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Chapter Thirteen: Fragile Beginnings

Charlie awoke slowly, her body heavy and aching as consciousness crept back in. The first thing she noticed was the scent—rich, warm, and distinctly masculine. It clung to her, wrapping around her like a blanket. The twins. Her heart raced as memories from the night before came flooding back: Alpha Greg’s brutal attack, the overwhelming pain, and then… the twins.

Panic flared in her chest as she tried to shift in the bed, but the moment she moved, agony shot through her body, forcing her to fall back into the softness of the mattress beneath her. Her ribs screamed in protest, her limbs heavy and sore. She blinked up at the ceiling, realizing she wasn’t in her tiny closet. The room was familiar—Luther’s room, she realized—but it was far larger than anything she had ever known. It was warm, comforting even, but the presence of that scent made it impossible for her to relax.

Her pulse quickened, and she attempted to move again, driven by an instinctual need to get away. She couldn’t stay here—not with them so close. The soreness in her body, however, made it impossible to get very far. Her legs trembled, and as she tried to push herself off the bed, she found herself tumbling unceremoniously to the floor, landing with a thud that sent a fresh wave of pain through her battered form.

A soft whimper escaped her lips as she lay there, curled up on the cold floor, her body too weak to get back up. Panic coursed through her veins, intensifying as she realized that she was alone—even in her mind.

“Raven?” Charlie whispered, reaching out to her wolf, desperate for comfort. But there was only silence. Raven’s presence was gone, as if she had receded into some deep, unreachable place, leaving Charlie completely on her own.

Her heart raced, fear building in her chest as the sound of rushing footsteps reached her ears. They’re coming. Charlie’s breath hitched, her entire body tensing in fear. Her thoughts scrambled, her pulse hammering wildly in her ears. She couldn’t face them—not now, not like this. She needed Raven, needed her wolf to help her stay strong, but the silence in her mind remained, deep and empty.

When the door burst open, crashing against the wall with a loud bang, Charlie couldn’t help but whimper. She curled into herself, her arms wrapping around her head in a desperate attempt to protect herself from the unknown threat. The weight of the twins' presence filled the room, their combined energy heavy and suffocating. She could feel them, could sense them so acutely along her skin that it made her shiver. They were her mates—her Alphas—but the bond terrified her more than it comforted her.

She could sense the tension in the room, a frustrated growl rumbling through the air, but she didn’t dare to look up. She tried to make herself even smaller, wishing she could disappear altogether. Her body trembled as she lay there, waiting for the inevitable disappointment, for the cold words of rejection that would surely follow.

A touch.

She jumped, a startled squeak escaping her lips as she felt a hand brush her arm. She flinched instinctively, her eyes flying open to meet the deep, gentle gaze of Liam. He was crouched beside her, his expression filled with an emotion she couldn’t quite place—concern, maybe? Guilt?

Across the room, Luther stood by the door, his arms crossed over his broad chest. His face was tight with emotion, but what caught Charlie’s attention most was the look of disappointment etched into his features. She couldn’t help but shrink further under his gaze. Of course they were disappointed. Who wouldn’t be when they found out their mate was someone like her? Weak, small, and broken—someone who had been nothing but the pack’s slave.

Liam’s fingers twitched on her arm as if unsure of whether to pull her closer or let her be. But Charlie couldn’t stand the tension—the waiting. The fear flooded her veins, overwhelming every other thought until all she could think of was one thing: rejection. It was inevitable, wasn’t it? How could they want someone like her?

Before she could stop herself, Charlie whispered two words, her voice barely audible. “I’m sorry.”

Liam’s brow furrowed, confusion flashing across his face. “What are you sorry for exactly?” he asked softly, his voice gentle despite the tension in the air.

Charlie quickly averted her gaze, focusing on the floor beneath her. Her voice trembled as she spoke. “For you being stuck with such a weak mate like me.” She paused, forcing herself to keep her eyes downcast, unable to bear the look of pity she imagined in their eyes. “Could you wait until after I’ve finished healing before you reject me?” She swallowed hard, her throat tightening. “I don’t think I can survive both of you in my current state.”

Her voice cracked at the end, the words barely holding together as the weight of her fear pressed down on her chest. She had always known her place in the pack—an outcast, an omega, nothing more than a tool to be used. But now, knowing that she was mated to the future Alphas, the knowledge of her own inadequacy felt unbearable. She had spent her entire life being told she wasn’t enough, and now, facing the prospect of rejection from the two men she was supposed to be bonded with for life, that fear was stronger than ever.

For a long, agonizing moment, neither of the twins spoke. The silence stretched between them, heavy and suffocating, until finally, Liam’s hand gently cupped her chin, tilting her head up so that she was forced to meet his eyes.

His gaze was intense but not filled with the anger or disgust she had expected. Instead, there was something softer there, something that made her chest tighten with confusion.

“We’re not rejecting you,” Liam said firmly, his voice steady and filled with conviction.

Charlie blinked, her breath catching in her throat. She stared at him, her mind racing to process the words. They weren’t rejecting her?

Luther’s deep voice rumbled from across the room, breaking the silence. “Why would you think we would reject you, Charlie?”

Charlie’s lips parted, but no sound came out. The overwhelming presence of both twins was pressing down on her, and her body still ached in ways she couldn’t describe. She shook her head slightly, unable to comprehend what they were saying.

Liam’s hand remained on her chin, his touch gentle, as if he was afraid she might break. “You’re our mate,” he said softly. “And we will never reject you.”

The words hung in the air, sinking slowly into Charlie’s mind as disbelief and confusion warred within her. How could this be true? How could they want someone like her?

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