Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 28

“The bodies are gone. Are you sure this was where it happened?” Jeff shuffles outside of the cave, searching over the terrain for signs of disruption to the dirt.

“Yes, we’re fucking sure. It happened here. I killed Helena in this exact spot. She was coming at me, and I threw a knife at her.”

Swiveling on the balls of his feet, Zev motions toward another spot. “That’s where Sasha took Luke. He was turning into one of those things... what did you call them?” His eyes meet mine.

“I don’t think Luke was turning into a lykoswulf. He wasn’t anything like Dante.” And it’s true. Dante transforms into a beautiful grey wolf. Whatever the fuck was happening to Luke? Not even close. It was more like Zack and Freddy.

“Well, either somebody took the bodies, they weren’t actually dead, or this is the wrong spot. There isn’t any sign of foul play that I can see.” Evan messes with the waistband of his shorts.

There were enough pairs for all of us. Though mine are too big and definitely intended for a guy. Zev’s fit a bit snuggly, showing off the outline of his dick. Evan’s reveal just as much. But at least I’m not as distracted anymore. I can finally find some normalcy with them being partially dressed. There weren’t any other shirts except for the one I’m wearing, which they were fine with. Apart from the clothing, Dante gave us a bar of soap that we managed to cut pieces off to wash with. I never thought something like that would be such a luxury. What I wouldn’t give for a hot shower.

“Who knows with this island. Maybe it just devoured them. As long as they’re not coming after us again as zombies or something, I think we need to explore more. We should head toward the other camp and see if anyone is still alive.” Dustin crosses his arms over his chest.

“I don’t know, man. You didn’t see them. They were savages. I don’t know what the hell happened to them but they’re not the same people who were shouting that we were monsters.” Zev closes the space to me and brushes his fingers to mine, seeing if I will take his hand.

I don’t know if I should or not. Everybody watches the gesture in anticipation.

So, I do the only thing I can think of.

I grab both his hand and Jeff’s, pulling them to me. I’m sure Zev thinks what the fuck, but I was honest with him. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I just can’t think about someone getting hurt because of me. Everything is too serious. I don’t want anything else to be. “It’s probably a good idea.”

Dustin twists his lips to the side. “We don’t all have to go. If you’re concerned, you can start gathering supplies.”

Evan drapes his arm over Dustin’s shoulder. “We need to stick together. It’s far too dangerous to separate.”

“Don’t be scared, doc. I’ll protect you. Though, we still need to make arrangements for you to protect me like you do Sasha. I’m fucking tired of being on guard all the time. I just need a strong man watching my back.” Breck chuckles with his words.

“I think I’d prefer this badass protecting me. You should’ve seen her go. She’s holding out on us. She can throw a punch.” Zev gives my hand a little shake. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were a fighter before this.”

I lift and drop my shoulders. “I’ve gotten into a few fights. Mostly self-defense.”

“What did you used to do that required you to use self-defense, little badass?” Breck steps closer to me, holding his hand out.

I don’t have enough hands to give in to everyone’s desire to stay close to my side, so I release Zev and Jeff but only give Breck a playful high-five. If this attention and affection keeps up, we’re all going to have to have a talk. They don’t say it, but I can tell they’re all competing with each other.

Maybe I need to chill out.

It’s so hard. They’re all gorgeous, sweet, and way more caring than any man I’ve ever met. I don’t even really know what to do with them at this point. I’ve never been treated this nicely. They don’t even expect anything from me.

“I mean, before you lost your job.” Breck nudges me with his knuckles, pulling me from my thoughts. “Since that seems to be the thing that we all have in common. No ties.”

I realize they’re all listening intensely while I’m sitting here fantasizing about them lusting after me. I’m fucking crazy. What is wrong with me?

“So fucked up, right? They had to be watching us.” I try to change the subject without being too obvious. I feel self-conscious about where I was before the bastards kidnapped me. “I was walking... home when they attacked.” If you could call the vacant house I’d been squatting in my home. Without a job, I couldn’t afford anything. I managed to keep my gym membership for showers because the owner liked me. A favor for a favor was our agreement.

“You’re avoiding the question, Sasha. You don’t have to be shy. We’re not going to judge you.” Breck tilts his head close to mine. “Promise.”

Zev punches Breck in the arm. “Leave her alone, asshole. If she doesn’t want to tell us—”

I hold my hand up, stopping the two of them from arguing over this. “I was... unstable. Most jobs I took were under the table. I was a nanny for a bit. Worked in retail. A personal shopper for...” I let my voice trail off. “I was a lot of things. But stable? No. I’ve been on my own since I was a teen. Life sucked and then this shit happened.”

“That doesn’t explain how you’re such a badass,” Jeff teases, offering me a smile.

“I wasn’t always. A job I took last summer... persuaded me to better my skills.” I suck my bottom lip between my teeth. “You know how it goes.”

They greet me with absolute silence. I don’t know what they fill the blanks in with but it’s probably close enough. I don’t even like thinking about it. The world has been brutal to me since my parents died.

They look at me with various expressions ranging from pity to anger. This is why I didn’t want to say anything. That’s why I still don’t. Obviously, whatever happens now has changed everything. I won’t go back to the real world to be the same person that I left behind. Not with the knowledge I have. I will seek answers. I need to know more about my parents, but I don’t want to find out anything from the fuckers here.

I laughed nervously. “Please, guys. Stop. I’m okay... well, sort of. All things considered.”

“I want to make a pact here and now. Between us. Whatever happens, we’re in this together. We need to protect each other and fight for each other. We need to work together to get the fuck off this island.” Evan speaks for what feels like the first time in a while. I wonder what goes through his mind, especially because he probably senses something happened between me and Zev.

“I’m in. I don’t want to be whatever the fuck they planned for us to be.” Dustin holds out his fist, waiting for Evan to bump it.

“Damn straight. We live and fight together. We protect each other. All of us come first.” Jeff does the same as Dustin and bumps his fist.

Breck claps his hands together, rubbing his palms. “Hell yeah. We’re going to make them regret this shit.”

Squeezing my arm, Zev meets my gaze. “Are you in? I’m in.”

I nod my head. “I’ll do whatever it takes. I’m in.” For the first time in what feels like forever, I feel powerful. I feel as if I am taking back control of my life.

Fighting to live or die trying—there is no other option.

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