Read with BonusRead with Bonus



"You seem to have a really close relationship with your maid. She seems... wild. The quite opposite of you." Jenna said.

We were walking back to the sitting room after the confrontation with Dallas. Jenna was clearly not okay with it. It was clear she wasn't used to interacting with domestic workers. She isn't the first person who had found my relationship with Dallas strange. Tabitha stared at me weirdly when I asked her to send Dallas up for lunch the other day.

"I apologize for my maid's unruly behavior."

"It's okay. If I may ask, why would you employ someone like that?" Jenna asked.

Because she is my antidote. Because she is the only woman I've ever met that could drive me insane and I would still crave for her. Because she is the only woman I've ever lusted after. I wanted to give Jenna a reply that would shut her up and prevent her from asking questions. Now, I wish I had give in to her signals and sent her away a few hours ago. I opened my mouth to do just that when I saw Dallas walk by. She was within earshot so I thought to make one last dig at her as retaliation for the dirty water.

"I employed her as part of a charity program that focused on helping people with low IQ. She grew in the forest with wild animals, she was surrounded by coyotes. She was rescued a few years back by some forest workers. She doesn't know much about human interactions and acts like she is still with her coyotes family." I glanced back to see Dallas staring daggers at me.

"Rich coming from someone who owns a tank full of knives. Did he tell you he likes throwing knives?" Dallas gave me a knowing smirk.

I was going to kill her.

"You throw knives?" Jenna asked, surprise evident in her voice.

"I love fencing. It's not exactly throwing knives. I own some antique blades and an epee."

Dallas laughed maniacally at my lost of words.

"I see you two have a lot to catch up on. I'll leave you to it. Have fun." Dallas said and flipped her hair dramatically. My eyes lingered on her swaying hips a bit longer than I would like.

"Shall I give you the pendant now?. It's in my bedroom closet." I said before she could ask anymore questions.

"Sure. I'll wait in the living room." she turned and walk away before I could stop her.

I was slightly amazed that she stayed true to her mannered upbringing. Any other girl would have offered to follow me to my bedroom and maybe try to do something with me while in there. It always end badly with me throwing up on them when they touch me or I ended up harshly sending them out. If it was Dallas, I'm sure she would follow me up to either mess up my bedroom, or memorize the security of my safe for later use. The exact opposite of Jenna. Surprisingly, I preferred the one that acts like a wild coyote.

I retrieved the pendant from the safe and walked down the stairs to meet Jenna. I heard her making a phone call.

"No, mum. I'm not acting like I didn't want this."

"Okay, I'll get married. Can you stop crying?"

"I'm hanging up now. Bye."

She let out an exasperated sigh. It seems she was going through the same situation as me. I took a few discrete steps back. I didn't want her to know that I overhead her phone call. I cleared my throat and walked into the living room. She quickly collected herself and settled into her posture as I walked in. I set the engraved case on the table. I took in her entire look a bit differently from when she first walked in. Tidy, stylish, perfect, she was too mch like me. I knew it wasn't going to work. I wouldn't be able to touch her. I took a sharp breath, knowing I was about to break my mother's promise and her heart too, literally. I wanted to send her on her way when she blurted:

"Would you like some mooncakes?"

"What?" I asked, surprise evident in my tone.

This wasn't time for mooncakes, figuratively and literally. it wasn't the time for mooncakes according to the calendar. She let out a small smile, the first human thing she has done ever since I met her. Her hands went to the nape of her neck.

"Mooncakes. They were made in China by an ancient lady especially for me. She's..uh... a friend of my mum's. It's the real deal."

The knots in my stomach tightened. I wanted to reject her offer.

"My mother sent me to pick them up in the middle of the night at this very tall and creepy apartment. She said it would uh..." She paused and cleared her throat. " you over. I don't exactly want to do that though. Win you over, I mean." she pressed her lips together. It was the first time she struggled with words since she entered my domain. The context was clear, she didn't want this.

