader, a tall figure with glowing eyes, began to chant. "The demon demands sacrifice, and we shall deliver."

Anita remembered Jacob's comforting words and tried to stay calm, hoping he would arrive soon.

But as the chanting grew louder, Anita's fear took over. She screamed, and the hooded figures closed in on her…

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