Read with BonusRead with Bonus



It'd been two weeks since I started working at the Kang's mansion, a few days after the bathroom saga. And It was finally my day off. I wasn't exactly looking forward to going home to Lucien and the twins, infact I preferred Oliver's torture to them. But there was nothing for me to do there. The weekend maid resumed work already. I didn't like being idle. Oliver gave me my paycheck and I intended to satisfy myself. And also, I wouldn't have to meet Mason. I overhead Tabitha tell Oliver that he was coming over to discuss some business with him. Mason and I didn't exactly have a good history together.

My work at the Kang's mansion has been like a long rollercoaster ride. Working for Oliver Kang was like trying to tame a beast—one that didn't care if it tore you apart in the process. But there are some times I actually liked working there. Like when I beat Oliver at chess. Or when I won against him at a fencing match. He is very competitive. And also extra annoying. Like right now.

'Don't forget to clean my bedroom. It is really dirty in there.'

That was the text he sent me now. I ignored it obviously. He could ask his other maid to do it. I picked my backpack from the bed and headed towards the door. I walked down the hallways to the living room. Oliver was coming down the stairs from the east wing.

“Where are you off to?” He asked.

“Uh– home. It's my day off.” I answered a bit surprised that he was asking me that when he literally handed me my paycheck this morning and said ‘glad I won't have to see your face for the weekend’.

He seems a bit surprised.

“You can't go anywhere. The living room is very dirty.” He said.

“Sorry, can't do. The other maid already started her shift. I'm not working today.” I said.

“You can't leave your work uncompleted. It's against the law.”

“It's also against the law to not give your employee the day off after you've both agreed on it and had it written. I can file a lawsuit, you know.” I smirked and crossed my arms across my chest.

“I'm rewriting the contract now. You shouldn't get a day off until the end of the month.” He said.

“Sorry boss. I'm off.” I said and broke into a run before he could say another word.

I jogged around the property for a while before finally getting to my car. I got into the car and ignited it. I haven't driven out of the spot when I heard a knock on the window.

I raised my head to see Regina Kang. I quickly alighted from the car.

“Good afternoon ma'am.” I greeted with a huge smile plastered on my face. I figured I should be nice to her because she is Oliver's mother. Well, scratch that. I'm just a great person.

“Are you Dallas Valencia?” She asked, ignoring my greetings.

“In the flesh.”

She gave me a disgusted look and I cocked my eyebrow. Okay, screw being a great person. I've had people give me that look my entire life that I know it doesn't mean something well.

“Dallas, I don't have any bad intentions towards you, and I'm just speaking to you as a concerned mother. I don't want you to take this personally.”

I had a feeling that whatever she is about to say will make me really mad or really sad.

Whatever it is, we'll act cool, Dallas, because we are cool people.

“I heard you and my son have developed some sort of cordial relationship lately.” She said and physically cringed.

I smirked. Oh! I am so going to enjoy this.

“Yes ma'am. Mr Kang and I are really close. We play chess together. We also engage in fencing matches together.” I said.

She let out a small gasp.

“My son engage in such a violent sport as fencing?”

“Oh ma'am, you didn't know. He boxes too.” I said.

Regina's face looked so terrified I actually feared she might have a heart attack.

“He really knows how to handle the sword well.” I said and pretended to blush.

I bit my lower lip and slowly tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear. Nothing too extreme, but it will surely give her the wrong impression of us.

She glared at me with so much fire that could set me ablaze if she had the power to.

“A young lady shouldn't be saying things like that, it's very unladylike.” She sneered.

Well, thank God I don't desire to be lady-like.

“Dallas, I have done my research on you and I found out that you were from a humble background…” She started.

By humble, she meant poor.

“...I know you want to better your lives and that of your family…”

No ma'am, I don't give shit about them and they don't about me.

“ son is a very fragile man. Your personalities are entirely different. And as a mother, I know what is best for my son. I don't think you would make a great life partner for him. Also, it is not a very good impact on the reputation of my family considering you are his maid. I think it's best you leave.”