"Don't misunderstand me, It has nothing to do with you. You're perfect. It's just me. I don't really like..." she paused again.

This time I was dying for her to finish her statement. Does she have a problem with humans like me? She doesn't like being forced to get married?

"You don't like?" I asked, unable to hide my curiosity any longer.


"Are you gay?" I asked, a bit excited about the prospect.

It would be really nice if she were gay. Our marriage would be on paper. No expections. No emotions. And most importantly, no sex. I could fufil my mum's promise without compromising anything.

"No. I don't know actually. I don't have any desires towards anyone. I'm very open to exploring. But that might take a while and I know the pressure on you to get married. I also know our parents wanted us to get married." She said.

"I can't even comprehend the idea of hugging a guy not to talk of kissing. But I would love to have children, a family to call my own, I don't want to die alone."

A smile crept on my lips. Maybe we cam work something out after all. Jenna was a completely safe choice. She was the perfect choice of my mother. She had a decent job and a decent life. She wasn't likeable but she wasn't horrible either. She wouldn't push me out of my comfort zone. She wouldn't expect too much. She was so much like me so there is no way I would develop feelings for her.

"We can work something out if you're willing. It will be beneficial to the both of us."

"Let's hear it."

I tilted my head forward, my expression slowly slipped to business mode.

"We can get married, and you'll get everything you want. Children and a chance to explore. I won't touch you, or hug you, or even kiss you at the altar. You will get pregnant through insemination. A marriage completely on paper."

She drew in a long breath. I was slightly irritated by how loud her breath was. Did she have to breath so loudly? How was I supposed to tolerate her existence if her breath annoys me?

"Wow! That sounds really fucked up. And oddly comforting." she said.

"There is something though." she bit her lower lip.

"Sex is really something I have always wanted to try. I've heard people describe it as exhilarating. I want that feeling. I have never experienced it no matter how attracted I was to the man. It has always been nonconsenusal to me."

"That is not a problem, It will be an open marriage. You are allowed to date and have sex with anyone. As long as you're discreet about it."

It sounded fucked up to the ear. A man allowing his wife cheat on him. It was unheard of. But as desperate as I was to suggest that, I wasn't stupid enough to allow them get caught. It would ruin my public image. I refused to be a laughing stock just because of my terrible phobias.

"Rest assured that I will never love you. I would never touch you. And I really hope I get comfortable enough to touch my child."

Maybe one day, after Dallas cures me, I will get comfortable enough to touch my child. I'll finally be ablee to break out of my shell and live life like I've always wanted. I can finally act like a normal human being.

Jenna stared at he feet long enough to make me think she would refuse. I had just asked her to willingly throw herself into a lifetime prison. It felt wrong. Even though I wanted her to agree, a tiny part of me wanted her to say no. Then I would have another excuse to delay my marriage.

"I'm in." She said. Her phone dinged indicating a text message. She scanned it quickly.

"I have some conditions of mine that I would love to discuss with you, but I have to go now. I have a shoot in a few hours."

"Let's meet some other time and discuss then." I said.

We both rose to our feet. I wanted to see her off when she did something so out of order. She forced her hand to hold mine firmly in a handshake. My posture stiffened as I felt acid churned at the back of my throat. Bile rose to my thoat and I could feel the black ink trying to consume me. Blood. Blood. And so much blood. Lifeless eye. Jenna was saying something but I couldn't hear her. All I could hear were screams. Lots and lots of screams. I opened my mouth to tell her to let me go but no words came out. I wanted to run out of there, but my legs stood frozen in place.

Let me go!

Let me go!!

No words came out.

"Leave." I finally managed to say, swallowing pass the bile in my throat.

"I beg your pardon."

"Get out!" I screamed at her. She jolted back in fear before hurriedly turning away from me. The clacking of her heels as she walked out of the door was the last thing I heard before I slumped to the floor.

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