Chapter 4
I checked the time, anxious for 4pm to roll around, I was set to pick her up from school every Wednesday without fail. I was never late.
But for some reason, time seems to be against me today.
I wanted her in my arms so bad i could barely stand it, I needed to make sure that she was OK.
She was my entire reason for living. I NEED to protect her in the ways she can’t protect herself. David will destroy her, just as he did to me and I couldn’t let that happen. I would die before I let her take my place.
I put the coffee maker back on, adding extra coffee to make it stronger. I couldn’t shake tiredness from my body, and I have had 4 coffees in the last 3 hours, this would be my 5th.
Ugh. Just work caffeine.
I need energy.
I sipped my coffee as I counted the money I had left, it wasn’t much, but it was enough for groceries and to take little Sarah out for tea. I loved her name. It was my mother’s too, whilst I took after my grandmother. But she was also dead, a stroke took her, if I remember correctly.
The women in my family, we don’t have much luck, it’s like we attract trouble.
But I wanted it to be different for Sarah, I wanted her to have a good life and be whatever she wanted. I was saving for her to go to college, I have been since I was old enough to work.
I couldn’t go, never had the chance. But she will.
If that is what she wants.
I will never force anything on her, and either way, the money it hers. It wasn’t loads, but a few thousand, and it was still growing.
I checked my money again, if I sacrificed some groceries until Monday I could get her the new doll she wanted, she had waited for ages for it to come on sale, and I promised she would have one.
I smile to myself, putting my grocery money away and shoving the rest into my pocket. I would make it a good day for her. I always tried to make her smile, her smile reminded me of mum.
I looked so much different from them, and even my dad. My mother always said as a child that I looked like I was blessed by fire, and I guess they were right, after all, my temper was just as hot. So I was told.
My phone chimes, I pull it out.
Jackie boy: Not Safe. FOUND U. RUN.
I look down at my phone, confused, I couldn’t have been found, I had been careful enough, haven’t I?
Steph: WHERE R U?
I wait anxiously for my phone to chime, my heart almost stopping.
Jackie boy: Outside. Can’t come in
Jackie boy: They’re here.
Jackie boy: RUN STEPH.
I stare down at my phone, no, no...NO! I was so careful how have they found me?
I Shove the phone into the bottom of my shoe, concealing it in case I am caught. No one looks for a phone there. I run to the door, but i can already hear heavy boots coming down the hall. They were so close.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
What the hell am I going to do?
I run into my bedroom, quietly shutting the door, trying not to make any noticeable noise, then I hear them kick in the front door. They are here to kill me, I know they are. I am a runner. Runners take the drugs where they need to go. Runners were valuable, but expendable. We could easily be replaced.
But I couldn’t die, I had to protect Sarah.
I threw my window open, not caring how much noise it makes as I climb out onto the fire escape, they probably had guns, but I was fast, really fast. I knew that if I got down to the street, I could outrun them.
I had done it before with people who didn’t want to pay. I had also done it when I was younger... when I didn’t want to be touched.
I took the steps as I heard shouting from above; they weren’t happy.
“Get down to the street, don’t let her get away.” Said a rough voice.
It made me shiver, and not from fear.
The accent was familiar though, I had heard it somewhere before.
Oh Fuck.
Russian. The men are Russian.
Don’t tell me David stole from the fucking Russian Mafia, is he INSANE?!
The Russian Mafia didn’t take prisoners, they killed, brutally .. and I wouldn’t go slow, I had valuable information in my head. They would torture me first.
I wasn’t good with pain, I wouldn’t last 5 minutes.
Tears form in my eyes as I continue down the fire escape, faster than I dared to do it in the past, I didn’t care that they weren’t properly bolted to the wall, my life depended on me reaching the ground first.
I grabbed the small pistol that was in the back of my jeans, cradling it with one arm as I ran, I might have to use it to get away, and I would. I had to survive, for Sarah.
Come on Steph. Run! – I told myself as I took the last 5 steps all at once, I didn’t have much time, they were gaining on me.
I shot the gun blindly at the fire escape as pushed my legs as hard as I could, people screaming at moving out of my way. Good. No civilians needed to be harmed, I hated when that happened. I pulled up my hood to hide my wild hair, it didn’t do much to conceal who I was, but it was worth a try.
I skid round a corner, almost falling on my arse, but luckily I manage to stay upright. I make it to an ally I hadn’t used before, I just hoped that it led somewhere the Russians couldn’t find me.
If I died, so would Sarah.