Chapter 5


it (She is his to ruin)

Chapter Five


My head felt like it was spinning when I opened my eyes. I scanned my environment and realized that I was in a moving plane, I tried to move my body only to realize I was tied to the chair I was seated on.

"Son of a....." Rico appeared in front of me, cutting me short. "Are you satisfied now that you drugged me and tied me to a chair"

"Not as satisfying as it will be when we return home, our family will be so pleased to see you, princess" He mocked while I snarled at him, I didn't understand him, no one would hate or blame him if he killed me, they only respect him more.

He caught his runaway bride and killed her, that has been the rule for ages, women have no right in our society, men rule. When I was young I once heard the news of a capo killing his wife because he thought she was cheating and no justice was done for her.

Rico killing me is the best thing, for both me and my family. I would rather die than be a whore in one of their sex clubs. I might have tarnished my family name by running but nothing is worse to a woman than being used as a sex slave.

"Are you going to kill when we get back home? Do it in front of my family, so they fear you more or what?"

The smirk on his face disappeared when he heard those words like he despised the thought of killing me.

"No, I'm going to do what I should have done years ago" he didn't say more than as he left my sight.

What he should have done years ago? What is that? Nothing came into my mind, no matter how hard I think, I was left alone here and I couldn't help but regret leaving three years ago.

I shake my head to stop that thought, I have no regrets and I need to find a way to leave this place. If I go back home, what is waiting for me is surely worse than death.

I'm not going to become a sex slave, no matter what. I would rather die than be mocked by stupid men. The flight lasted for hours before it came to a stop. Rico’s men untied me, and led me out of the plane. I gasped at the cold breeze that hit me when we got outside and the view in front of me.

Rico was in a blue shirt and black pants, his muscles made the shirt tight on him, and his brown hair looked so rough but yet made him look hotter, he was on a phone call and he didn't seem to have time for me which made me angry.

He is there, looking so captivating yet am being dragged by his men to the car and he couldn't care. I was thrown into the car and the door was closed or rather locked, I bit my lips hard trying to hold back my anger.

The driver entered and I was surprised when he started the car and Rico wasn't with me. "Aren't you going to wait for your boss?"

The driver looked at me through the rearview mirror and gave me a deadly glare which made me gulp down. "He isn't your escort whore, you should be lucky he hasn't killed you yet"

I wanted to yell at him that he hasn't any right to call me "a whore", but if I am going to be a sex slave at one of Rico's clubs, then I shouldn't make him angry, the ride to where we are going was so quiet, and I find myself surprisingly craving for Rico presence.

At least I could vent to him without caring about him doing something unthinkable. The car suddenly stopped and I realized we were in front of a gate, the Russo estate, my nightmare was finally coming through, the people I never thought I would see again.

Is it too late to run? The gate opens and he drives in, I can't even escape if I want to, cause the doors are locked but even if I can get out of the car, I won't be able to leave the estate, there are a lot of cameras everywhere, I will probably be able to hide somewhere for a day because it is large but I will probably be found and the only way to go out is through the gate, and the security is quite tight.

There is no way I will ever be able to leave, but why am I here in the first place? "Come out" I heard the driver say beside me and I realized the car had stopped and the door was opened for me.

I gulped down as my hand became sweaty, I rubbed my palm on my blood-stained dress and took five deep breaths as I looked at the driver.

"Come out," He said through his teeth and I nodded and stepped out of the car, my breathing seized as I was faced with people I wanted to never have anything to do again.

My dad stared at me with nothing but hatred and disappointment, my mom looked relieved and a bit sad, Emily had the same expression she always had on whenever she saw me, and Enzo was expressionless, it was almost like I was looking at a person without a soul, and my eyes wandered to the most dangerous and terrifying man, I have ever seen.

Dante Russo, the don, the most powerful man in our society, the man I hate most because just looking at him makes me wonder why God created such people on earth, the world would be a better place without him, and beside him is my aunt Aurora, she looks so happy to see me if only I feel the same.

I never want to come back here, I miss my mom and aunty surely but the freedoms I gained were so much more important to me than them, it might be selfish but it is the truth.

"It seems like the whole family is here," Rico said beside me and he placed his hand on my back which made me gasp.

"Or not, where is Julia?"

His dad glared at me and then at him "Your sister has something important to do, then waste her time here just because you caught a traitor"

My father's face hardened but he couldn't utter a word, probably because he supported him. I'm a traitor, worthless like he claimed.

"Too bad, she won't be able to witness her brother getting married then" Rico uttered and smiled then looked at me.

"What?" His dad mumbled while I stared at him with curiosity. He is getting married, to who? Don't tell me......

"You heard me right, I'm getting married to Maria today”

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