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Chapter Eighteen: Restraint and Resolve

Luther closed the door behind him with more control than he thought possible, his hands trembling as he turned the knob gently, careful not to slam it shut. Every nerve in his body was on edge, his muscles tight with the effort of keeping his wolf in check. He leaned against the wall just outside the broken door, taking deep, steadying breaths as he forced his emotions back under control.

The sight of Charlie’s emaciated and bruised body haunted him. The image replayed in his mind over and over again. The anger that simmered beneath his skin threatened to boil over every time he thought about it—every time that he imagined the cruelty that had been inflicted on her. She was his mate, and yet she had been treated like she was nothing for as far back as he can remember. Luther’s wolf, Rex, rumbled angrily in his chest, pacing restlessly inside him, eager to exact revenge on everyone that had hurt her.

But it wasn’t just the bruises and cuts that had nearly sent him over the edge—it was also the sight of her naked and vulnerable in his arms. Her body, delicate and soft, had fueled the flames of his passion, and the temptation to claim her had been almost unbearable. The way her skin had glistened from the water, the curves of her body still so beautiful despite the marks that marred her flesh…it had nearly undone him.

He hadn’t expected that, hadn’t expected to feel such a deep, primal need well up inside of him. He was normally so controlled, so careful. But the bond he shared with Charlie was changing him—igniting something inside him that he couldn’t quite contain. And the last thing he wanted was to scare her away, to overwhelm her when she was still so fragile.

Luther rubbed a hand over his face, trying to shake off the lingering heat from the encounter. He couldn’t afford to lose control, not now. Charlie needed time—time to heal, and time to adjust to the bond they shared. He couldn’t rush her, couldn’t push her too hard, too fast. But damn, it was difficult to restrain himself when every instinct inside him screamed to protect, to comfort, to claim.

He let out a frustrated sigh and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes as he kept his ears tuned to the sounds inside the room. He didn’t dare wander far—if Charlie needed him, he would be there in an instant. He would always be there for her, no matter what.

The soft sound of footsteps coming up the stairs pulled Luther from his thoughts, and his eyes snapped open just as Liam appeared at the top of the staircase, his expression filled with concern.

“What happened?” Liam asked, his voice tight as he rushed toward Luther. His eyes flicked briefly to the broken bedroom door before returning to Luther, worry etched into every line of his face.

“She fell,” Luther explained, his voice low but steady. He kept his gaze on the door, listening for any sounds of distress from inside the room. “She was trying to take a bath on her own and slipped in the tub.”

Liam’s brow furrowed with concern, his mouth pressing into a tight line. “Is she okay?”

Luther nodded. “She’s fine, just shaken up,” he said softly. “I picked her up and carried her back to the bed, but…” He hesitated for a moment, the memory of her naked body flashing through his mind. “She wasn’t dressed.”

Understanding dawned in Liam’s eyes, and he nodded slightly, his expression softening. “So that’s why you’re out here?”

Luther ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident in the sharp exhale that escaped his lips. “Yeah. She was embarrassed, and I didn’t want to make her more uncomfortable by staying. She’s still in there, getting dressed.”

Liam placed a hand on Luther’s shoulder, his grip firm and reassuring. “You did the right thing,” he said softly. “She’s been through enough. She needs time.”

“I know,” Luther muttered, though the tightness in his chest remained. “But it’s hard, Liam. Seeing her like that… vulnerable, scared, covered in bruises… I can’t stand it.”

“I feel the same way,” Liam admitted, his voice rough with emotion. “But we have to give her space. She’s been through hell. The last thing she needs is for us to push her before she’s ready.”

Luther nodded, his eyes still focused on the door. The need to protect Charlie burned inside him, but Liam was right. They had to be patient. They had waited years for her—they could wait a little longer for her to heal.

The hallway fell silent for a few moments, both twins lost in their own thoughts. Luther’s mind replayed the moments in the bathroom, the way Charlie had looked up at him with a mixture of shock and embarrassment. He had seen the vulnerability in her eyes, but also a flicker of something else—something like trust. She hadn’t pushed him away out of fear; it had been out of modesty. And that gave him hope.

Just as Luther was about to voice his thoughts to Liam, a soft voice called out from inside the room.


The sound of Charlie’s voice instantly brought both of the twins to attention. Without another word, Luther pushed off of the wall and moved toward the door, Liam close behind him. They entered the room cautiously, not wanting to overwhelm her, but when they saw her lying in bed, fully dressed and looking up at them with wide eyes, a wave of relief washed over them both.

Charlie had dressed herself in a pair of soft pajamas, the sleeves too long and the pants too baggy on her still-fragile form. Her hair was damp, the ends curling slightly as it clung to her skin. She looked small, vulnerable, but there was a softness in her eyes that hadn’t been there before—a flicker of trust that hadn’t existed in the moments before.

Luther’s heart swelled with affection as he stepped closer to the bed, his voice gentle. “Are you okay?”

Charlie nodded slowly, her eyes flicking between the two of them. “I’m fine,” she whispered, though there was a slight tremble in her voice. “I… I’m sorry about earlier.”

Luther frowned, shaking his head. “You don’t have to apologize,” he said firmly, his voice filled with sincerity. “You’ve been through a lot. You don’t have to explain anything to us.”

Liam moved closer as well, his expression softening as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “We just want to make sure you’re okay,” he added, his voice warm and reassuring. “If you need anything—anything at all—you just let us know.”

Charlie bit her lip, her gaze dropping to the blanket as she fidgeted slightly. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Luther shared a glance with Liam, both of them silently acknowledging the fragility of the moment. Charlie was beginning to trust them—beginning to allow herself to lean on them—and they wouldn’t do anything to break that fragile trust.

“We’re not going anywhere,” Luther said softly, his voice filled with quiet determination. “We’ll be here for you. Always.”

Charlie nodded again, though she didn’t look up. The room fell into a comfortable silence, the tension between them slowly easing as the bond between them strengthened.

For now, that was enough.

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