Chapter 4
“Please don’t kill us. I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt us.” A guy’s voice sounds over the crashing waves. I think I recognize it as one of the men imprisoned on the boat.
“Survival will depend on you,” the man carrying me, who seems to be the leader, says as he flips me over his shoulder.
I screech as I hit my back to the ground. Hot sand scorches my bare skin. He nudges me until I shift into what I think might be the shade. At least I get one small mercy. The ground cools a bit, and I blink, my vision adjusting to the changing light. Digging my fingers into the sand, I clutch a handful and release it. I shouldn’t be thinking about the fact that I’m going to have sand in all the unwanted places on my body, but I can’t help it. There’s only been one time I’ve been naked on the beach, and at least I had a blanket to help. This time? Not so much.
“What does that even mean? What are you guys planning? I don’t understand.” I recognize Evan’s voice. “Why are we here?”
Linking my fingers to the bag over my head, I slowly pull it up, testing to see if anyone notices. I squint my eyes in the beaming sun. A dozen figures blur in my vision, and I flutter my lashes until I spot the group of naked prisoners standing in a circle.
Three wolves sit by the sides of our captors like obedient pets. I’ve never seen one so close. The beasts are far bigger than I realized, the shoulders of at least one reaching the men’s torsos. I lock my gaze with the man in the middle, the leader. He doesn’t yell at me for removing the bag. All he does is slowly shake his head and turn his attention to one of the male prisoners.
So do I.
“Is this some kind of sick-fuck human trafficking thing?” The handsome prisoner flares his nostrils, darting his gaze from the man and around the circle, stopping on me. It’s Evan. He still manages to remain even-toned despite everything.
Evan’s question makes another guy groan and rub his free hand on the back of his neck, keeping covered the best he can.
His palm can only hide so much. I shouldn’t be gaping at everyone as I do. I already hate that they sneak glances at me, but it helps keep me from breaking down. I need to be clear-headed. More aware.
“That’s one way to put it,” the leader says. “We kidnapped you, yes. We plan to use you, sure. But what’s the fun of giving anything away?”
Evan glowers, his muscles rippling in silent anger. Many people would react to that response, but again, Evan remains cool. He obviously doesn’t want to risk things like I have, but I wasn’t going to miss what could’ve been my only chance to escape, even if I failed.
“Fucking psycho,” another familiar voice mutters. It was the guy that asked Evan to carry him. I don’t know what I imagined him to look like, but it wasn’t this. His black hair sticks up on one side like he’s been lying on it. Stubble peppers his angular jaw, his features more rugged than Evan’s clean-shaven look.
“What was that, boy?” One of the other captors grabs the man’s shoulder. A wolf growls and circles. “Show some respect. You don’t know shit, so keep your mouth shut.”
“Easy now, Julius. He’ll learn his place. Isn’t that right, Breck? You’re a smart guy.” The leader smacks the prisoner, Breck, on the shoulder.
Breck’s hazel eyes search around as if he might be planning to fight, but something keeps him frozen. Fear? Maybe. He doesn’t respond either, tightening his mouth. Our eyes meet for a second, and we stare at each other in silence. Now I’m not the only one focusing on someone besides our captors.
“Now listen up. I’m going to take a quick look at you. You’re all good-looking and fit. Your chances are above average,” the leader continues.
I don’t react as Breck drinks me in from his spot, refusing to look at the man looking him over. He remains still, not moving or shifting as I stare right back at him. Inappropriate? Probably. Do I care? I have bigger concerns than being a perv. Like remaining calm. It takes everything in me to do so. Breck’s flexing muscles and the V of his hips help a bit. How handsome he is, too—actually, all the naked, imprisoned guys are buff as hell and cute. I don’t think I’ve seen so many abs in a row. All eight guys cover their naked bodies with their hands, and the three other women sling one arm over their boobs while hiding their vaginas with their other hand. I do neither. I remain in my spot on the shaded sand, trying not to draw attention to me as the others try to plead for information.
Maybe if our captors are too focused on everyone else, I can try to escape again. Taking advantage of a situation has saved my ass more than once. And I’ll keep trying. I don’t like whatever the fuck happens now. I’m humiliated and exposed. Naked and afraid.
“See? That wasn’t so bad, was it? I didn’t touch any of you. We’re not complete monsters around here.” The leader strolls along the middle of our circle. “We’re also not taking you anywhere else. This is it. You and this island. We will be back in a couple weeks to check on you. Use your smarts. Show us you have what it takes to survive.”
“What? Survive? You’re leaving for a couple of weeks? You can’t do this! I have a life. You’re crazy!” one of the women shouts. “People will look for me!”
The leader only shrugs. “I highly doubt it. You’ve all been carefully selected because of your lack of ties and connections in the civilized world. They don’t need you anymore. Dark Island does. We need fresh blood.”
I frown in confusion, opening and closing my mouth.
I don’t get a chance to respond because one of the prisoners rushes forward, trying to tackle the leader. He dodges out of the way, tripping the guy, and one of the wolves pounces on him and snarls in his ear.
The leader smiles and crosses his arms. “That’s what I’m talking about. It takes guts and courage. Bravery. Smarts. You all get that? Prove your damn worth and survive. May you be blessed by our lunar goddess. Good luck.”
The other wolves growl, getting between the three men and the rest of us, allowing them to trudge through the trees and toward the beach. After a few minutes, the wolves dart away and disappear.
No one moves. We all remain in our spots, looking from one another for some sort of direction. I’ve never been so confused in my life. I was expecting something horrendous to occur. I was expecting to be murdered or raped. But this? We’ve just been abandoned on an island with nothing. Not even clothes. What the actual fuck?