Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Thirty-One: The Scent of Worry

Liam leaned against the edge of Doctor Dorian’s desk, his mind swirling with the weight of their conversation. Dorian had just finished explaining the details of the strange disease that had been spreading among the neighboring packs—a sickness that had baffled their best healers and was killing werewolves at an alarming rate. The disease struck without warning, draining the wolves of their strength and leaving them vulnerable to even the smallest infection. It was unlike anything Liam had ever encountered, and the threat it posed weighed heavily on his shoulders.

“We need to act fast,” Dorian said, his expression grim. “I suggest halting all trading with the outside packs and limiting the movement of our wolves in and out of Hidden Valley. Until we know more, it's best to minimize contact.”

Liam nodded in agreement, the severity of the situation settling in. “We can’t afford to take any chances,” he said, his voice low but resolute. “I’ll speak to Luther, and we’ll put the restrictions in place immediately. The safety of the pack comes first.”

Dorian nodded in approval, gathering up his notes as they both stood to leave the office. Liam’s mind was already racing with plans—how to communicate with the neighboring packs without risking exposure, how to ensure that no wolf left the territory unnecessarily. The disease was dangerous, and if it reached their borders, it could spread like wildfire.

But before Liam could delve further into his thoughts, the moment the office door opened, his senses were assaulted by two things: the shrill sound of a kitchen timer going off in the distance and the unmistakable smell of something burning.

Liam’s heart thudded in his chest, and he went on high alert instantly. Charlie.

There was no way Charlie would have let the brownies burn, not after how carefully she had been preparing them. She had been so excited, so focused on making something sweet for him and Luther. Something had to be wrong.

“Liam?” Dorian’s voice cut through his thoughts, but Liam didn’t respond. His wolf, Al, was already pacing inside him, urging him to move, to act. Without another word to the doctor, Liam bolted down the hall, his footsteps echoing loudly as he made his way toward the kitchen.

The sound of the timer grew louder as he neared, and the acrid scent of burned chocolate grew stronger. His wolf was on edge, clawing at the surface as worry coursed through him. ‘Something’s wrong.’

Bursting through the kitchen door, Liam’s eyes scanned the room quickly. It was empty. No sign of Charlie anywhere.

His gaze snapped to the oven, where the timer continued its shrill beeping, and a wave of guilt rushed over him. He hurried over to turn off the timer and grabbed a pair of oven mitts, yanking open the oven door. The heat hit him as he pulled out the tray of burned brownies, the edges blackened and smoking slightly.

Liam’s breath came out in a heavy exhale, his mind spinning with concern. Where is she?

The kitchen was quiet now, save for the faint hiss of the oven cooling down. But despite the stillness, Liam’s sense of unease only grew stronger. Charlie would never have let the brownies burn like that. She was meticulous when it came to cooking. Something had happened.

Liam inhaled deeply, trying to catch her scent. But the overwhelming smell of burned chocolate filled the room, drowning out anything else. He cursed under his breath, frustration mounting. His wolf was tense, on high alert, and the worry that had started as a small knot in his chest was quickly becoming an overwhelming force.

Where did she go?

Thinking she might have gone back to their room, Liam quickly headed toward the stairs that led from the kitchen to the private quarters above. His footsteps were heavy as he ascended, his mind racing with a thousand possibilities. Was she upset? Had something happened while he was talking to Dorian? He hated the idea that she might have needed him, and he hadn’t been there.

But as he reached the top of the stairs and turned toward the hallway that led to their room, Liam felt an odd pull inside him—a tug that made him hesitate. His wolf stirred, pacing with restless energy as if sensing something he couldn’t yet see.

Liam paused, his eyes narrowing as he looked down the hall toward the room that had been Charlie’s for so many years. The tiny, cramped closet she had once been forced to call home. The thought of it sent a bitter taste through his mouth, and he clenched his fists at his sides. She had endured so much in that space, so much pain and loneliness.

And yet… his wolf urged him forward, pulling him toward that room instead of the one they now shared.

Liam’s gut twisted with a mix of concern and confusion. He hadn’t intended to stop at the old room. He had fully expected to find Charlie in their shared bedroom, perhaps curled up, upset about something. But his instincts, the ever-present connection to his mate, told him otherwise. Al was urging him to keep moving.

The closer he got to the tiny closet that had once been Charlie’s, the more uneasy he felt. His wolf’s energy buzzed beneath his skin, and a growing sense of dread tightened his chest.

Finally, he reached the door. Liam’s hand hovered over the doorknob for just a second before he tried to open it.

But the door didn’t budge. It was locked.

Liam’s heart dropped, a surge of panic flooding his veins. He pressed his ear against the door, straining to hear anything on the other side, and that’s when the sound reached him—soft, broken sobs filtering through the cracks in the wood.

“Charlie…” Liam whispered, his voice thick with worry.

His heart clenched painfully at the sound of her crying, and he felt his wolf howl in anguish inside him. She was in there, hurting, and he had no idea why.

He rattled the doorknob again, but it wouldn’t give. Desperation clawed at his chest. “Charlie, open the door,” he called softly, but firmly. “Please, baby, let me in.”

For a moment, there was only the sound of her sobs, muffled but unmistakable, and Liam’s heart ached with each one. He could feel her pain, feel her fear through the bond they shared, and it tore at him. He should have been there. He should have protected her, kept her from whatever had caused this pain.

“Charlie, please,” he said again, his voice filled with pleading. “Talk to me.”

Still, there was no response, only the sound of her quiet crying. Liam’s breath came out in a ragged exhale as he pressed his forehead against the door, his hands resting flat against the wood. He hated this—hated feeling helpless, hated knowing she was suffering and not being able to fix it.

He knew Leah had been in the kitchen earlier, her scent had lingered just enough in the doorway to tip him off. Did she do this? The thought made his blood boil, fury rising swiftly in his chest. If Leah had hurt Charlie, if she had said something to cause this…

Liam’s jaw clenched tightly, his wolf’s growl rumbling low in his throat. But for now, his anger would have to wait. Right now, his priority was Charlie.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, his voice soft but determined. “I’ll wait right here for as long as it takes. But please, baby…talk to me about what has upset you.”

The only sound that met him was the quiet sobs from the other side of the door.

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