Chapter 7

Chapter Seven

Maria's POV

I watched the maid as she stood next to the door, my mom and aunt exchanged glares between them, terrifying ones. How could his father agree to this, I can't get married to him, I don't want to.

"Mom," I called. I didn't know what I wanted her to do, she was helpless as I am but yet I couldn't help but call her for help. I would do anything not to marry Rico, he would ruin me, destroy me, he would spoil me for the world and left me with nothing.

“Maria, I know this is hard on you," She says as she walks toward me, I shake my head as she comes closer, I know what she is about to say but I'm not ready to listen to her.

“But Maria, to me it is better than you dying or going to work in that horrible place like a sex slave, when I found out your aunt helped you escape, I prayed and hoped you were never caught because I know how horrible it is to be back from when you ran away from"

My lips parted, shocked as I looked at my aunt and she nodded, "How? If you know that means Rico knows his father, how are you still alive then?"

My aunt might not have run away, but she betrayed our organization, and they treated betrayal the same way, so how could Aunt Aurora still be alive?

“I got lucky," That was all she said but I could tell there was more to it. I was about to ask her to give more explanation when a knock came on the door, and it opened revealing my biggest fear... Rico with my brother Enzo.

My mama's breath seized as she stared at Rico, even though his eyes were fixed on me.

"Will you beautiful ladies, please excuse us? I would like to talk with my bride"

My mom stared at me with fear and then gave Rico a fake smile, as she walked away from me, my aunt also stood up and left with my mom, the maid, and Emily leaving me alone with Rico and Enzo.

I gulped down anxiously while he stared at me with lust and hatred. "Leave us" he instructed my brother, and he didn't hesitate and left immediately which made me confused.

Why is Enzo acting like one of Rico's hound dogs, what exactly did I miss in the past three years?

"I am sure you heard we are having our wedding soon, your dress will soon be here"

My eyes wandered around the big room, looking for where to run to or something to attack Rico with, my eyes landed on the silver lamp on the wooden drawer next to the bed. It wasn't close to me but I could reach it before Rico suspected what I'm about to do.

"If you are going to attack me with that, you should be careful, because you are playing a dangerous game"

I didn't listen to him, I never listened anyway, so I ran to where the lamp was, and picked it up. I needed to take my anger out on something, and what is better than taking your anger out on the cause of it?

I was about to throw it at him when he picked up his gun and shot at me, or not because he missed. I know that is a lie, Rico is good, but I can't help but want to think he misses.

The lamp dropped from my hand, and shocked by his action, my whole body trembled and I could tell I wasn't the only one, there was movement outside but no one dared to enter.

"See, if you were just a good girl then this won't have happened."

He has no regret or guilt, I know that was a warning and more will come, the bastard won't hesitate to kill me.

"Why are you here? To rub it in my face that we are getting married, you finally get what you have been after all these years?"

He chuckled but didn't deny it, arrogant bastard.

"Maybe, little victories matter after all."

"Little, you caging me or spending the rest of my life with you is little" He could hear the hatred in my voice, and it excited him so much, his blue eyes beamed in glory.

"Maybe that was a little careless, you get to have my kids so yes, maybe it isn't."

My body shivers at his reminders, that we are going to have sex, to make babies, I should feel disgusted by that thought but yet I found myself looking forward to it.

My thoughts scare me so much, it is one thing getting married to Rico, and another is enjoying anything with this monster.

"I'd rather die than have your kids." His face turned from a smirk to a frown, it was for a brief moment though.

"Right, but remember your family life depends on you"

I glanced at him confused, expecting him to explain more. He just chuckled and walked toward me, he stopped when he was a few steps away from me.

"Why did you think Enzo took orders from me and followed me around like a dog, it is all because of you, your family will be ruined if we don't get married" he whispered and I was still confused at what he said, also angry.

Enzo and I might not be close but that doesn't mean I hate him. "What is that supposed to mean? How will I ruin my family?"

“Oh, my princess. You still have a lot of catch-ups to do with your family, and trust me it won't be a nice one"

"See you at the altar," he winked at me and left without answering my questions leaving me in total despair.

“Ah" I screamed and ruffled my hair, I hate it here, I fucking do.


Mia screamed immediately after I left the room, I grinned proudly, this is just the beginning princess. My smile disappeared seeing her family still here, her mom was standing next to Enzo like they were discussing something but stopped when I came out.

“I would appreciate you not disturbing Maria, she isn't really in good condition, the maids will attend to her for the wedding, we should all wait while she gets dressed."

It wasn't a request but an order, one they couldn't resist not even my stepmom, her mom nod then gave Enzo one last look before she left with my stepmom Aurora.

I turned to Enzo as they walked away, "What were you talking about with your mother?"

"She wants to know if we will be allowed to visit Maria after the wedding, and I told her I don't have answers for her question" Enzo answered sincerely because he won't lie to me if he values his life and his family.

“Tell her that will be decided depending on how your sister acts,” I tell him as we walk away from Maria's room, I don't have to worry about escaping. There are guards everywhere and she won't be able to escape the estate.

“I understand, I.…” he stopped talking which made me look at him.

“Say it!” I ordered.

“Maria, what exactly is your plan for her? You aren't doing this out of love for her, so why do you want her to marry you?”

I chuckled at his questions. I thought he would be happy that I was marrying her instead of killing or letting her work as a sex slave in my clubs.

“It is obvious, she belongs to me”

“Isn’t the opposite, you belong to her. It doesn’t matter what she does, you can’t let her go but you can’t forgive her either. If I’m being honest I sincerely hope that you never found her. Whenever you two are together, all you do is ruin each other, but her damage is always greater because you lo…..”

“If you truly value your family lives, then stop talking. Mia is mine, I own her not the opposite and talk about this one more time, you won’t live to see the outcome” I threatened and walked away from him.

He is the type that doesn’t talk, but why does he have to get on my nerves today, fool? No, I can’t be angry, I finally have her.

She is mine now, so it doesn't matter anymore. Once we are married, she won’t be able to escape and we will be together forever till death do us part just as she promised.

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