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Chapter 2 Media Exposure

Just then, a ruckus broke out outside the door. The media had been lurking around the hotel, itching to spill some juicy secrets.

The door flew open, and reporters flooded in, cameras flashing like crazy, all aimed at George and Emma.

"Mr. Russell, we heard you're with the Jones family's daughter. Can we get a word?"

"Get lost!" George's face twisted with rage, his trust in Emma shattering in an instant.

"George, I have no idea how they found us." Emma covered her face, panic written all over her.

"This is insane! This whole mess proves you're setting me up!" George snapped, not even looking at Emma, desperate to bolt from the scene.

And that was exactly what he did.

"Don't ever show your face to me again." George straightened his clothes and stormed out, ignoring the reporters' questions.

The reporters swarmed him, their flashbulbs lighting up the room. Emma stood there, helpless, her heart sinking. "George..."

George's silhouette grew colder under the flashes, leaving Emma alone, tears streaming down her face.

The Russell family was the top dog in Lakeside Haven, known for their scholarly background. The head honcho, Charles Russell, was super old-school. When he heard about the incident, he immediately announced George and Emma's engagement.

From the day she met George at ten, Emma had a crush on him.

For twelve years, she worked her butt off, just to catch a glimpse of him.

Now, marrying him felt like a dream come true for Emma, but it was more of a nightmare.

Because George didn't love her; he despised her. He hated her for making him betray the woman he truly loved, Emma's sister, Anna Jones.

Three months into their marriage, George had never been kind to her, but Emma took it all. She dreamed of George being as sweet to her as he was when they were kids, hoping he'd change his mind and fall for her.

But dreams were just dreams.

Emma never got George's love. Maybe because of her bad mood, she hadn't been feeling well lately.

So Emma went to the hospital alone.

"Ms. Jones, you're pregnant." The doctor's words echoed in her ears.

Sitting in the hospital, Emma was stunned by the news. "I'm really gonna be a mom!" she whispered, tears welling up, not sure if they were happy or sad tears.

She called George, but as expected, he hung up. She could only text him, saying she had something important to tell him and hoped he'd come home tonight.

"Maybe he's just busy," Emma muttered, trying to comfort herself, left alone with her joy and anticipation.

As night fell, Emma's excitement faded, realizing George might not come home.

Three months into their marriage, he had never spent a night at home. Emma was always alone, knowing exactly where he spent his nights.

Emma took a bath and put on her favorite black silk nightgown, clinging to a sliver of hope. Just as she was about to rest, the door suddenly flew open. She looked up, her heart racing at the sight of his cold, handsome face.

He stepped in, his eyes narrowing at Emma's figure.

"Trying to seduce me again?" he said coldly, no warmth in his eyes.

Emma froze, her hopes dashed.

"George, I'm not..." she stammered, her cheeks flushing.

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