Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Five

I found myself in dreamland once again.

I heard my mother calling me.

"Hello, momma," I said then took her hand and we sat down as she told me more things I need to know including that Lisa was also a powerful witch and that her parents died in a war against the Brutality.

So people have been waiting for me for over 100 years to break this curse. I thought to myself. ''No pressure.'' I looked at my mother and smiled.

I kept hearing someone call out my name and the voice grew louder.

''Sweetheart wake up!'' I opened my eyes to find his dreamy blue eyes staring at me.

I sat in bed, rubbed my eyes, and stretched my arms out as I yawned.

''You look stunning when you wake up.'' He said and leaned in to embrace my lips in a kiss that made my toes curl.

''Charles Denali you're something else,'' I said gazing in his eyes so beautiful blue they steal a piece of my heart with every glance. I love him so much I thought!

''I also love you so much too Mary.'' He said as if he had read my mind and kissed me once more. ''Go get ready I have a lot to show you.'' He told me as leaving our room to get dressed.

Could he hear my thoughts? I wondered as I hung my ancestor's dress in the closet and chose the first elegant dress I saw. I needed to talk to Lisa before breakfast. I made my way to her room.

''Come in!'' I heard her shout.

''How was your night?'' I asked as I plopped down on her big comfy bed.

''Amazing I love it here.'' She gleamed from ear to ear.

We sat and talked for a bit I told her everything mother had told me and held her close as she began to cry over the news of her parents. I lastly told her how she was a witch just like me.

''Come on let's not be late for breakfast.'' I looked at her and smiled.

As we were halfway down the staircase I saw the younger identical version of Charles. He stopped dead in Lisa's way.

"If I were alive I'd think I'd died and gone to heaven, because before me stands a real angel," he said confidently with a wink as he went around her and up the stairs.

She just stood there frozen. ''Lisa Marie snap out of it.'' I snapped my fingers and laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. Finally looking at me as if she was star-struck.

''He is like an angel of darkness, but also a total babe,'' she whispered with a sly grin, unable to contain her joy.

''That's exactly my reaction when I met Charles.'' I squealed as we made it to the dining hall.

As I looked up I saw my mother handing Charles a little box. I then embraced my mother in a hug as the memory of her smell consumed me as I shed a tear.

''Your mother wanted me to give you this family heirloom and you to always wear it and it will protect you.''

''I have missed both you girls so much even you Lisa Lou.'' My mother said and hugged us both in a squeeze hug. ''You both have grown into two incredible and gorgeous young ladies and I am so proud.''

I have been dreading asking her this but I must. ''Mom was sissy with you when you all faked dying because I haven't heard from her either.' I said looking at my mother as if I was referring to my big sis

''Where is Becky?'' I asked and before my mother could speak I heard a familiar annoying sound

"Look who's got spunk now, you little brat!" she teased me, laughing

''Hey sis I see you are pregnant, when did this happen?'' I asked her in shock.

"I married a werewolf Lisa's cousin Anthony Riles a year ago, and in here is a little warlock, a werewolf named Noah David Riles," she said patting her massive tummy.

We walked into the dining area and were seated for breakfast to be served. We girls talked about our soon-to-be changing ritual, the night she and I received our powers. Which was three weeks away.

After we ate My mom took Lisa to talk to her alone and she told me she would find me later.

"Hey, my love," Charles said as he leaned down to kiss me. " I want to show you something." he smiled picking me up bridal style and carrying me outside.

He sped up vampire speed and I felt lightheaded. When we came to a halt he eased me to the ground. In front of me were lamps hung from flowers everywhere lit up, in the middle laid a blanket with a basket and a rose in a vase.

" I wanted to surprise you." he said then kissed my hand." It's perfect." I smiled he looked down at me got on one knee and took my left hand.

"Mary, I want to spend the rest of eternity with you, will you marry me?" he said and slid a gorgeous diamond ring on my finger, I was speechless I started to sob and I nodded yes.

"It was my grandmother's." he said and kissed me deeply for a few minutes, when I caught my breath I told him " It's perfect." he took my hand and led me to the blanket and we sat down.

We enjoyed some wine on our Romantic picnic and decided we wanted to marry the day before Christmas. That was perfect timing for the wedding. Between then and now there are a few things I need to learn.

He picked me up and we took off again at full speed, I was used to it this time and it was fun. "Sorry I was in a hurry, your mom has some things she wants to talk to you about," he told me as he settled me to the ground.

" She is in the library straight down that hall he pointed. I nodded and waved as I made my way in her direction.

"Hello Mary, we need to talk about something important," she said as she asked me to sit down with her. "As you know, Charles is meant to be with you, and Randall is meant to be with Lisa," she explained with a smile.

"Who is Randall?" I asked, feeling curious. "He's Charles's younger brother," she told me. I realized he must be the guy we met on the staircase.

"I'm going to teach you and Lisa everything about being a witch, even after you both get your powers," she said.

"Okay, Mother, I'm engaged," I said, showing her my ring. "It's beautiful, my dear," she said, hugging me tightly. "You've made me so proud."

Just then, we heard stomping feet. "She's always been the favorite because of some silly prophecy," Becky yelled as she stormed down the hall.

"Rebecca Elizabeth, come back here!" my mother called. "I'll see you later," she said to me before hurrying after my sister.

I decided to explore the library and found books about prophecies and witches, so I took them and settled onto a comfortable couch to read.

Immersed in a book, I discovered prophecies foretelling that only my destiny's fulfillment could prevent the supernatural world's demise at the brutality coven's hands.

As I pondered these prophecies, someone entered the library. "There you are, dear. Are you hungry?" he inquired, taking my hand.

I nodded, realizing how time had flown. "Yes, I am. I hope it was alright to read these," I replied. Assuring me, he helped me up,

"Of course, let's get you something to eat." We traversed the castle's lengthy corridors to the kitchen.

There, he retrieved a plate from the refrigerator, warmed it in the microwave, and then poured what seemed to me like a cup of blood.

"It's packaged blood sweetie, most of the time we drink off animals," he said to me and set my plate in front of me.

I nodded in agreement then ate my dinner while he sat and watched. Once I was done I insisted on cleaning our dishes and then headed upstairs to our room.

"Have you seen Lisa?" I asked Charles as we sat down on the loveseat in our room. "Yes, she has been with my brother all day. It seems she is his 'mia amore,' just like you are mine," he smiled and looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes that I could get lost in for days.

"I love you!", he spoke softly. "I love you too." I breathed as his lips met mine and they intertwined wildly as our breath became intimid. I got up onto his lap and kissed around his neckline. He picked me up and set me on the ground.

"I meant it when I said I wanted to wait, my love. I want our first time to be special," he told me firmly as he pulled me onto his lap. I rested my head on his chest, and in no time, I was fast asleep, feeling secure in the arms of the love of my life."

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