Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 18

Chapter Eighteen

Agent Stone:

It was the day of the mission, and the team that Julius sent to me was also there with me, we sat in the car a little far away from the ship cargo, waiting for the Russo goods to arrive.

Regardless the team Julius set up was getting on my nerves, they didn't look keen for this, I have spent a year trying to catch their Russo and now that I'm close, it feels like it is nothing to them.

They were busy doing one thing or the other, the two agents in the passenger were busy eating and chatting, while I was in the front seat with a driver who was sleeping.

It is so infuriating, I know Julius trusts this guy but he could have done so much better. My phone suddenly rang, and I looked at the call it was Mikey.

It calls the three agents attention to me, and they all stare at me, waiting for me to pick up the call.

“It is nothing important,” I said and ended the call but his call came through again.

“Why don't you pick it instead? I'm quite curious about the content of the call” the male beside me stated while I grunted and ended it again.

“It is something private”

“I don't think there should be anything private between us, this mission is important if it fails then”

“Trust me, I know how important it is more than everyone” I stated and they all kept quiet and continued with what they were doing.

I looked at my wristwatch, it was past five. I have been on skate out since I received the information from Mikey and released the bastard, so far I have noticed nothing strange here except today.

The truck was supposed to arrive around five, but it had been fifteen minutes past five, it was so strange.

A car parked beside our car and it was Julius along with five of his men as our backup, I got down from the car and went to meet him.

“Good evening boss” I greeted him while he nodded his head removing the sunglasses from his eyes.

“Any updates yet?”

“Nothing so far, what happened to your hand?” I questioned seeing the bandages wrapped around his right hand.

He cleared his throat and put his hand inside his pocket. “Just a minor injury”

It doesn't look so, I wanted to get more information about it, but someone interrupted before I could ask.

“They are here” One of the agents announced, I went to where he was and I could see two trucks driving in.

“Finally,” I said and went to the car to put on my vest and gun.

“Are we ready?” Julius questioned and we all chroused yes. “Make not to shoot anyone, what we want is to know what is inside the truck, nothing else. As long they don't fire at us, we seized fire” Julius ordered while I nodded in agreement.

I have done this severally, and every time I always won, once I have my eyes on the case, I will do whatever I can to solve it, and just like every other case, it is over for the Russo crime family or that was what I thought.

I was bewildered not to see anything in the truck, all empty. We charged in as planned, making sure we shoot nobody and luckily there was no person armed in sight, so why the fuck are there no drugs?

There should be, they are meant to deliver to this place. Mikey won't lie to me, he knows what I will do to him if he does…. What?

“You told me you were certain?” Julius questioned boiling in rage just as much as I was.

I couldn't give him any answer, my mind was blank. I went to one of the drivers, pinned him to the car, and pointed my gun at him.

“Where are the drugs, cocaines you were supposed to deliver?”

“I don't know what you are talking about, I’m just doing my job just like every other day” he speaks trembling in fear, he wasn't acting, the expression on their workers' faces shows how clueless they are, and it upset me so much.

I have never been wrong, never…. How did this happen?

“Stone, put your gun down. You are threatening a civilian” Julius warned and I scoffed at his words but did as told.

“We head back to the office, and you have some hell of an explanation to do when we get back”

Julius wasn't lying with his words, I could hardly look him in the face when we got back, I had caused nothing but trouble, and the different calls he had been receiving told me we might all be in trouble.

“I understand sir, I'm sorry,” he says and ends the call, he grunts as he rubs his eyes.

“You said you were sure, that it wouldn't affect me in any way. I just got a call, Leonard Abraham was aware that we raided his ship cargo, and our superiors need someone to take responsibility” he explained so calmly but I could sense his frustration, he was going to take the fall for this because of my mistakes.

“I was able to calm them down, but I doubt Leonard is going to give in that easily”

“Julius if you can give me another chance, I promise not to mess things up. I swear someone must have told them about our arrival, give me a chance to find the person” I pleaded with desperation, I have to be the one to end the Russo crime family.

“And how do I know that person isn’t you?”

“What?” I inquired and scrutinized my face puzzled by his question.

“The agents in the car with you claimed to have seen you receiving a call from someone, it was suspicious and you won’t pick up. Want to tell me what the call was about?”

Wait, he is suspecting me. Out of all the people, he thinks I’m the traitor, I feel so disappointed and somehow betrayed.

“I didn’t pick it so I don’t know” I uttered keeping my voice so low not to vent my anger on Julius.

“Who was the caller?”

“I can’t tell you that, I can’t disclose my intel information”

I could hear the cluck of his tongues. “Then I’m afraid I can’t help you, Stone Zach, you have been suspended from all your duties till further notice”

“What? You can’t do that? You have no evidence that I’m the one who leaked the information. Julius, man, you know how much I worked hard on this case”

“That is why I’m doing this, the Russo aren’t a small crime family, we are lucky they decided to leave it as this, or we will all be dead. You should be grateful that he is after Mikey not you” Julius speaks with a deep breath as his phone rings.

I looked at the screen and the caller was RR, but he sent me out of his office before he picked up the call, however, my mind was in chaos.

I never told Julius who Mikey was, no one but myself knows he was my intel. And how does Julius know that they are after him? And the caller, RR.

I was in turmoil as I made my way to Tina's office, my mind filled with uncertainty and chaos.

I opened the door without knocking and she was surprised to see me. “I know you miss me but I don’t like the surprise visit”

“You aren’t the spy, the person who leaked the previous mission wasn’t you”

She chuckled as she rolled her eyes. “You finally figured it out, I might be a bitch who is hungry for success, but I’m loyal to the government and I am strongly against drug crimes and corruption”

“Then if it wasn’t you…. It can’t be” I stuttered as I gasped for air.

RR can only mean one thing. Rico Russo, why will he be calling Julius, what could be their relationship?

I could feel my heart racing fast from the realization that I had failed to accept. The only thing the previous operation and this one had in common was Julius, he was the only one who knew about the information before today, the only one who could have leaked the intel.

“You are right, the spy is Julius. The bastard has been using you all along” Tina said confirming my suspicions.

The betrayer all along was Julius.

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