Disclaimer; This is a slow burn.
There’s a rattling sound, followed by the jangling of keys as the locks click open. My cell door creaks and swings outward. I glance discreetly from my bed in the corner of the dimly lit room and spot Alejandro, one of the officers at the station. He’s also someone I sleep with from time to time.
I slow my breathing, feigning sleep as I keep an eye on him. A crooked smile spreads across his face as he shines his flashlight in my direction, stepping closer. “Your eyes are wide open, Ophelia. You can’t fool me.”
His boots thud heavily on the concrete floor, the sound reverberating through the small space. He sits on the edge of my bed, and his hand immediately grabs my ass. I make no effort to resist. I know exactly why he’s here—he’s here for sex, as usual. Nothing more.
“Your ass feels softer tonight. Did the others not go easy on you?” He asks, his voice low.
He’s talking about the other three guards I sleep with. I’m alone in this cell now, but it wasn’t always that way. I used to have two cellmates—Eliana and Hannah. But they’re both gone now, executed by electrocution. I’m on death row too, but unlike them, I’m doing everything I can to stay alive. I’m clinging to any light I can find, even if that means sleeping with the guards in exchange for better treatment and an extension of my parole.
“Cat got your tongue tonight?” Alejandro teases as he sets down the flashlight. He rolls me onto my back, his weight pressing me down as he mounts me. I hold back a whimper. “I’ve got a deal for you. Be a good girl tonight, and I might know a way you can avoid your death sentence.”
That catches my attention. I study Alejandro's hazel eyes, searching for any sign of deception, but all I see is sincerity. His gaze is clear and penetrating, almost like an open book. “What kind of deal?” I croak, my voice rough. It’s the first time I’ve spoken in three days, aside from the fake moans I make when the guards come for their quick fuck.
Alejandro smiles at me, different from the predatory looks I get from the others. Unlike them, who treat me like a piece of meat, Alejandro looks at me like I’m still human. He’s been the only semblance of humanity I’ve had in the six years I’ve been here. Not that he’s a saint either, but he’s better than the rest.
“The U.S. government needs death row inmates for a space mission,” he says, kissing my neck before lying beside me. His hand slips under my prison uniform, and since I’m not wearing a bra, he easily starts fondling my breasts. “I put your name down.”
“Will that get me off death row?” I ask, biting my lip as I consider the possibility. I don’t want to die. More than anything, I want to get out of this hellhole that has been my home for the last six years.
Alejandro gives a quick nod as he raises up my top, revealing my breast. “There's a bite mark on one of your nipples,” he states the obvious.
I ignore him though. The bite mark was done by Gary, one of the guards. He's one of the violent ones, especially during sex. I don't like him, but he treats me better than most of the inmates. I know it's because he loves the sex between us.
“Is it Gary?” Alejandro presses on, hitting the nail on the head as he stares at me with concern.
“Does it matter?” I sit up, brushing his hands off my chest. I pull off my shirt entirely, my bare skin feeling the cold of the cell. “You’re here for the sex too, aren’t you? Just do what you came here for, Alejandro. I’m not obliged to tell you who I sleep with.”
At twenty-six, I’ve come to realize how messed up life really is. I hate it—hate how broken I am, hate the cards life dealt me. But the one thing I can’t deny is that I still want to live. I hate being stuck in this prison, but I don’t regret what I did to land myself here. I don’t regret killing the man who ruined my life.
Alejandro’s expression changes, but I can’t read it. I drop to my knees and nudge him to sit properly. He obeys, and I ask, “A blowjob or do you want me to eat your ass?” I know his preference. After all, it's not my first time dealing with him.
“Wouldn't you like to hear about the offer I have for you first?”
“I think that can wait for after,” I tell him as I begin to fumble with his belt. I get a hang of it quickly and pull down his trousers and boxers, leaving it to pool around his knees.
I shuffle forward a bit so my face is level with Alejandro’s dick. I curl one hand around the base, without any warning or hesitation, sliding the flat of my tongue up from his balls to his tip. I feel a bit of satisfaction watching Alejandro clench his jaw as he rests both of his hands on my head, careful not to push. Unlike the other guards, Alejandro is gentle during sex. If it were Gary, he’d be pulling my hair like his life depended on it.
“Fuck,” Alejandro grits out as I open my mouth and wrap my lips around the head, sucking gently. “Ah, shit—” I can hear his stomach rumble as his hips shake with the effort to stay still.
I take his dick down further, relishing the sounds of his groans. Thankfully, Alejandro dick isn't that big — most of the prison guards have dicks comparable to a pinky, so I have no problem closing down to the girth of his cock. I continue my assault on his cock, only stopping when I feel his salty cum in my mouth.