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Ava's Rage

Ava’s POV

This time, I wouldn’t be the one who suffers. I would make them beg for death, and they wouldn’t get it.

"Good, because that's exactly what I want!" The voice in my mind echoed my thoughts, fierce and full of the same rage that burned in my chest. I blinked, surprised. Why was the voice as angry at them as I was?

"Who are you?" I asked the voice which had gone silent.

"I am Maya, your wolf." My wolf. The words hit me like a punch. A wolf? Now? How was this possible?

"You have always had a wolf," Maya’s voice continued, calm but filled with a barely controlled rage. "Your mother, right there, colluded with a witch. She’s been feeding us wolfsbane and a potion meant to kill me. That’s why you couldn’t transform in your past life or feel my presence."

Her words slammed into me, each one sharper than the last. I rolled Maya’s name over in my head, feeling the weight of it. In my past life, I would have been overjoyed to finally have a wolf. But now? All I could feel was a searing need for revenge.

"Ava, are you alright?" my mother’s voice broke through my thoughts. She sounded worried, almost panicked. But I knew better. I had learned better. Anyone else would think she was a doting mother, desperate for her daughter’s well-being. But I knew the truth.

The truth was that she had betrayed me.

I ripped her hands off me, the rage bubbling to the surface before I could control it. "Don’t act like you care now, Mother," I hissed, venom lacing every word.

Her eyes widened in shock, but I wasn’t done, I wanted to do more. I couldn’t pretend anymore.

"Calm down, Ava," Maya’s voice soothed in my mind. "If we want our revenge, we can’t show all our cards right away. We have to be smart."

But I didn’t want to play the game of cat and mouse in this lifetime. I didn’t care about keeping things hidden. Maya wasn’t the one who felt her sisters rip out her heart. She wasn’t the one who had been raped and humiliated by her mate over and over again.

"I saw everything, Ava," Maya whispered, her voice quieter now, filled with shared pain. "We are connected. Even though we couldn’t shift, I felt and saw everything. I promise you, we will get our revenge. Not a slow burn. We will burn them all up soon. The Harvest Festival is coming, and there… we will show them."

I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms. I didn’t entirely support Maya’s idea of waiting but she was right about one thing; I needed time. Time to plan. So, for now, I would go along with her idea.

My mother’s eyes flickered, confusion and anger brewing beneath the surface. She hadn't expected me to speak back. She wasn’t used to me ever speaking back, much less standing up for myself. But that didn’t last long. Her eyes darkened, her wolf surfacing as she reached out and slapped me across the face with a force that made my vision blur.

The sting of it burned, the taste of blood filling my mouth as my lip split. I refused to let her see my pain.

"You dare speak to me like that, you ungrateful little bitch?" My mother’s voice was ice cold, her eyes flashing with fury. "You’re a non-shifter, a disgrace to this family! You’ve done nothing but humiliate us by fighting with your sister over Landon."

Ah, yes. The drama of this timeline, this life I had already lived through. I had forgotten how this would play out. It was all coming back to me now, the same twisted cycle, the same betrayal and humiliation. But this time, I would change the outcome. This time, I wouldn’t be the one broken, I would break every single one of them.

I could almost hear the past playing in my mind: how Helena had rejected her true mate and Landon had asked her to marry him right after. How I had been so foolish, so desperate for Landon’s love, that I had begged him not to pick my sister.

His rejection had been brutal. "I would rather die than have you as my Luna," he had said.

And then Helena, with her cruel smile, had slapped me until I lost consciousness. All of this had happened after my nineteenth birthday, and as I pieced together the timeline, I realized where I was. I had gone back four years.

I was nineteen again.

"I didn’t fight with my sister for anyone, Mother," I said, my voice steady, though every fibre of my being screamed with rage. “In fact, I’ll be rejecting Landon at the Harvest Festival."

Her face paled, her eyes widening in shock. "You will do no such thing," she snapped. "If you reject Landon, you’ll be banished. You’ll be sold as a slave."

I raised an eyebrow at her, a cruel smile tugging at my lips. "Shouldn’t that make you happy? Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? To get rid of me?"

For the first time, my mother looked afraid. As if she were seeing something in me she hadn’t noticed before. Something dangerous.

Without another word, she stormed out of my room, slamming the door behind her. The instant she was gone, I collapsed onto the bed, the weight of it all finally crashing down around me. Angry tears filled my eyes, my body trembling with the force of my sobs. I couldn’t hold it back any longer.

How could they do this to me?

How could my own family, my mate, betray me like this?

"Ava, please," Maya whimpered in my mind, her voice soft with shared sorrow. "Stop crying. We’ll make them all pay. I promise. We’ll make them burn for what they did."

I took a deep breath, wiping away the tears as I felt Maya’s presence within me. She was right. I wasn’t alone anymore. I had her, and together, we would take everything back. We would make them pay for what they did.

"We’ll show them at the Harvest Festival," I whispered, my voice cold and steady. "We’ll make them regret ever crossing us."

Maya growled in agreement, her voice fierce and determined. "We’ll make them bleed."

And for the first time in a long time, I felt a flicker of hope. Hope for revenge and endless pain for my family.

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