I almost bursted into laughter. I had to bite my lips really hard to refrain the laugh. A frown settled between Regina's forehead at my reaction.

I'd rather poke my eyeballs out and eat them, than join the list of the ‘potential candidates to be Oliver Kang’s bride’. We wouldn't even last a week together as a married couple.

I didn't say that to her.

“I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't do that.”

“What if I pay you? Name your price.” She said.

And my day just got better. I decided to have some fun.

“One million dollars.” She said.

“Five million dollars.” I replied her and smirked.

“Two million dollars.” She said.

“Three million dollars.”

“Done. I'll wire you the money now and you'll leave my son and never come back.” She said and brought out her phone.

I felt tempted to accept the money. But what Oliver was offering was far more beneficial to me than just money.

“On a second thought, I changed my mind. I'm sorry but I can't leave Oliver.” I said.

Regina took a sharp breath.

“What if I arrange a wealthy suitor for you?. You can get all the wealth you want. Just leave my son alone. Do we have a deal?” She asked.

I was a bit taken aback by her statement. Offering me money to leave her son was outrageous, but I wasn't that surprised. Rich people think everything and everyone can be bought. But offering to marry me off to someone else just to get me away from your son is downright unbelievable. The lengths this woman will go to just to control her son's life.

“Uhm…no. I kind of like Oliver now. But thank you for offering though. I really appreciate it.” I said and got into my car.

I poked my head out of the window.

“But if you still want to give out the three million dollars, I'll be willing to accept it.” I said and flashed her a smile.

She scoffed and walked away from me. It didn't seem she planned on visiting Oliver as she walked right through the exit and into her car.

I rolled up my window and inserted the key into the ignition when my phone dinged indicating a text notification.

Okay, now what?

I picked up my phone to see a text notification from Oliver. He was saved as ‘the devil's incarnate’.

‘I need you to come upstairs to my room now. It's an emergency.’

I threw my phone on the seat beside me when the phone dinged again.

‘Don’t you dare ignore me.’

‘It’s my day off today, ‘boss’. And I'm on my way home.’ I texted back.

‘I know you haven't left the property. Come upstairs to my room, right now. It's all you could do for ruining my property.’ he texted.

Okay, this man sure knows how to hold grudges. It's been days since after the bathroom incident but he has not agreed to let me go. It seems to give him even more reasons to hold me down. I contemplated what to do when another message entered.

‘It’s really important.’

I grunted loudly. I grabbed my backpack and alighted from the car.

I walked into the mansion in hurry. I would just listen to whatever it is he wanted to say and then get out of here.

I walked up the stairs, taking two steps at a time. I came across his grumpy assistant coming from the direction of the room.

I swear, the girl has problems. She hates me for no reason at all and always throws a disdain look in my way everytime.

“Hi, Tabitha.” I said. She merely nodded and walked past me.

See what being a great person brought me. Disrespect from people.

I jogged to Oliver's room. I placed a knock on the door but got no response. I opened the door and poked my head in. There was nobody inside. I wonder why he'd ask me to come when he wasn't inside.

“Mr Kang!” I called walking fully into the room.

I heard the water running and figured he was in the bathroom. The water turned off after a few seconds.

I turned to the direction of the bathroom to see him walk out with nothing but a towel tying loosely below his waist.

My mouth hung opened as I took in the sight before me. For someone who does nothing except throw knives and sit behind a computer, Oliver has a great body. His muscles were well toned with perfectly structured abs. I wanted to feel the muscles to see if they were as hard as they look. His wet hair clung on his forehead giving him an ethreal look. I felt a sudden itch to run my fingers through them. My eyes traveled around his body down to the V part that is concealed by the towel. I felt a slight throb in my core as I watched his huge cock bulged out of the towel. I had a sudden urge to strip him naked and find out if his cock was as huge as it looked. I could feel myself dripping just thinking abouthim doing sinful things to me.

As if the heavens heard my prayers, Oliver slipped as he was approaching me.and fell to the hard floor, his towel coming off his body, revealing his huge cock.

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