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Who Called Him?

Jacob felt scared, and he couldn't help but imagine the dreaded things that would happen to Anita if the hooded sacrificers found out that she wasn't dead.

He hurried out of his house grabbing his power bike keys and element. He was in such a hurry that he forgot his phone, after cracking the engine of the bike, he remembered that he had forgotten his phone, and he quickly went into his house to take it.

After settling down comfortably on the bike's seat, he put on his element and dialed Arianna's number. It rang but there was no answer, he called her two more times, but it was the same story. The phone kept ringing, yet no one answered it. Disappointed and defeated, he decided to call her boyfriend and bodyguard, Bobby; at the first ring, the call was picked up, and a husky muscular voice responded.

"Hey, Jacob! What's up? Why are you calling me?" Bobby's voice was deep and confident. And he sounded annoyed, as though the call interrupted something urgent.

"Good morning to you too, Bobby! I've been trying to reach Arianna, but she's not answering my calls. I need your help, man. I'm really worried about Anita. She's in big trouble, and I need Arianna's expertise to track her down," Jacob explained, his voice laced with concern.

“Anita? Who is that?” Bobby asked, his tone turning serious.

“The lady I told you and Arianna about. The one being monitored by the Eclipse Messenger," Jacob replied, his anxiety growing.

"With all due respect and a hint of care. I don't think Arianna can help you in this case. If she enters that cursed hotel, her father will skin her alive before burning her!” Bobby's voice was filled with love for Ari.

“I didn't say she should enter, I just need her expertise. I will enter and rescue the ladies. By the way, Where's Arianna?" Jacob asked curiously.

"She is discussing with her uncles, she should be out in any minute…..” Bobby paused his sentence and had a quick conversation with a female. “...... she's done with her meeting," he informed Jacob.

"Thank goodness,” a look of relief washed over Jacob's face, and he felt a little bit better. “Ariana, please help," he cried out.

“Where are you, right now?" Ariana asked with a gentle voice.

"I am near Ku Di Jo Hotel," Jacob replied; eerie music playing in the background.

“I will meet you in a jiffy,” Arianna assured him, and a little disagreement broke out between her and Bobby. He didn't want her to leave, but she was determined. After arguing for a few minutes, Bobby sighed in defeat.

“Fine! We will see you in a few minutes," Bobby reluctantly said and caught the call.

As he waited for Arianna and Bobby, Jacob's mind wandered back to Anita. He could almost hear her screams echoing in his mind, and his heart ached with worry. He knew he had to act fast.

Suddenly, his bike's headlights illuminated a figure approaching. Arianna's slender figure emerged from the darkness, her long hair blowing in the wind. Bobby followed closely behind, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of concern and protectiveness.

Jacob let out a sigh of relief as he ended the call. He knew Arianna's expertise and presence would be invaluable in rescuing Anita. He glanced around, taking in the eerie atmosphere of the Ku Di Jo Hotel's surroundings. He could also hear the music, it seemed to grow louder, and the shadows cast by the flickering street lights seemed to twist and writhe like living things.

“I can see the reason why it's forbidden for anyone to come to the forest during the sacrifice,” He murmured under his breath, his eyes fixed on the entrance of the hotel. He had the urge to enter, but he controlled himself because, without the chief's daughter, there was little to what he could do.

As he waited for Arianna and Bobby, Jacob's mind wandered back to Anita. He could almost hear her screams echoing in his mind, and his heart ached with worry.

Suddenly, his bike's headlights illuminated a figure approaching. Arianna's slender figure emerged from the darkness, her long hair blowing in the wind. Bobby followed closely behind, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a mixture of concern, worry, and protectiveness.

“Ari! You came," Jacob's voice echoed in the dark, and he ran to Arianna and Bobby's side.

“Of course I did. Now tell me what happened," Arianna demanded, and the both of them quickly ran to a dark corner to talk. Bobby lamented behind them.

“She called and told me that she was hearing the cryptic messages. The cult members are planning to sacrifice her, I think she's in grave danger," Jacob replied.

"That's impossible Jacob, before the sacrificial item can hear the cryptic message, they must have been dead,” Arianna replied with a confused voice.

"But how can the dead hear the message?” Jacob asked with a look of amusement.

"Exactly my thought. When the chief told me the process I was genuinely shocked. It means the message is only played after confirming that the victim is dead,” Arianna replied.

"Are you trying to tell me that Anita is dead, but somehow, her ghost managed to call me and ask for help?” Jacob asked with a furrowed eyebrow.

"Or maybe, history has repeated itself. Just maybe she has been reincarnated and survived death,” Arianna said with a gleam of hope in her eyes, but Bobby scoffed.

"I don't believe you. We have to get inside first before jumping to a conclusion," Jacob responded, his voice filled with doubts.

“Tell us what Anita told you or what you heard. That way we would be able to know if she's the chosen one," Bobby suggested.

Jacob took a deep breath and provided Bobby with all the information he had. "Anita mentioned something about drilling noises and eerie music. I could swear I heard other ladies cry in the background."

"Then she's dead!” Arianna announced with a firm voice.

"If that's the case, who called him?” Bobby questioned with raised brows.

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