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Eclipse of shame

Ava’s POV

The day of the eclipse festival was finally here, but for me, it wasn’t a day of celebration. It was a day I had been dreading for weeks, a night full of nightmares for omegas, especially me. The entire pack would come together to celebrate their bonds, their power, and their mates.

But for me, it would be a night of humiliation and pain. I somehow know just that Helena is going to make a show off me.

The packhouse was buzzing with excitement, every corner filled with laughter and chatter. Werewolves from neighboring packs were arriving, dressed in their finest clothes, each one more glamorous than the last. I was invisible, moving through the halls like a shadow, doing my best to avoid their eyes.

I was nothing more than a servant here. An outsider, this is something I want to get used to but I am unable to.

The pack members had barely acknowledged me as I carried out the preparations. Helena, of course, had made sure I was given the worst tasks. Scrubbing the floors, setting the tables, cleaning up after everyone. I was beneath them all, and they made sure I knew it.

Every whispered word, every sneer, was a reminder of how far I had fallen.

The festival was to be held in the grand hall, a massive space filled with ornate decorations and glowing lanterns that flickered like stars against the dark sky. I stood at the edge of the hall, my hands trembling as I clutched the tray of drinks I was meant to serve.

I could feel the weight of the night pressing down on me. This wasn’t just another pack event. This was a night where Landon would introduce Helena as his Luna in front of the entire pack, something that had once been my destiny.

But now, I was just a bystander, forced to watch as they paraded their love, their power, their bond in front of everyone. And I would have to serve them.

My heart clenched in my chest, the pain almost unbearable. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that I had been bound to Landon, that he had refused to reject me, yet chose someone else to stand beside him.

I was trapped in this life, bound to a mate who didn’t want me. Who hated me. A mate that doesn't feel the mate bond just me. It was just so unfair to be bonded to someone who hates your very gut.

The guests started to arrive, their voices filling the hall with laughter and excitement. Lunas and Alphas from across the packs stood tall, their mates on their arms, their heads held high. Every pair that entered was a reminder of what I would never have.

I kept my head down, my hands shaking as I moved through the crowd, trying to remain unnoticed. I couldn’t be seen. Not tonight.

But it was impossible to escape their whispers.

"Isn’t that Ava?" I heard one of the pack members mutter as I passed by.

"Yes," another voice replied, filled with disdain. "The wolfless one. Landon’s unrejected mate."

The words hit me like a slap, but I didn’t react. I couldn’t react. I had learned to keep my head down, to keep moving, even when the world was crashing down around me.

As the night wore on, the hall grew more crowded. I could feel the tension in the air building as the time for the eclipse drew closer. My stomach twisted painfully as I spotted Landon standing at the front of the hall, surrounded by pack members, his presence dominating the room.

Helena was by his side, her hand intertwined through his arm, a proud smile on her face. She was dressed in an elegant gown that shimmered in the dim light, her beauty undeniable. She looked every bit the Luna, the role that had once been meant for me.

I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them. They looked perfect together, and the sight of it made my chest ache with a pain so deep I could hardly breathe.

"Everyone," Landon’s voice rang out, silencing the room.

My heart raced, my pulse pounding in my ears as I realized what was about to happen. He was going to do it. He was going to announce Helena as his Luna.

I tried to slip further into the background, praying no one would notice me. But Landon’s eyes found mine across the room, and my blood turned to ice.

"Come here, Ava," he said, his voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

I froze, my entire body locking in place as all eyes turned toward me. I wanted to run, to disappear, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t defy him. He was the Alpha, and my body obeyed him without question.

My legs moved on their own, carrying me toward him even though I wanted to scream. The room felt suffocating, the stares of the pack members boring into me as I walked through the crowd.

By the time I reached him, my heart was pounding so hard I thought it might burst. I stood in front of him, trembling, my eyes downcast.

Landon’s hand wrapped around my wrist, his grip firm, almost painful. He leaned in close, his voice a low whisper meant only for me. "You can never hide from me, Ava. Never forget that."

I swallowed hard, the tears burning behind my eyes. I wanted to scream.

But I couldn’t.

Landon’s voice rang out again, addressing the pack. "This is Ava," he said, his tone cold and detached. "She was meant to be my mate. But she was too weak to fulfill the role of Luna."

I could feel the eyes of the pack on me, their judgment, their scorn. My chest tightened, my throat constricting as I fought to hold back the tears.

"But now," Landon continued, his voice louder, "I have found someone stronger. Someone more worthy of standing by my side. Helena, my new Luna."

The crowd erupted into applause, but the sound felt distant, like it was coming from far away. My vision blurred with unshed tears, and for a moment, I thought I might collapse under the weight of it all.

Helena stepped forward, her lips curled into a smug smile as she looked down at me. She didn’t say a word, but her eyes said everything. She had won.

I was nothing.

The night dragged on, the festival in full swing, but for me, it was a blur of pain and humiliation. I moved through the crowd, serving drinks, trying to stay invisible, but the whispers followed me wherever I went.

"Poor Ava," one of the guests murmured as I passed by. "She was supposed to be Luna, but now she’s just a servant."

I felt the sting of their words, but I kept my head down. Don’t let them see you break.

But the worst part was knowing that Landon was watching me. He didn’t care about my pain, didn’t care about how much it hurt to see him with Helena. He enjoyed it. He thrived on it.

I passed by them again, trying to avoid their gaze, but as I moved past Helena, I felt her foot hook around my ankle, and before I could stop myself, I stumbled. The tray of drinks I was carrying crashed to the floor, the sound echoing through the hall.

The room fell silent.

For a moment, I stayed frozen, my heart racing as I knelt to pick up the broken glasses. I couldn’t breathe.

"Careful, Ava," Helena said, her voice dripping with fake sympathy. "You wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself more than you already have."

The room erupted into soft laughter, the sound like knives slicing through me.

I felt the tears prick at my eyes, but I forced them back. I wouldn’t cry. Not here. Not in front of them.

But as I knelt there, surrounded by the shattered remains of my dignity, I could feel Landon’s eyes on me. He didn’t say a word, but I could feel his satisfaction.

This was what he wanted.

To see me broken.

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