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No one cares

Ava’s POV

The party became foggy around me, laughter and music filling the air, but it all felt distant like I was watching it from underwater. Every breath was a struggle as I tried to make myself invisible, to fade into the background. Landon’s gaze never left me the entire night, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t escape it.

I felt like a prisoner, shackled to the very man who despised me, quite an irony.

I had been trying to sneak away from the grand hall when I felt a hand grab my wrist, pulling me back. A stranger. He was a werewolf from one of the visiting packs, his eyes dark with intent as they roamed over my body.

"Hey, beautiful," he said with a grin that made my stomach turn. His grip tightened on my wrist. "You shouldn’t be out here all alone."

My heart pounded in my chest, my skin crawling under his gaze. "Please, let go," I whispered, my voice trembling. I didn’t want this. But he didn’t release me.

His smile widened as he stepped closer, his breath hot against my neck. "Come on, don’t be like that. You know you want this."

Before I could pull away, Landon’s hand gripped my arm, yanking me away from the man with such force that I stumbled.

The room fell silent. Everyone was watching.

Landon’s eyes burned with fury, his jaw clenched tight as he glared at the man who dared touch me. "Get the fuck away from her," he growled, his voice low and menacing.

The werewolf’s eyes flicked between Landon and me, his smile faltering as he realized who he had just provoked. An Alpha.

He quickly backed off, his hands raised in surrender, but Landon’s anger was already boiling over. He turned on me, his eyes filled with disgust.

"You think you can flirt with other men like a whore?" His voice was loud and cold, and the entire room went quiet. My blood ran cold as the word left his mouth, every eye in the hall now focused on me, for the third time in one evening.

I tried to speak, to tell him it wasn’t what he thought, but my words were stuck in my throat.

"Answer me!" he snapped, his voice venomous as he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. His grip was painful, his fingers digging into my skin.

"I… I wasn’t…" I stammered, my heart racing in my chest.

"You think you can play the victim?" His laugh was bitter, dark. "You think I don’t know what you are?"

Before I could respond, Landon yanked me roughly through the crowd, dragging me to his room as whispers trailed behind us.

The door slammed shut behind us, the sound echoing in the space. My pulse raced, my body trembling with fear. I knew what was coming. I had seen it in his eyes.

"You belong to me," he snarled, his voice dark with rage. "Don’t you ever forget that?"

Before I could even react, Landon’s hand fisted my hair, yanking my head back painfully. His lips crashed down on mine with brutal force, stealing my breath, his kiss more of a punishment than anything else. It was harsh, and punishing, and there was no escape.

I whimpered, trying to pull away, but his grip tightened, his fingers tangling painfully in my hair as he pushed me against the wall.

"You’re mine, Ava," he growled against my lips, his breath hot and suffocating. "And you’ll do as I say."

His hands were everywhere, tearing at my clothes with a savagery that left me feeling exposed, and vulnerable. My mind screamed for him to stop, but my body, my traitorous body, responded to him against my will. He was the Alpha, and I was powerless to resist him, not to mention, the mate bond was not helping issues.

He shoved me onto the bed, his weight pressing me down, pinning me in place as his hands roamed over my bare skin. My heart pounded, my stomach twisted in knots, but there was nothing I could do.

I hated him. I hated him more than anything.

But he didn’t care. Landon never cared about my pain. All he wanted was to assert his dominance, to remind me that I was his.

He didn’t speak as he roughly parted my legs, his eyes dark with hunger. I felt his fingers dig into my thighs, bruising the flesh, and I gasped as he shoved himself into me without warning.

The pain was sharp, tearing through me, but he didn’t stop. His thrusts were hard and relentless, and I bit down on my lip, trying to stifle the sob that threatened to escape. It was my first time and he took it so recklessly.

"Does it hurt?" he growled, his breath hot against my neck. "You deserve this, Ava. This is what you get."

I tried to pull away, tried to push him off, but my body betrayed me, responding to his touch, his dominance, even though I didn’t want it. My skin burned where he touched me, my body aching from the force of his movements.

I felt his pace quicken, his breath becoming more ragged as he neared his release. My hands clutched at the sheets, trying to ground myself as the world spiralled out of control around me.

With a final thrust, Landon came, a low groan escaping his lips. He stayed there for a moment, his body heavy on top of mine, before pulling out and stepping away.

"Get out," he muttered, his voice filled with disgust. "I don’t want to see you."

I scrambled to gather my torn clothes, my heart pounding as I dressed as quickly as I could. My skin was still burning, the ache between my legs a constant reminder of what had just happened. I couldn’t breathe.

Tears filled my eyes as I fled the room, my vision blurred, and my body trembled as I ran through the empty hallways.

I didn’t know where I was going; I just needed to escape. My heart was shattered, my soul broken into a thousand pieces. There was nothing left for me here.

I ran into the woods, my breath ragged, my legs shaking from exhaustion. The moonlight barely illuminated my path, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to disappear until I realized I wasn’t alone. Helena and Annabelle stood there watching me menacingly.

"Look at you, running off like a coward," Helena said, her voice cutting through the night, cold and sharp. I backed away a bit, my heart sinking as fear gripped at the sight of Helena and Annabelle standing there, their eyes filled with raw rage and jealousy.

Helena stepped forward, her lips curling into a cruel smile. "You just couldn’t let go, could you? Even after everything, you still think you have a place here."

I shook my head, my voice trembling. "I didn’t… I swear…"

"Shut up!" Annabelle hissed, her voice filled with venom as she grabbed my arm, yanking me forward. I stumbled, barely able to keep my balance as they dragged me deeper into the woods, away from the packhouse.

We reached a clearing, the moonlight casting eerie shadows on the ground as Helena shoved me to the ground. I fell hard, my hands scraping against the cold earth.

"You want to know why you don’t have a wolf?" Helena sneered, her voice dripping with malice. "It’s because of you, Ava. You’re cursed."

My heart pounded, confusion swirling in my mind. "What are you talking about?"

Helena’s smile widened, her eyes gleaming with hatred. "Mom told Dad. She said it was because of you. You were never meant to have a wolf. You were always going to be weak."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut, but before I could react, Annabelle’s foot slammed into my ribs, the force of it knocking the air from my lungs. I gasped, curling into myself as the pain spread through my body.

"You’ve always been weak," Annabelle spat, her voice cold. "A useless, pathetic burden."

They began to hit me, their fists and feet crashing into me with brutal force. I tried to cover my vitals, but I was too weak. They were stronger, their wolves giving them the power I didn’t have.

Helena stepped on my hand, and I screamed as I felt the bones crack beneath her weight. "You should’ve died a long time ago," she whispered, her voice filled with venom. "No one will miss you."

I could barely see through the haze of pain, my body trembling as I lay there, broken and bleeding. This was the end.

I was going to die here, alone in the woods, at the hands of the very people who should have protected me and no one would care.

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