Read with BonusRead with Bonus



The sight of a tall, handsome and powerful figure coming in through the door and making straight for his seat gave rise to a whole new wave of emotions in my heart. My heart pounded tumultuously against my ribs.

He wore a beautifully tailored suit with a navy blue shirt and paler tie. Seeing him in broad daylight, he seemed more handsome that he was last night. His cold gaze swept across the room and finally rested on me. “Don't recognise me, please,” I wailed within. Maybe I was imagining things because it just couldn't be!

“Sit,” Aria mouthed, tugging my trousers. Goodness me! Everyone but me was seated. I could not raise my face to look at him. When I finally stole a look, I found my gaze drawn inexorably to his mouth, and calling to mind all the unspeakable things he did last night. Each time he looked in my direction, cold shivers ran down my spine. I waited for him to attack me about the previous night but I heard nothing of that sort. If I said I heard anything that was said in that meeting, then I'm a balatant liar.

Mrs Lane, the chief Secretary glanced at me and turned to the boss, who was earlier introduced as Mr Ashley.

“Its our pleasure to have you here, Mr Ashley.”

“Thanks,” came a curt reply.

“I'll assign you one of our most competent workers to attend to all your needs.”

I instantly knew what was coming next. F**k me for being a competent worker. Mrs Lane derived joy in stretching me to breaking point under the pretext of ‘competent worker.’ This was neither the first not the second time but I sincerely hoped it was going to be the damn last time. Well, I was wrong this time, thankfully.

“Aria, you will be attending to Mr Ashley's requirements and needs, I'll find a replacement for you in your own unit.” And turning to Mr Ashley, she said,

“Sir, she'll be attending to you.”

I don't know if he wanted to say something but the ringing of his phone stopped him from doing anything. With his usual expressionless face, he slid his hands across the screen. What he heard wasn't known or heard, but the face with an inscrutable expression darkened and he looked like he could kill someone. I felt his icy cold eyes rest on me and blood drained from my body.

Did the caller tell him about me? Was he going to fire me? No, I struggled to get this job. Give me another chance, please!

Looking directly at me, he said,

“Be in my office in thirty minutes.”

My heart did another mad palpitation and only calmed down when I heard Aria reply,

“Yes, sir.”

Phew! He was talking to her, not me.

I sat on my seat in my office like a wet chicken. This was too much. Why was he here? My one night stand is my boss!

“Karen? Are you listening?” Aria asked me.

“I'm sorry, I was a bit distracted. What were you saying, please?”

“You've been acting strange since morning, why?” she queried. I stared blankly at her, unsure of what to say. As if the universe was on my side, she waved off my reply with her rambling.

“Well, as I was saying, listen this time, Karen. I said I'm excited about my new job. I'm going to get close to that handsome dude. Did you see his lips? So enticing. Have you imagined kissing him? I've done that like ten times today! I want him,” she shrieked and rubbed her palms together. She was asking if I have imagined kissing him. How will she react if she finds out that I've kissed him and slept with him?

“Have you both nothing important to do?” Mrs Lane thundered and rolled her eyes at us. She hated nothing the way she disliked seeing her junior colleagues having a good free time. We quickly settled down to work. I tried hard to put the thought behind so that I could focus on my work.

“Ahh! Why will she choose me?” I wailed the moment I was safe inside the bathroom. Mrs Lane had handed over all of Aria's jobs to me! For goodness sake, Aria was a lazy worker who preferred to have her work piled up before attending to them. I took short deep breaths to keep calm, retouched my make up and returned to my office. Yeah, I was very angry but I couldn't show it, I didn't dare.

Work day was finally over so I sulkily packed some files and left the office. To keep up with the work load, I had to do some more work at home.

I need some good wine or I might go crazy.

With this thought in my head, I drove straight to the bar and sat down, nursing a glass of strong alcoholic wine. My phone rang and it was that goddam Mrs Lane.

“Ma? Tomorrow?” I half screamed. She didn't answer but calmly pressed the red button and the line went dead. She just told me that I had to get two proposals ready for Mr Ashley by tomorrow. I was already having a bad day, now this. Screw her for worsening my day. I stood up angrily and left the bar.

“Ahh!” I screamed and slammed my hands on my car window. I needed to vent my anger! The glass cracked and wound down on its own. The anger in my eyes vanished immediately. I didn't press any button, how come the window wound down? Wait! Was it…

“Do you want to kill me in my own car?” a masculine voice asked.

“No please. I'm sorry, I thought it was my car, I…” I began but the words hung in my throat when I saw his face. It was my boss again! Why this torture? Why do I have to see him everywhere?

“I'm sorry sir. I'll pay for the damages,” I blurted out and turned sharply to run off.

“Wait!” I heard him say authoritatively and I froze immediately.

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