Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Forty-One: Sweet Moments

As soon as Luther and Liam entered the kitchen, the atmosphere shifted. Carol, who had been by Charlie’s side through the laughter and the baking, gave a soft smile and a slight bow of her head as she excused herself from the room. The knowing smile on her lips warmed Charlie’s heart, but before she could give Carol a hug goodbye, Luther pulled her snugly into his side, his strong arm wrapping around her waist with a possessive yet tender grip.

Charlie giggled, the sound light and playful. “Luther, she was just leaving. I can give her a hug goodbye,” she said, her voice teasing.

But Luther wasn’t letting go, not even for a second. His grip tightened, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips as he looked down at her, clearly enjoying the fact that she was staying right where he wanted her. “No need for hugs. She knows,” he murmured.

Charlie rolled her eyes, still giggling at how ridiculous he was being, but secretly loving how protective and close he was. She felt safe, cherished, and in this moment, happy.

Meanwhile, Liam took advantage of the moment. With Charlie distracted by Luther’s antics, he slid quietly over to the cooling rack, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and the thick, double chocolate brownies she and Carol had just finished.

Carefully, he snatched up one of the cookies, his face breaking into a wide grin as he took a large bite. The rich, gooey chocolate melted on his tongue, and he couldn’t hold back the moan of pleasure that escaped his lips.

The sound caught Charlie’s attention immediately, her head whipping around to see Liam standing by the cooling rack, his eyes half-closed in delight as he savored the treat. A chuckle bubbled up in her throat at the sight of him, and she tapped Luther’s arm gently, signaling him to let her go.

“Liam, really?” she said, shaking her head in mock exasperation as she moved away from Luther and walked over to the kitchen island.

Luther reluctantly released her, though his eyes stayed glued to her every movement, as if he wasn’t quite ready to let her out of his sight. He followed her to the island, standing close by as Charlie took a seat on one of the stools and eyed Liam, who was already reaching for another cookie.

Liam, unabashed and thoroughly enjoying himself, grinned at her between bites. “Why haven’t you been baking all of our treats all these years?” he asked, his mouth still half full of cookie.

Charlie smiled softly, but there was a brief hesitation in her eyes, a flicker of uncertainty that both brothers noticed. She lowered her gaze for a moment before answering quietly, “I have been baking… all of this time. But Dorothy’s been taking credit for it.”

The weight of her confession hung in the air, and Luther’s face darkened with anger at the injustice of it. His jaw clenched, and Charlie could feel the tension rising in him as his protective instincts flared to life. The thought of someone else—especially someone who had never shown Charlie kindness—taking credit for her hard work made his wolf growl in the back of his mind.

But before the anger could take hold, Liam stepped in, sensing that the last thing Charlie needed was more stress after everything she had been through. He swallowed his frustration and gave her a charming smile, pushing his anger aside for her sake.

“Well,” Liam said, his tone light and playful, “from now on, you can bake for us all you want. I’d much rather have your treats.”

His words brought a genuine smile to Charlie’s face, and she felt the tension in the room ease a little. Liam reached over and grabbed one of the brownies, taking a generous bite. His eyes widened in delight, and he let out another exaggerated moan of approval.

“Seriously, Charlie,” Liam said through another mouthful of brownie, “you could open a bakery with these.”

Charlie laughed softly, her heart swelling at the simple joy of the moment. It felt so normal, sitting here with them, laughing over cookies and brownies. For a brief second, it was as if the weight of her past had lifted, and she could just… be. No titles, no burdens, just the warmth of being with people who cared about her.

But as quickly as the lighthearted moment had come, it faded when Charlie’s thoughts turned back to what had pulled Liam and Luther away earlier. She had been curious since they walked into the kitchen, and though she had wanted to savor the lightness of the evening, she couldn’t ignore the concern gnawing at her.

“How did things go out in the woods?” Charlie asked, her voice quieter now, the shift in tone bringing a seriousness to the room.

Luther and Liam exchanged a glance, the easy smiles on their faces slipping into something more somber. The question had been hanging in the air since they’d returned, and Charlie could tell from the change in their expressions that whatever they had encountered hadn’t been good.

Liam set the half-eaten brownie down, his brow furrowing slightly. “We found a body,” he said softly, his voice heavy with the weight of what he had seen. “Just over the border. Dorian thinks it’s connected to the disease that’s been spreading.”

Charlie’s heart sank, the unease that had been lingering at the edges of her mind now taking root fully. The disease—the one they had only heard whispers about—was spreading faster than anyone had anticipated, and now it had reached the borders of their pack. The thought of it creeping closer, endangering everyone she cared about, made her stomach churn.

“Was it…” she trailed off, her mind racing with all the possibilities. “Was it one of our wolves?”

Luther shook his head, stepping forward and placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “No, it wasn’t one of ours,” he said, his voice low and steady. “But it was close enough that we need to be cautious. Dorian is already working on a plan to keep everyone safe.”

The tension in the room grew thicker, the gravity of the situation settling over them like a heavy blanket. The lighthearted joy of baking and laughter had been replaced by a somber reality, and though Charlie appreciated the reassurances Luther and Liam were trying to give her, she couldn’t shake the worry that gnawed at the edges of her mind.

“We’ll be alright,” Liam added, his voice firm as he moved closer to her. “We’ll figure this out, and we’ll keep the pack safe.”

Charlie nodded, trusting them with her heart but still feeling the weight of the unknown looming over her. She looked down at the cooling brownies, the moment of happiness they had shared feeling like a distant memory now. The threat of the disease was real, and it was closing in on them faster than anyone had expected.

But as Luther’s hand squeezed her shoulder gently, and Liam offered her a reassuring smile, she knew one thing for certain.

No matter what was coming, they would face it together.

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