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Chapter 15

Chapter Fifteen


Maria couldn't stop thinking about Shaun's words since yesterday, it occupied her whole mind and it was hard for her to deny that she wasn't tempted by it.

If they run away, will they survive the outside world, will it be easy for them to, and most importantly won't they get caught?

They are just eighteen, they have nothing and her father had many men working under him, she knows for certain it is useless and risky but it is difficult to stop thinking about it.

“Maria” her mom called, opened the door, and entered her house, she grunted seeing her mom and stood from the bed she was sitting.

“I'm guessing that your guests are on the way and I have to start dolling myself up”

She went through her wardrobe, disarranging the clothes in the pretense of a dress to wear.

Victoria watches her with guilt, she knows she is angry but there is nothing to be done, Sergio's decision is final.

“Darling, I know you are upset but it isn't that bad”

Maria's eyes widened and she turned to her shocked. “Not bad, Mom I'm getting engaged at eighteen, it isn't bad, it is terrible”

“Well, think of it positively. You are getting engaged not married, you still have a few years, I can talk to your father and make sure the wedding is held when you are done with college”

Maria feels betrayed by her words, she expected more from her, even though it is fruitless.

“I'm really ashamed mom, I trust you and this is all you can say to me. I don't want this, I want to enjoy college like every other girl not think about getting married or ready engaged to that jerk”

“Baby” she muttered and approached Mia, clutching their hands together. “Look at Emily, she is engaged and in college, yet she is happy. It isn't as bad as it seems, if she can do it, then you can”

“I can't,” Her daughter says as tears roll down from her eyes. “I'm not Emily, Mom. As much as I dislike her, I'm not as strong as her, we aren't the same” She breaks down and Victoria hugs her, caressing her brown hair.

“I'm sorry, mama wished she had a way to change all this but I don't. I hate it too, the thought of you getting engaged, it scares me but I have no power to change it and I'm sorry Maria, I love you so much but I can't protect you because I'm weak”

Mia cried harder, accepting her truth. She might be harsh on Victoria, but it doesn't change anything, she has no power to stop the engagement.

And it hurt so much, but that's the reality they live. She cries more while Victoria consoles her.

Maria's heart was beating so fast when Wayne arrived, it was like her nightmare had finally come to pass.

Sergio and Liam's father Joe both exchanged greetings while Liam stared at her in the most inappropriate manner which got her scared.

Victoria and her siblings have left the house on her father's order, leaving her alone with her father and his guest.

She wondered if her dad could see the way he looked at her, but she knew it didn't change anything.

“I'm happy to be in your house, it is huge and the view is gorgeous” Joe commented while Sergio barked out a laugh.

“You flatter this old house, I believe you met my daughter Maria already” Sergio suggested to come closer and she did, giving Joe her best fake smile.

“I have, but her beauty astonishes me every time, I’m delighted to meet a pretty girl like you” he laughed along with Sergio and his son.

“Why don't Maria take Liam for a tour of the house?” Sergio proposed and Joe bobbed in agreement.

Sweat crammed her forehead at the thought of being alone with Liam, he looked at her like he could devour her at the same moment.

If only she could reject it, but the look on her dad's face tells her not to do anything stupid.

“Of course, follow me” She smiled and left the living room with Liam.

Maria sighed with every step she takes inside the house, she was bored out of her mind, and even the sound she made was pissing Liam off.

“Can you stop that already? It makes you look old” Liam said but Maria didn't stop, she couldn't even barely give him a bit of her attention.

When she heard the sound of the phone camera clicking, she turned back and saw Liam out with his phone.

“What are you doing?” She asked in terror.

“Letting our classmates know we are getting married” he replied as he pressed his phone.

Maria moved closer to him, attempting to collect his phone but it wasn't impossible to win against his strength.

“You can't be less pathetic” she mumbles while Liam stops with his phone and looks at her.

“What did you say?” he squeezed his eyes.

“You thinking posting this will make you feel powerful, like a man, you are getting engaged to the girl who won't look your way and hate you, so childish. You act like a baby, disgusting” she tells him and decides to move forward, but Liam was angry, her words cut deep.

He caught up with her, pulled her closer, and hit her face with his phone.

Sergio and Joe got down to business as soon as their children left, the only reason for this engagement in the first place was because they needed each other.

“When is the engagement, the earlier the better you get what you want,” Joe said while Sergio watched him with no emotions.

Joe needed the mafia protection against his new competition for his new business, and Sergio, the Wayne are wealthy and known for the Gold mines, it was about money.

If his daughter marries the family, it will bring more wealth for him, and will be able to do business legally without the Russo interference, that is all he wants.

He was about to speak when Dante and his two men entered the living room. Sergio was dumbfound to see him, he wasn't expecting him in any way.

“You look so surprised, it has been a long since I have seen you like this” Dante smirked while Sergio faked a smile.

“It is because I wasn't expecting you,” he said and raised from his seat, his men would have informed him immediately no matter how sudden it was, but it was because they all worked for Dante whether or not they were under him.

He wonders why he is here, he won't suspect the actual reason behind his meeting with Joe.

“Please sit, I was just meeting with Joe here to discuss my daughter's engagement with his son”

“Ah that” Dante says as he takes his seat. “I'm afraid, that won't be possible”

“What?” Sergio was about to ask when Rico suddenly entered the house.

“Where is she?” He asked immediately, looking around the room while Sergio stared at him confused then at Dante who was still smiling.

They can't be for what he thinks they are here for.

“I don't understand what is going on or who they are, but they can't interrupt our conversation like…..”

A scream came from upstairs, and Rico rushed upstairs without thinking twice, he found Liam and Maria in the hallway, Liam was about to hit her again with his phone but stopped when he saw Rico.

“You mutt”

“Who the hell are you?” Liam asked and stepped toward him, but met Rico's fist instead which made him look conscious instantly.

“Are you ok?” Rico asked as he helped Maria up.

“You?” Maria uttered puzzled at what was going on, however, was distracted by Liam's low groans.

“Say the word” Rico requested bringing her attention back to him. “Say the word, and I promise you never see him again”

Maria stared at him in awe, wondering if he meant it. Who is he? There is no way he can change her father's mind.

“I'm getting engaged to him, father…..”

“Just say the word, princess and trust me. You will never see him again”

She could tell that he was serious and she wanted to believe him badly, but she couldn't help but wonder how he was going to get rid of him.

Periodically, some things are better unknown.

“Will you do that for me? Take care of him so I never see him again”

Rico smiled and stroked his hand to where Liam hit her with his phone. It hurts him that he wasn't there to protect her, but it is over now.

No one will ever lay a hand on her as long he lives.

“You might not believe me but I will do anything for you, princess. Do me a favor, no matter what you heard, don't come out”

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