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Chapter 21

Chapter Twenty-One

Maria pov*

“Shaun” I called shocked to see him after three years, the last time I saw him, he was on the edge of death and now he is much better and look a little different.

Unlike Rico his changes weren't that much, he has gotten bulky and grown a small beard, and his face…..

My mouth got dry as my eyes landed on his cheeks, a long-straight scar, that started almost near his left eyes down to his chin.

Memories from that night filled my head, my tears, and fear, Shaun's cries of pain, and lastly Rico's look of satisfaction.

They all haunt me to this moment, and I can’t bear to look at Shaun not after what he went through because of me.

He was my friend I was supposed to protect him, just like he always does. But I let him go through that pain and even left without saying goodbye to him.

I regretted it, for the past three years. It never stops tormenting me.

“Maria, I heard the news you were back but I couldn't believe it. It's almost like a fantasy” he speaks with a smile, that shy boyish smile is still there and it makes me angry.

How could he be happy to see me?

“Yes, not that I'm back willing tho”

The smile on his face dropped and I couldn't be more relieved. It is more like that, hate me I deserve it.

“I heard the news, you had a lover there and Rico killed him. I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that”

“But I do, I deserve more than that. Instead of Joshua, you, or Anna, it should be me” I yelled as tears rolled from my eyes.

He moved closer to me and cupped my face. “Three years haven’t changed you, that ugly face of yours,” he said while I chuckled amid tears.

“I'm not ugly” I claimed and he let out a short laugh. “I'm sorry for leaving without you, if I could I would but you were…..” I couldn't bring myself to say it.

What Rico did to him had so many effects on him, that he not only cut his face but put him in a coma for weeks.

“I know, but at least you got to see the world we both planned for. And even if it is short you were happy, then I'm happy too”

I don't deserve him, or my mom. They are too good to me, and it hurts, speaking of my mom where is she?

“Your neck” Shaun grunted disrupting my thoughts but a torn scream from downstairs and he couldn't finish his words.

I removed Shaun's hand from my cheeks and ran downstairs immediately.

I was shocked to see my family all gathered in the living room, Emily was crying in my mother's arms, which got me confused.

“Is everything okay?” I questioned and they all turned to me, before I knew it Emily moved away from my mother and came to me, before I could say anything, a hot slap landed on my cheeks.

“Emily” My mom called and came to us. I raised my head back and stared at her angrily, but it changed seeing how disoriented she was, her hair was so messy and her eyes were swollen from tears.

And also, I could see some scars on her hand. “What happened to you?” I said and held her but she jerked her hand free from me.

“This is all because of you, my suffering, my baby, everyone is in pain because of you. Why did you have to come back? If you never came back then the pain will have been endurable, because at least I will be able to mourn you without hating you this much”

I was puzzled by her words, but Enzo took her away from me and gave me a cold stare as they walked around. It felt like I was a stranger to my own family.

“Mom?” I called hoping for some explanation but she just stared down unable to say anything.

“Our family is ruined because of you” Father talks and wants to say more, but Mom stops him by exchanging glares with him.

He sighed and left the sitting room. “I'm sorry baby, about the slap”

“I don't care about that, what is going on Mom? Why are Emily and Enzo like that, they look at me with so much hatred?”

She moved her mouth to say something but nothing came out. “I'm sorry Maria, but I have to go to your sister before he comes”

“Who comes?” I asked but she was gone and I was left alone, or maybe not alone.

Shaun was standing phases away from me, could he know something?

“You know what this is all about, right? Can you tell me about it?” I questioned and moved closer to him, but he moved back.

“I want to, but I'm in no position to tell you”

“Shaun, you can't do this to me. You can't keep me in the dark too”

He sighed like he was drawn in to say something but was hesitant to. “I'm sorry, Maria. I want to help but I can't, if you want to know what is going on, then ask Rico. It all started with you leaving and his anger”

Me leaving, how does it affect my family? I have never seen Emily so desperate and filled with hatred, Enzo has always been indifferent but this time he was angry at me.

And no one is telling me anything? Not even my best friend. He moved closer to me and pulled me into a hug.

“I'm sorry, I can't help you” he pulled away but his hands were still on my shoulder

“I know you are confused, but trust me asking him will be so much better. And also I know I shouldn't ask, but I would like to be together with you again. If I can be your bodyguard again, and be maybe to protect you….. I…..”

“Am I interrupting something?” Rico asked behind us and we turned to him, he stared at me with brows raised.

He was in a black suit that hugged his muscles perfectly, and his hands were in his pocket as he stared at me with cold eyes, but yet I couldn't help but admire him.

I haven't seen him for two weeks, and somehow I'm enticed to admit that I miss his presence.

“Should I interpret this as you trying to console her as her friend, or should I take that you still have eyes for what is mine?”

Shaun moved away from me quickly with fear in his eyes, he gulped down as he answered him. “I apologize, Maria and I”

“Maria? I don't think you are addressing her right. She married, to me, shouldn't it be Mrs Russo instead”

“Can you just stop? You are terrifying him”

“He is a made-man darling. He has killed more people than you can imagine, this is the last thing that can terrify”

I know Shaun and Rico were right, he wasn't scared, he was angry.

He looked at Rico like he wanted to ponder on him and tear him apart, and even it was obvious Rico wasn't intimidated by his looks.

“I apologize, I didn't see any marriage ring on her. So I forget she is yours?” Shaun speaks but it is like a question thrown at Rico, he is challenging him and I don't like where this is going.

It is just like what happened that day, the day our whole life fell apart.

“Say that again, I fear I didn't hear you. Repeat it if you can” Rico dares as his nostrils flare, but Shaun isn't scared, it is almost like he forgot Rico gave him those scars and put him in a coma.

I have to do something, if I don't then what happened three years ago will happen again.

“I..” Shaun moved his lips to talk but I was moving faster than him.

“I'm yours” I speak breathing heavily.

“What?” They both chorused.

“I'm yours, that is what Shaun meant” I turned to Shaun. “Next time, make sure you address me by Mrs Russo”

“Maria” he called softly but I shook my head, pleading with my eyes for him to stop, if anything happened again, I wouldn't be able to live with the pain.

“I understand, Mrs Russo”

I sighed heavily and gave a weak smile. “Tell my mom I left with my husband”

“Thank you” I mouthed and walked to Rico who seemed to be still taken aback by what I said.

“Shall we go? You came here to pick me up right?”

“Yes,” he answered not taking his eyes off me. “Let go, mia moglie“

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