Marked by the Zombie King

Marked by the Zombie King

Adeyemi Omo Oba

61.1k Words / Ongoing


After an unexpected crash landing on a post-apocalyptic alien planet, Alyssa Carr, a bold and fearless human explorer, finds herself in a world where death reigns supreme, and the live dead have become rulers. Separated from her crew, Alyssa meets Kael'vok, the enigmatic and ruthless Zombie King, a powerful being ruling over a desolate kingdom of the undead. Marked by fate, Kael'vok takes Alyssa as his mate, beginning a dangerous dance of lust, control, and love.
Caught between her desire to escape and the strange pull she feels toward the Zombie King, Alyssa goes on a treacherous journey. As her body becomes awakened by his touch, Alyssa learns that Kael'vok’s dominion extends not only to the dead but also over her senses. Meanwhile, an invading alien force threatens both their worlds, causing the unlikely pair to join forces.
Through passionate nights and dangerous days, Alyssa is torn between the thrill of her burgeoning connection with the Zombie King and her desperate fight for life. As she navigates his dark kingdom, she faces her desires, an erotic exploration of pleasure, and Kael'vok’s control, unraveling a steamy love that could either save them both or lead to their destruction.
But the Zombie King holds secrets—secrets that could change everything she knows about her place in the world. When an alien invasion looms and she learns Kael'vok's tragic past, Alyssa must decide if her love for him is worth the ultimate sacrifice. Their bond will be tried, and with it, the future of their worlds.

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