Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 12


(She is his to ruin)

Chapter Twelve

Agent Stone’s POV

“Please stop, please,” A soft whimper escaped from his mouth as I appeared in front of him with a hammer in my right hand and a hot iron bar in my left.

“I have told you everything that I know, so please…..” he groaned, covered up in his blood, the fingers on his left hand all broken along with two on his right. He was tied up to a chair in my basement, his face all bruised, and two knives inserted on his lap.

It was gruesome, yes but compared to what he has done to countless people this is nothing.

“I don't want to do this to you too, but you aren't giving me a choice” lies I enjoy everything I have done so far.

This was my secret hobby that no one knew about, punishing evil, and Mikey, just as his colleagues call him, is full of evil.

Not only does he kill countless people, but he works for the notorious drug organization in New York, the Russo.

“I already told you, the Russo make their money mostly from the drugs and sex clubs, Dante Russo runs everything along with his family.”

I know that much, it was the most easy piece of information for me. What I want to do is where they make the drugs or keep their drugs, their associates, evidence that can bring them down”

He shakes his hand while I roll my eyes and use the hammer in my hand to hit one of the knives in his lap hard, letting the pain sink in once again.

He screamed out and it was one ugly bitchy scream. “I swear, I’m doing you a favor. The Russo aren’t just ordinary drug lords, their family have been doing this for so long that they have many people under them. If you attack one, they will all be coming for you. They are dangerous people.”

“Trust me, the government is more dangerous. All you have to do is tell me where to hit, and boom they will be gone and I will release you.”

“You don’t get it, they will kill me if I mention anything. You think this is torture, compared to what that bastard does, this is nothing.”

Now he has my attention, I’m getting him to talk, it won’t be long till he says whatever I want to know.

“And the bastard?”

He looked at me with fear in his eyes like the person would come out the moment he mentioned his name. “Rico Russo, that psycho will destroy me if I say anything. Please man, just let me go. I’m merely a nobody there, all I know is to manage one of the clubs they own, please.”

Rico Russo, on the outside, is the heir to the multi-billion company and casinos. But that isn’t the truth about him or his family.

They run the most notorious drug gang in New York and just like Mikey here said, they aren’t ordinary, their family started way long before they came to New York.

They have clubs, and drug branches across the continent, but New York is the main branch and I'm here to destroy them.

Why was I obsessed with them to the extent I involved myself in messy shit like this? No particular reason, I just hated them just like every drug organization, my childhood was a mess thanks to people like them.

I wanted to make the world a better place, and eradicating all crimes was the best way to do it.

“Rico Russo, that pretty boy.”

He chuckled like I said the most ridiculous thing ever. “Trust me, looks aren't everything. He has the face of an angel but the soul of the devil. Just one blink is all it takes and it is over.”

He wasn't lying. He truly feared the boy but he got his priorities wrong. “I'm the one in front of you right now, the one you need to fear is me.”

“ I will ask you again, and I advise you to give me the right answer if you want to live,” I said as I removed the knives from his thighs and dug them back in.

His scream echoed through my basement, but I didn't stop.

“Where is it?”

The FBI station

There was noise everywhere inside the office, agents moving around just like every other day, I made my way to my boss's office to give the new information that I had but was surprised to hear a loud noise from his office.

“New recruiters messed up again,” Tina, my colleague and rival, said beside me while I scoffed.

“Is that so?” I asked, not interested in petty talks, I have something right now and I don't need anyone to mess up my good mood, especially a corrupt agent.

“I thought you were working outside, not expecting to see you today. I must say I missed your face”

“Do you know, well I don't. The last thing I want to see is you, so please fuck off”

“Yet, you won't mind getting laid with me any time you get. Quite an interesting man, aren't you?”

I might hate Tina as an enforcer of the law, but I can't reject a good fuck even if it is from someone I hate. I gave her no response, I know all her tricks, get me to one corner, trick me into sex, and force information out of my mouth.

Worked sometimes, but not today.

“I see, playing hard to get. See you later, stone” she said and walked away, the door to my boss opened and the recruiter left with her eyes teary while I entered.

“Stone,” Julis says, rubbing his forehead repeatedly. He is a man in his early 40’s, and my very good friend, one of the good men in this line of work.

“Any issues?”

“Nothing I can't handle, why are you here? I thought you were working outside?” he said and suggested that I take a seat.

“I know people don't want me in, but it hurts coming from you” I joked while he rolled his eyes dramatically.

“Stop the jokes and just go straight to the point, asshole”

“The Russo family, I might have intel on where they stored their drugs,” I said with a proud smile. I was able to get the truth out of that bastard. He didn't say much, other than where their warehouse is. It is small but that will be to spite Russo for now.

“Still on the case?” he asked with disappointment visible on his face.

“Well, I'm not giving up. I swear if that bitch Tina didn't fuck us up, we will have gotten them by now.” I mentioned but there were no changes in his expression.

Shit, I have to make him bite. We almost had the bastard, but Tina gave out our intel and we lost them,however, it nearly cost Julius his position.

I understand if he is not eager to join me, but I need him to.

“Fine, what is the intel?” he asked while I smiled and started explaining.

“They ship drugs to a place, every Saturday around 5 pm, we attack them and take their drugs before they distribute to the clients and arrest the owner of the place, this will surely piss them out, and they will send someone to us.”

“So you want to provoke a whole crime family? What makes you think they will bite, this might be nothing to them, there are loss and gain in their line of business.”

“Sure, but this isn’t just a loss, it is a big one and the place leads to someone important.”

“And where exactly is this place?”

“It is a cargo ship owned by Leonardo Abraham, one of their men according to my intel” I let him on and his mouth was wide open.

Leonardo Abraham is another businessman in New York and very famous. I understand his surprise.

“Who is your intel?” He asked with desperation and I was taken aback by his question which he could see.

“Look man, I have to ask if it is solid. I will be the one to lose everything if it isn’t?”

“I know Julius, but I can’t tell you my intel. Trust me, this is solid, he has no reason to lie.”

He grunted and shook his head. “Fine, I trust you.”

“I will gather my trusted men before Saturday and let you know, I’m putting my job on the line for this remember”

“Of course, I won’t let you down” I stood up and left his office. I’m coming for you, Russo family.

Julius picked his phone on his desk and dialed a number as soon as Stone left.

“I have something for you and it might cost you a lot”

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