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Chapter Eleven: The Warning

Liam’s heart pounded in his chest as he and Luther burst through the doors of the packhouse, Luther cradling Charlie’s bloodied, fragile form against his chest like she was made of glass. The sight of her in Luther’s arms, broken and bleeding, fueled a fire inside Liam, burning away every ounce of restraint he had left.

He rushed ahead, his voice booming through the house as he shouted for the pack doctor. “Get your ass down here NOW!” His voice reverberated off the walls, shaking the house awake. “Your Luna needs you!”

Doors flew open as pack members scrambled from their rooms, startled by the urgency in Liam’s voice. Confusion and concern filled their faces as they gathered in the living room, drawn to the chaos unfolding before them. But Liam didn’t care about the gawking eyes or whispered questions. The only thing that mattered was getting Charlie the help she desperately needed.

Luther was pacing near the couch, his arms wrapped protectively around Charlie’s limp body. Her head lolled to the side, blood still dripping from her wounds, staining the floor beneath them. His wolf was close to the surface, barely contained as he fought to keep his calm. His eyes were wild, desperate. The longer they waited, the more likely it was that they would lose her—and neither of them could handle that.

As the crowd grew thicker, Luna Kay appeared in the doorway, her face pale and lined with worry. She made her way into the living room, her gaze sweeping over the pack before landing on her sons. “What’s going on?” she asked, concern evident in her voice. “I’m fine. I don’t need the doctor. It is your father that needs your help, something terrible has happened to him.”

Liam’s heart sank at her words, his anger flaring up all over again. How could she be so blind? She wasn’t the one in danger—Charlie was. Without thinking, Luther let out a deep, powerful roar that shook the entire room, rattling the windows and reverberating through every bone in Liam’s body. The sound was so full of fury and anguish that everyone in the room took a step back, their faces reflecting the same fear that gripped them all.

Even Charlie whimpered at the sound, a small, pained noise that instantly silenced Luther. His body stiffened, his rage replaced by an intense focus on her. He immediately softened his hold on her, his eyes filling with guilt as he gently rocked her back and forth, whispering soothing words into her ear.

Liam took a step toward his mother, his voice sharp as a blade. “You’re not the Luna who needs help, Mother,” he growled, his eyes flashing with warning. “Charlie is. Now go back to your room.”

Luna Kay’s eyes widened, her lips parting as though she was about to protest, but something in Liam’s tone made her hesitate. She glanced down at the frail form in Luther’s arms, a flicker of realization crossing her face. Without another word, she turned and stepped back into the hallway, leaving the living room in stunned silence.

The room remained still for a moment, until another presence made herself known. Leah swept into the room, her silk robe barely covering her mostly naked flesh, her steps confident and deliberate as she moved closer to Luther. She stopped short when her eyes landed on Charlie’s battered form in his arms, her lip curling into a sneer of disgust.

“Why are you holding that disgusting thing?” Leah spat, her voice dripping with disdain. Her eyes flicked over Charlie as though she were something filthy, something that didn’t deserve the attention of the future Alphas. She took another step forward, her sneer deepening. “She’s just a pack slave. Why do you care—”

But Leah didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence.

In a flash, Liam was on her. His hand shot out, wrapping around Leah’s throat with the speed and precision of a predator claiming its prey. Her eyes widened in shock as her feet left the floor, her hands instinctively clawing at his arm, but her strength was nothing compared to Liam’s.

He leaned in close, his face mere inches from hers, his voice a low, dangerous growl that sent chills through the entire room. “You will never speak of our mate like that again,” Liam warned, his eyes blazing with fury. “Do you understand?”

Leah whimpered, her eyes brimming with fear as she nodded frantically, her face turning red from the lack of oxygen. But Liam didn’t release her just yet. He wanted to be sure that every single person in that room understood what would happen if they disrespected their mate again.

“By now you have realized that your Alpha is dead,” Liam bellowed out, his voice cold and lethal. “That’s what happens when you disrespect our Luna. You wouldn’t want to end up like him, now would you?”

Leah whimpered again, her eyes wild with terror, and Liam finally released her. She crumpled to the floor, gasping for breath as she scrambled away from him, her body trembling with fear. The sound of her body hitting the floor echoed through the suddenly silent room, no one dared to speak or move.

Just then, the pack doctor rushed into the room, his wide eyes taking in the scene around him. He froze for a moment, his gaze sweeping over the bloodstained floor, Leah’s trembling form, and finally landing on Luther, who still held Charlie tightly against his chest.

The doctor’s eyes widened further when he saw the state Charlie was in, her small, battered body covered in cuts and bruises, her blood staining Luther’s hands. Without a word, the doctor motioned for them to follow him.

“Bring her to your room,” the doctor said urgently, his voice tight with concern. “I’ll look her over there. We need privacy.”

Liam didn’t waste another second. He turned and led the way, pushing through the crowd of pack members that still lingered in shock. Luther followed close behind, holding Charlie as if she were the most precious thing in the world—because to him, and to Liam, she was.

As they ascended the stairs, the pack fell silent in their wake, their eyes filled with a mixture of fear, respect, and curiosity. Word would spread quickly about what had happened here tonight—about what would happen if you disrespected the mate of the future Alphas.

But Liam didn’t care about any of that right now. His only focus was on Charlie, and the desperate hope that the doctor could save her before it was too late.

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