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Chapter Forty: A Moment of Normalcy

Charlie made her way to the kitchen, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts as she walked through the halls of the packhouse. It felt strange to be alone, without Luther or Liam by her side, but at the same time, she needed this—needed the space to breathe, to process everything that had happened. She had convinced Luther to leave, assured him that she would be fine on her own, but even so, her heart raced as she approached the kitchen.

As she pushed open the door, the familiar scent of food and warm spices hit her, instantly soothing some of the nervous energy buzzing under her skin. Inside, she spotted Carol and two other Omegas busy cleaning up after dinner. The clinking of dishes stopped the moment Charlie entered the room, the three women going still, as if unsure of how to react to her presence.

Charlie’s stomach twisted with unease. She wasn’t used to people treating her differently—not like this. The sudden shift in their behavior made her feel like a stranger in her own packhouse.

“Luna,” Carol said softly, her voice warm but respectful as she bared her neck to Charlie in a show of submission. The two other Omegas quickly followed suit, lowering their heads and baring their necks as well.

Charlie shifted uncomfortably on her feet, her throat tightening at the formal gesture. Luna. The title felt foreign on her ears, heavy and unfamiliar, even though it was hers by right. She wasn’t used to the weight of it, the authority that came with it. And seeing Carol, the one person who had always treated her with kindness, bowing her head like this… it didn’t feel right.

“Please don’t be like this,” Charlie whispered, her voice soft but pleading. She hated the distance that the title had created between them, the formality that now hung in the air. Carol had always been like a mother to her, the only one who had shown her kindness in a world that had often been cruel. She didn’t want that to change, didn’t want to lose the closeness they had shared for so many years.

Carol, ever perceptive, noticed the discomfort in Charlie’s expression and quickly took action. She turned to the other two Omegas, giving them a gentle nod. “You two can finish up tomorrow. Thank you for your help tonight.”

The Omegas bowed their heads again, casting furtive glances at Charlie before leaving the room in silence. The tension that had filled the kitchen evaporated as soon as they were gone, leaving just Charlie and Carol in the warm, familiar space.

As soon as the door closed behind the women, Charlie rushed forward, throwing her arms around Carol in a tight embrace. The older woman didn’t hesitate, instantly returning the hug, her arms wrapping around Charlie with the same comforting warmth that had soothed her for years.

“How are you, sweet girl?” Carol asked softly, her voice filled with the same maternal affection Charlie had always known from her.

Charlie took a moment to think, pulling back just enough to look into Carol’s familiar, kind eyes. She considered lying, pretending that everything was fine, but she couldn’t. Not with Carol.

“Overwhelmed,” Charlie admitted, a soft, tired smile touching her lips. “But…happy.”

Carol nodded, her expression gentle and understanding as she reached out to pat Charlie’s hand. “Good,” she said with a warm smile. “You deserve all of the happiness that life has to offer, Charlie.”

Charlie’s heart swelled with affection at Carol’s words, and for the first time in a long time, she truly believed them. She did deserve happiness, even after everything she had been through. And now, standing here in the kitchen with the woman who had been like a mother to her, she felt a sense of normalcy settling over her.

“Can I help?” Charlie asked, gesturing to the dishes that were still sitting in the sink. “I know I’ve got the whole ‘Luna’ thing now, but I’m still pretty good at scrubbing pots and pans.”

Carol chuckled softly, shaking her head. “You are the Luna now, dear. You don’t need to worry about dishes.”

But Charlie wasn’t about to take no for an answer. “Please? It’s…normal, you know? And right now, I think I could use a little bit of that.”

Carol’s expression softened even more, and after a moment of hesitation, she nodded. “Alright, if it’ll make you feel better.”

Together, they worked quietly, washing the rest of the dinner dishes and putting them away. The familiarity of the task, the clinking of dishes and the feel of warm water on her hands, brought Charlie a sense of peace she hadn’t realized she’d been craving. It reminded her of the years she had spent in this very kitchen, cleaning and cooking for the pack, back when she was nothing more than an Omega.

But things were different now. She wasn’t the pack’s slave anymore. She was their Luna. And as strange as that title still felt, Charlie was beginning to accept it, to let it settle into her heart.

Once the last dish was put away, Carol turned to her with a smile. “Now, what’s this about brownies?”

Charlie laughed, the sound light and carefree, and for the first time in what felt like days, she felt a genuine spark of joy. “I was trying to make brownies earlier,” she explained, her eyes brightening with excitement. “But, wel…things didn’t exactly go as planned.”

Carol nodded knowingly. “Then let’s give it another go, shall we?”

Together, they set out to make the brownies, moving easily around the kitchen as they mixed ingredients and laughed over small things—like the time Charlie had burned a whole batch of cookies when she was eight, or when Carol had once accidentally added salt instead of sugar to a cake. The warmth of the kitchen, the shared laughter, and the simple act of baking brought a lightness to Charlie’s heart that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

It was only when the brownies were baking in the oven, their rich chocolate scent filling the room, that Charlie realized how much she had missed moments like this—moments of normalcy, of connection. She wasn’t just the Luna here. She was Charlie, and for the first time, she felt like both could exist together.

As they waited for the brownies to finish, Carol said something that made Charlie laugh—a bright, carefree sound that echoed through the kitchen. Her smile was wide, her eyes shining with happiness.

But just as she was about to respond, she noticed a sudden stillness in the room. She turned and found Luther and Liam standing in the doorway, their eyes locked on her. Both men wore expressions of quiet awe, as if they were seeing her for the first time. The intensity of their gaze made her heart flutter, and for a moment, she felt self-conscious under their scrutiny.

Carol, noticing the shift in the atmosphere, quickly went quiet, her usual warm smile fading slightly as she glanced between the two Alphas. She gave Charlie a knowing look, then turned back to the brownies, clearly giving them space.

But Charlie didn’t feel uncomfortable, not with Luther and Liam. Instead, a beaming smile spread across her face as she met their gaze. Without thinking, without hesitation, she rushed over to them, her heart swelling with the love she felt for both of them.

Luther was the first to catch her, wrapping her in his strong arms as she threw herself at him. Liam joined them a moment later, his hands gently resting on her back as the three of them stood there, holding each other in the warmth of the kitchen.

Charlie closed her eyes, breathing in their familiar scents, the feeling of safety and love wrapping around her like a warm blanket. She was no longer alone. She had them.

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