Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4.


I let out a long breath many times. My body feels weak and I feel something is wrong with my body. It made me not concentrate on working since yesterday. I even forced myself to keep working even though I kept feeling weak.

"Mrs. Freya, are you alright?" my coworker asked as I sat down on the chair with a long sigh.

"Yes, I'm just a little tired."

"It looks like you're overexerting yourself. You'd better take some time off to rest at home," he looked at me with a worried look that made me feel uncomfortable. No one had ever worried about my condition. Only once, and that was when I had an accident when I first landed on Earth.

I sighed. Recalling the moment in my eyes the first time I met Ash. And it bothered me a little because, since our marriage, we had never been together. This was the deal he asked for. Just marriage without conjugal relations.

"I'm fine. I think it's just because I'm hungry so my body is a little weak."

"But your face is very pale. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I'm...

"Oh, Shit! Your body is so cold!"

I gasped in shock when he suddenly touched my forehead. Looking at me with a worried look. I quickly removed his hand from my forehead and stood up, trying to keep my distance from him.

"Cold? I guess because we're in an air-conditioned room," I said evasively.

"But you should get yourself checked out at the hospital. Even though you say you're okay, but I can see that you're not okay," he protested.

"Alright. Please finish my work and I'll take the day off," I said.

He nodded and ushered me out of the room. On the way to the hospital, I kept holding my body. It was cold, but we had different metabolisms. Even with such a cold temperature, I felt like I was still fine.

But, lately, I've been feeling weak and always feel tired quickly even though I'm not doing anything. I even threw up in the morning just because I smelled an egg that I cooked myself.

Had my metabolism changed because I'd lived in the world and eaten human food for so long?

I decided to see the doctor who had helped me in the past. The man my senior had specifically asked to take care of me.

"How long have you been feeling unwell?" he asked while examining my body.

"About this week? I don't know, I didn't count. I feel tired quickly even if I'm not doing anything strenuous. While you know, I'm a strong woman."

"I saw it on the news. You're married to Ash Knight."

"Oh, that's...."

"Is your relationship going well?"

I furrowed my brow when I heard his question.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you love each other? Or does he love you?"

I sat up irritably and glanced at him.

"Let's not mince words and say what you want to say," I protested in a cold tone.

He put down the device he had been using to check my chest. Then looked at me with a serious expression. He was silent for a long time, making me feel even more curious until he finally spoke. Talked about something that made me feel like I was struck by lightning.

"I'm sorry, but I have to say this. I don't know if this is good or bad news, but you're pregnant."

I widened my eyes in shock until I couldn't say anything. My mouth was agape, and my sanity disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"P-Pregnant?" I asked in a trembling voice.

"You're probably in your second week of pregnancy."

My heart was beating so fast that it made me feel claustrophobic. I gripped the edge of the bed with trembling hands. I couldn't say anything, just stared at him with a surprised look.

"Are you kidding me?! We don't even live together! How could I Pregー" I shut up by myself as I recalled the moment of my first night with him. The beginning of this fake marriage. "T-that's impossible."

I covered my mouth in disbelief. We only had sex once, but how could I get pregnant with his child? That's Impossible.

"No, it's Impossible." I shook my head with a horrified expression on my face. I felt an overwhelming fear like I was drowning in the ocean that made me unable to breathe. My chest felt tight and hurt terribly.

I didn't know what to do. Confusion engulfed me as I drove home.

Should I tell Ash about my pregnancy?

That question kept swirling in my head. But I also had a fear that he wouldn't accept this fact. But still, I have to tell him because this is his child.

"Sir, please make a U-turn and go to the office," I pleaded with the driver.

I bit my lower lip with an uneasy feeling to the office. Even my steps felt heavy as I approached the door of Ash's office. I took a deep breath before I turned the door knob. The squeaking sound made my heart beat even faster.

Just as I entered and stood in the doorway, I widened my eyes in surprise as I saw Ash kissing a woman. It looked so intimate on the sofa with the buttons of his shirt already open.

I clenched my fists against the anger and pain I felt. Feeling so betrayed by what he had done to me. I walked with a loud stomp of my foot towards her.

The woman immediately rushed to her feet and tried to tidy up her appearance, while Ash looked so calm without even buttoning up his open shirt.

That made my anger rise even more. He didn't care about my feelings.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked in a cold tone.

"As you can see. We were making out and your arrival interrupted our time."

"What?" I smiled sadly. "Have you forgotten that you already have a wife?! You're married, Ash Knight!"

"Wife? Married?" he laughed mockingly, "Don't be silly! You should know better that none of that matters to me. I warned you from the first time that I would never accept this marriage. So don't expect me to act like we're really lovers."

My eyes heated up. I squeezed the hem of my clothes with a stabbing pain in my chest. It felt like a huge hammer had slammed into my chest.

"Did you know... that I'm pregnant? "I bit my lip as I told her. In such a low voice, but I knew that he heard it from the look of surprise on his face.

"I don't care. Don't try to tell me to take responsibility because I never will. I never loved you. Never!"

"Do you have to be this cruel to me? We're married. And I'm pregnant with your child!"

"Are you deaf?! I don't care!" he shouted in a burst of anger.

He walked past me and grabbed something from his desk drawer in a hurry. Then stood back in front of me. Throwing documents at my face. I winced in pain and embarrassment as he treated me harshly.

"Those are the divorce papers. Sign it right now."

"Wh-what?" I was even more shocked at his words. My eyes were now brimming with tears.

"This marriage is no longer useful to me. Grandmother is in a coma and I married you because of her request. So, this marriage should end too."

"No, you can't do this to me, Ash!"

"Yes, I can. I have a woman whom I love, whom I desperately want to marry. So, sign the divorce papers. And another thing, the baby you're carrying. That's none of my business!"

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