Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen

Rico’s pov

It has been three days since my wedding to Maria and she has been surprisingly obedient, she didn’t leave the house or act like a brat, not that I’m complaining.

I need peace or anything similar to it, but nothing ever goes as planned, right?

“I have information for you and it will cost you a lot”

“You know where to find me” was my last conversation with Julius Grey before meeting at one of my clubs.

I stared at him, monitoring his every move, the way he gulped down the wine in his cup, his aggressive lips biting as he thought of price to demand for his intel, the way his eyes glistened when he thought of what he wanted, I know every of his body reactions.

Julius Grey is a very greedy man, someone who is always ready to risk his life for a huge amount, I detest people like him but I have to come to realize I need him.

Mainly because he works for the government.

“If you have nothing for me, then I will advise you to take your leave” I ordered but he winked and poured himself another cup.

“Oh, I do. I have a lot of you, Leonardo Abraham, rings a bell”

I glared at him, suspicious of how he linked Leonardo to us, he is my maternal aunt's son and has been working for us in the dark.

Another bastard, I hate.

“What about him?” I questioned not patient enough for all this stupid suspense game he is playing.

“That’s not how it works, pal. The money before information or you get nothing” he threatened like he has any power or control over me.

I need him, but that doesn’t mean he is not replaceable, I could easily get rid of him, and it will be even easier in this club, I get to torture him like I want, but for now I play along.

“How much do you want?”

“No” he shakes his hands. “Money isn’t going to be enough this time, it is always traceable”

Should I just kill him right now? There is low music playing downstairs, no one apart from my guards outside will hear me screaming.

“Name your price”

“The Louis art piece, that is what I want. It isn’t hard for you to get right, just a couple of million dollars” he speaks as he rests his back on the couch and smiles at him.

He talks like he owns any dime in my own money. But he is quite greedy, one of the most expensive arts in the world just for his bullshit.

I chuckled as I stared back at him, I badly wanted to kill him.

Work today is annoying, I rather be at home with my wife, will she be glad to see me or will she be scared to see that I’m back early?

I was curious about what her reaction would be. Also dared to go back home.

“So?” Julius asked when he didn’t see any reaction.

“Fine, what is the information?”

“Stone found a ship cargo that Leon owns and turned out you are the real owner and that is where you keep your drugs before you smuggle it all around, he knows the time, and the location of the ship cargo, day and time, I guess that one of your men snitch”

This information wasn’t surprising but it made me angry, one of my club managers had been missing for three days, and my thoughts was another crime organization got him, but I was wrong.

That sneaky bastard Stone is at work, the bastard has been on my nerves for a while, I can’t hurt him because according to Julius he is quite important.

Maybe it is another bullshit to keep him alive.

“I thought we ended him after his operation was busted”

“Same here, but that bastard is more cunning than ever. Once he is interested in a case, he never lets go until he gets what he wants” Julius explained while I sighed at his words.

“And killing him isn’t allowed”

“No, he isn’t a small fry, you can’t hurt him. I have him suspended once this operation gets busted, blame him for leaking out intel” he suggested with a wide smile on his face, I wanted to wipe it off his ugly face.

“Fine, I will get my men to take care of the ship's cargo. You do your job” I instructed while he nodded and pick the bottle of alcohol to pour himself another cup.

I stood up and headed to the door, but stopped when I got to his side. “And Julius,” I said and quickly removed the small pocket knife in my suit pants and used it to pin in his right hand on the table before he could pour himself another cup.

He wailed out just like a coward he is. “I’m not your pal” I whispered into his ears and removed my knife.

“I will get that treated quickly if you still have use for that hand”

I left him in the room crying, one of my men Robs approached me as soon as I stepped out of the room.

“Find me Mikey and if you can’t, bring anyone he is close with or cares for” I ordered while he nodded.

“You have a visitor” he mentioned and I stopped walking, I was already having a bad day, and the last thing I need is more stress.


“The mayor's daughter”

“That brat for all people, lead me to her” I ordered and he led the way to where Angel was.

I could hear some strange sounds coming from the room before I entered, and as expected the brat was assaulting one of my workers in the club.

She had her server kneel on the floor while licking her shoes, as she poured some cold drinks on him.

I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous view. “Get out” I ordered in a low tone and the server did immediately.

She chuckled and stared at me with that bitchy attitude. “Took you long enough”

“I was busy, not everyone is jobless like you,” I said sitting down and pouring myself a drink.

“I heard you got married, it isn't true right?” she asked and hurried to my side.

Angel Valentino, the New York major daughter, is one crazy and stupid bitch who has this delusion that I'm going to marry her.

My father has tried planning into her delusions, which let her to believe we are meant to be.

For me, I already knew well who I was going to marry.

“Whoever you heard it from, you heard right”

She chuckled and crazily ruffled her blonde hair and stared at me.

“I won't allow this, it is either me or no one. I will kill that bitch if you don't end it with her” she threatened and the next thing I know I was on top of her, choking the life out of her.

“Sir” Robs calls behind me but dares not to move forward.

I know I can't hurt her, she is very important to our business, but Maria is more vital to me.

Angel looked at me with fear in her eyes, she has threatened to hurt most girls I have fucked around with in the past, and most of the time did but I never care, they didn't matters.

But Maria is different, she is mine.

“Touch her, and I will fucking destroy you” I imperiled and removed my hand from her neck.

“I hope you understand,” I said to her while she nodded and coughed at the same time.

“Let's go,” I said to Robs and we left the room.

“Where are we going boss?”

“Home, I want to see my wife”

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