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Chapter Fifteen: A Quiet Moment

Charlie shifted uncomfortably under the covers, her body still sore and heavy from the damage she had sustained. It had been a full day since she’d woken up from her three-day sleep, and while her wolf had helped heal much of the bruising and injuries, she still felt weak. It was humiliating, needing one of the twins to help her with even the simplest tasks. They had been gentle with her—carrying her when she needed to go to the bathroom, making sure she was comfortable—but it did little to ease the embarrassment she felt every time she had to rely on them.

Her body felt gross, sticky, and uncomfortable. She desperately wanted to bathe, to wash away the blood and grime that still clung to her skin, remnants of the attack and her unfinished shift. They had cleaned her while she was unconscious, but the thought of who might have done it left her stomach twisting in knots. Was it them? Did the twins see her naked and malnourished body? Or had they ordered some of the other Omegas to take care of it?

The idea of Liam or Luther washing her, seeing her bare and vulnerable, made her face flush with embarrassment. She hated the thought of them having to tend to her in such an intimate way while she was so helpless. But the alternative—having one of the pack’s Omegas clean her—didn’t sit well with her either. The gossip, the judgment, the whispers that would no doubt follow… She tried not to think about it, but the thoughts kept circling back, swirling around her mind until she felt dizzy.

With a sigh, Charlie stared up at the ceiling, lost in her thoughts. She had barely moved all day, her body too weak to do much else, and the frustration was beginning to build. She hated feeling this way—trapped, dependent, and utterly vulnerable.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open. She looked up just in time to see Liam stepping into the room, a large tray balanced carefully in his hands. The delicious smell of food wafted through the air, and Charlie’s stomach let out an embarrassingly loud growl at the scent. Her cheeks flushed in mortification, but Liam merely chuckled softly, his lips curving into an amused smile.

“Hungry?” he asked, his voice warm and teasing.

Charlie swallowed, feeling her face burn with embarrassment as her stomach growled again in response. She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until the smell of food filled the room, and now her body was reminding her just how long it had been since she’d had a proper meal.

“Just a little,” she muttered, her voice barely audible.

Liam crossed the room and set the tray down carefully on the bed beside her, his movements slow and deliberate, as if he was trying not to startle her. Charlie’s eyes flicked to the tray, her mouth watering at the sight of the food laid out before her. There were two plates, each piled high with steaming roasted vegetables, juicy pieces of chicken, and warm, buttered rolls. Her stomach twisted with hunger, and she had to bite her lip to keep herself from reaching for the food too eagerly.

Liam noticed her hesitation and sat down on the edge of the bed beside her, his presence both comforting and overwhelming. He glanced at her with a soft smile before handing her one of the plates.

“Here,” he said gently, his voice low. “You need to eat.”

Charlie took the plate from him, her fingers brushing against his for a brief moment. The touch sent a strange shiver through her, an awareness that made her both nervous and… curious. She quickly averted her gaze, focusing on the plate in her hands instead of the way her skin tingled from his touch.

She was grateful for the food, and yet, knowing that Liam planned to stay and eat with her made her heart race with a mixture of excitement and fear. She wasn’t used to this—having someone take care of her, being this close to someone she was supposed to trust. For so long, she had been nothing but the pack’s punching bag, their slave, and now… now things were different. But she wasn’t sure how to handle it.

“Thank you,” she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced at him.

Liam’s gaze was steady, calm. “You don’t have to thank me, Charlie,” he said softly. “I’m here to take care of you. We both are.”

His words sent a wave of warmth through her, but at the same time, they unsettled her. She didn’t know how to respond to that kind of care, that kind of attention. It felt foreign, strange. She had spent so many years in the shadows of the pack, doing her best to remain unnoticed, that the idea of someone wanting to care for her—to protect her—felt almost surreal.

They sat in silence for a few moments, Charlie picking at her food while Liam ate beside her. The quiet was comfortable but charged, an unspoken tension lingering between them. She could feel his eyes on her every now and then, could sense the way his presence filled the room. There was something about the bond that tied them together now, something that made her hyper-aware of him in ways she couldn’t quite explain.

After a while, Liam set his plate down on the tray and leaned back slightly, his gaze never leaving her. “How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice gentle but filled with concern.

Charlie hesitated, unsure of how to answer. She didn’t want to lie, but she also didn’t want to seem weak. After everything she had been through, the last thing she wanted was for the twins to see her as a burden. But the truth was, she still felt awful. Her body was healing, but she was far from feeling normal.

“I’m… okay,” she said quietly, though the words felt hollow.

Liam’s eyes narrowed slightly, as though he wasn’t buying her answer, but he didn’t push. Instead, he reached out and gently tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. The touch was soft, almost tender, and Charlie’s breath hitched at the unexpected intimacy.

“You’re healing,” he said quietly. “But it’ll take time.”

Charlie nodded slowly, though her heart was still racing from the gentle touch of his fingers. She forced herself to focus on her food again, trying to push aside the confusing emotions swirling inside her.

But then, out of nowhere, the questions that had been gnawing at the back of her mind came rushing forward, and before she could stop herself, she blurted out, “Did… did you clean me while I was asleep?”

Liam blinked in surprise at the sudden question, and for a moment, he didn’t answer. Charlie’s cheeks burned with embarrassment, and she quickly averted her gaze, feeling foolish for even asking. But now that the question was out there, she couldn’t take it back.

“Luther and I cleaned you up,” Liam said after a pause, his voice careful and soft. “We didn’t want anyone else to touch you.”

Charlie swallowed hard, her face flaming with embarrassment at the thought of the twins seeing her in such a vulnerable state. But there was also a strange sense of relief that it had been them, that they hadn’t allowed anyone else to care for her in such an intimate way.

“I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable,” Liam added quickly, sensing her discomfort. “We just…we couldn’t trust anyone else with you.”

Charlie shook her head slightly, her mind swirling with emotions she couldn’t quite sort out. “No, I…I understand,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

Liam smiled gently at her, his eyes soft with something she couldn’t quite place. “You don’t have to thank us, Charlie,” he repeated, his voice filled with warmth. “You’re our mate. It’s our job to take care of you.”

Charlie’s heart clenched at his words, the weight of the bond between them settling heavily on her chest.

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