Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Forty-Two: A Place of Belonging

It had been a week since the border patrol found the body just outside the pack’s boundary, and the effects of that discovery had rippled through the pack like a wave of unease. All trade with outside packs had been cut off, leaving Liam and Luther scrambling to find ways for the Hidden Valley Pack to survive solely on what they could grow and produce within their borders. It wasn’t an easy task, and both brothers had been busy, their days consumed with meetings and strategies, trying to ensure that their people wouldn’t go without during these uncertain times.

While the twins were preoccupied with keeping the pack stable, Charlie had found her own sense of purpose. Each day, she ventured out a little more, exploring the parts of the pack’s land she had never been allowed to see when she was just the Omega that everyone used as a punching bag. The freedom was exhilarating, and with each passing day, she felt more and more like she belonged. But there was one place in particular that had captured her heart completely: the orphanage.

For the past four days, Charlie had spent her afternoons at the orphanage, a place she had always been curious about but had never been allowed to visit before. The pups there were full of energy and life, their innocence and joy contagious, and Charlie found herself falling in love with them almost immediately. Each day, just before lunch, she would arrive at the small, cozy building that housed the pack’s parentless pups, and she would stay until the sun began to set in the sky.

It quickly became her favorite part of the day.

She would spend hours playing with the pups, reading them stories, or baking delicious treats with them. The giggles and laughter that filled the orphanage each day filled Charlie’s heart with a happiness she hadn’t felt in years. These pups didn’t care about her past, her status, or the scars she carried inside. To them, she was simply Charlie—the Luna who brought them joy, warmth, and love.

Today had been no different. The sun was beginning its slow descent, casting long shadows across the orphanage grounds as Charlie prepared to say her goodbyes for the evening. The group of pups surrounding her clung to her legs, begging her to stay just a little longer. The Omega in charge, Sarah, tried to usher the children away gently, herding them toward their beds.

“Come on now, pups,” Sarah said, her tone patient but firm. “Your Luna needs to get back to her own home.”

A chorus of disappointed groans and protests filled the air.

“Aww man!”

“No! She can stay a bit longer!”

“Please, Luna Charlie, just one more game?”

Charlie’s heart swelled at their enthusiasm, the warmth of their affection wrapping around her like a comforting blanket. She knelt down to their level, smiling as she placed a gentle hand on the head of one of the younger pups, a little girl with wide, eager eyes.

“How about this,” Charlie said, her voice light and teasing. “I’ll stay for one more story. But only if everyone gets dressed and ready for bed in five minutes.”

The children’s eyes lit up at the offer, and within seconds, they were rushing off toward their dormitory, their tiny feet pattering against the wooden floors as they scrambled to fulfill her request.

Sarah and Charlie both laughed as they watched the pups dart off, their excitement filling the small space with a lightness that was infectious. When the room was finally quiet again, Sarah turned to Charlie with a soft smile.

“You’re so good with them,” Sarah said warmly, her eyes full of admiration. “It’s no wonder they’ve grown so attached to you.”

Charlie blushed slightly at the compliment, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m the one who’s lucky,” she replied. “They’ve made me feel… well, like I belong.”

The words came out softly, almost hesitantly, but they were true. For so long, Charlie had felt like an outsider in the pack, like someone who didn’t quite fit in anywhere. But here, with the pups, she had found a sense of belonging she hadn’t known she was missing.

Sarah smiled knowingly, nodding in agreement. “It’s amazing how they can do that, isn’t it? They have a way of seeing people for who they truly are, not who the world tells them they should be.”

Charlie looked down, her fingers tracing the edge of the table absentmindedly. “I think that’s what I love most about them,” she admitted. “They don’t care about my past or my title. They just…see me.”

For a moment, a comfortable silence settled between them. The sounds of the children’s excited chatter echoed faintly from the hallway, but the two women remained where they were, enjoying the brief lull in activity.

After a minute, Sarah glanced at Charlie, her expression thoughtful. “Have you ever thought about having your own?”

Charlie blinked, startled by the question. “My own?”

“Children,” Sarah clarified, a gentle smile on her lips. “You’re wonderful with them. Have you ever thought about starting a family with the Alphas?”

The question caught Charlie off guard, and for a moment, she didn’t know how to respond. She hadn’t thought much about the future beyond trying to find her place in the pack, let alone the idea of starting a family. But as the question lingered in the air, she felt something stir inside her—a warmth, a flicker of hope that maybe, someday, that could be part of her future.

“I…I don’t know,” Charlie admitted, her voice soft. “I guess I’ve never really thought about it. I know they’ll need an heir eventually.”

Sarah chuckled, her eyes twinkling with understanding. “Well, when the time comes, you’ll make a wonderful mother. I can already see it.”

Before Charlie could respond, the sound of tiny feet running back toward them filled the room. The pups had returned, dressed in their pajamas and ready for their bedtime story, their faces beaming with excitement. They gathered around her in a chaotic but endearing pile, their eagerness making Charlie laugh.

“Alright, alright,” Charlie said, raising her hands in mock surrender. “Everyone get settled, and I’ll start the story.”

The children scrambled to find their spots, their little bodies wriggling with anticipation as they waited for her to begin. Charlie picked up the book she had set aside earlier, her heart swelling with affection as she opened it to the first page. The story was a simple one, a tale of a brave wolf pup who found his way back to his family after getting lost in the woods, but the children hung on to every word, their eyes wide with wonder.

By the time she finished, the sun had fully set, and the orphanage was bathed in the soft glow of the lamps scattered throughout the room. The pups, now drowsy and content, began to settle into their beds, their tiny eyes fluttering closed as sleep slowly overtook them.

Charlie stood up quietly, her heart full as she watched them drift off to sleep. Sarah moved to her side, giving her a gentle pat on the back.

“They adore you,” Sarah whispered, her voice full of warmth. “You’ve brought so much joy to this place.”

Charlie smiled, her chest tight with emotion. “They’ve given me more than they know.”

With a final glance at the sleeping pups, Charlie said her goodbyes to Sarah and slipped out of the orphanage. The night air was cool against her skin, the sky fully dark now, dotted with stars. As she walked through the quiet streets of the packhouse grounds, she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

A peace that was soon shattered by a cry for help in the woods.

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