Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Born into powerful pack

[Vivian's POV]

"I sincerely appreciate your allowing me to stay here." I looked directly into his honey-brown eyes and stated, "I will definitely not fail to repay you for this." He had just nodded, his lips pressed thinly together, but not before a fleeting look of emotion passed over his face.

My mouth had started to quiver when I saw him. My wolf had prodded me, seeing the shift in the air. I had followed her lead outside. I felt better after being refreshed by the fresh air. I had not said a word till I arrived at the main door. It seemed as if I had to say, "I'll never forget this night, Liam." Seeing the moon shine a silvery light on the road, I had kept walking. I had stepped out of the building and the Moon Goddess had gazed over me with kind, gentle eyes. A light, cool breeze had brushed past me. I had moved forward a few sluggish steps. My thoughts had strayed and I found myself picturing myself as a small child rushing to catch up with my siblings as we descended the white marble steps. I was heading for the parking lot.

I took my courage and my anguish and fled Liam's place in the middle of the night. I tried not to reveal my feelings, even though it was difficult for me to do so. Whether I sobbed, yelled, or screamed, Liam would never be able to see the extent of his impact on me. There were moments when the agony was so great that I wanted it to stop. However, I was aware of the implications and knew better. I was pretty sure he'd gone to see Monalisa once I got home.

The mere thought of my partner seeing my cousin made my heart hurt. How could he subject me to this? Why couldn't he return the sweetness and purity of my love? When they were together, he must have had a great love for her. Monalisa's stunning face consumed my thoughts, rekindling my rage. The seven hundred million dollar alimony payment jumped out at me as I studied the divorce forms. This was no little amount. Did he truly think I was going to leave?

I tossed the folder on top of the bed. I didn't need his cash. The pain of being turned down by the man I had given my all to was indescribable. I got out of bed, brushed the rumpled sheets to one side, and peered in the mirror. Even if Monalisa's face captivated me more than mine did, my face was still beautiful. Even though she was more attractive, I was still quite striking. My dark curls and pale complexion were sophisticated, with my doe eyes and plump lips standing out.

I was aware of my beauty and height. People have always said as much. The most painful thing, though, was realising that Liam disagreed. I also couldn't stand to think of him with another woman now that he was getting married. It was breaking me to realise that he no longer loved me the way he once did. Men wanted me, too, a few years ago. Every male in my college and university student desired a romantic relationship with Vivian Benjamin.

I was from a respectable pack, not much bigger than this one, but quite a different reputation. Being the daughter of the Verdant Howl Pack's Alpha only enhanced my reputation. I could win people over without even using my status. I was the best, that's all. Because of my luck, I had always been able to have anything I wanted. My father's pack, the Verdant Howl Pack, was well-known for its social position and influence, but the Stormbringers Pack was recognised for their power and dominance.

No one was brave enough to oppose them. I calmed down by putting my palm on my stomach and looking down at the divorce papers I was carrying. There was injury to the unborn child from anxiety. I refused to sit here and weep. I would assure him that I was fine. I clinched my fists around those awful papers and went downstairs to change into my day clothes, determined. My problems would disappear if I took a long walk. I knew how to get back into the city. It was not necessary to ride the tram. The morning sun beamed brilliantly into my dark brown eyes as I stepped outside. I shut my eyes and enjoyed the warmth. I felt less anxious as a result.

I opened my eyes once again and stood up. My curly black hair whipped about my neck in the brisk morning breeze, but I ignored the cold. I let out a sigh and convinced myself that today will be OK. The streets were nearly deserted. Being alone from Liam and his companions felt fantastic. It felt fantastic, actually. This was not how I had felt recently. I walked for fifteen minutes to get home, where I greeted my father. It did help a little, but now that I was back on my own, I felt alone. I dismissed the idea. I was exaggerating things.

Still, I felt my legs moving more quickly. My mood got worse the longer I was apart from him. I gave him a firm embrace and said hello, but I had no idea that he would ask me about Liam right away.

"Where is Liam from when you came last night?" He said while getting a cup of coffee for himself. "Did he drop you here?"

I gave him two blinks before responding. I gasped as I lied, "He dropped me here last night because he was busy with some work. It was late, so I didn’t want to disturb you." I pivoted swiftly and proceeded into the kitchen. For a few of reasons, I was unable to inform him where Liam was. "You appear sallow. Are you okay?" He enquired as I was preparing some cereal for myself despite my lack of appetite.

The phone rang on my cell before I could answer. It was Dr. David, my gynaecologist and best friend.

"Hello?" In response, I left the kitchen to find a quiet spot away from the table.

"Vivian, I'm sorry for bothering you at such an early hour. I would like you to come back for a couple more inspections after going over your reports once more."

"David... is everything alright?" As I asked, I shuddered.

"I can't tell on call, Vivian. Just come see me immediately."

Panic taking hold of me, I hung up and told Omega Alex, our Verdant Howl pack's driver to get the car ready before hurriedly running out.

I begged him to drive me to the hospital as soon as we got in the car.

He obeyed, but his gaze was enquiring. "Is everything okay?"

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