Chapter 7
I woke up with a gasp, the pain hitting me almost instantly as I groaned, my eyes burning when I tried to peel them open, the light way too bright. I close them tight before trying again, my eyes slowly getting used to the florescent bulb above my head.
I look down at my leg, a large pink pot covering it all the way from the bottom of my ankle to the top of my thigh. What happened to me? When did I get a pot on?
The memories of what had happened came to me slowly, my heart hammering as I relived everything that I had gone through. Alexi, the Russian Mafia boss had claimed me. He said I was his from now on.
But what did that exactly mean?
What was he going to do to me?
I look around anxiously, realising that I was in an underground room, there were no windows, just one thick glass door, and my guess was that it was double sided. The other side would be a window into this room. I could be being watched at this exact moment and I would never know.
The walls were painted a light pink, it was bright, but also nice, like it radiates warmth into the air. I was on a single bed, one that was low to the ground, with two pillows, one a darker shade of pink and the other a deep violet. The blanket was the same shade as the pillows, pink on one side and purple on the other. It was soft. I always loved a soft blanket.
That’s it Steph. Focus on the good.
Don’t think about the bad.
I swung my legs around, placing my feet on the fluffy pink square rug beside the bed, there was a door to my far left, near the wall, and I was guessing it was a bathroom. Which I desperately needed. Other than that, the room was quite bare, there was a dolls house with a few basic dolls, some teddies, Board games and a wardrobe and drawers set.
Who was this room made for? It reminded me of a child’s room.
I wasn’t a child.
Just how sick and twisted was Alexi?
I tried to stand, several times, but each time I ended up back on my ass, the frustration getting to me and I throw one of the pillows at the doll's house, screaming in frustration. My eyes widened when two shelves on the doll's house broke, oh god, he was going to hurt me now.
I shouldn’t have done that.
I shouldn't have let my temper get the better of me.
I lay back down on my bed, my heart hammering in fear. I didn’t mean to break the stupid thing; I was just angry. This is why my mother said I was born via fire; my temper always got the better of me. Even when I didn’t want it to.
I jumped when I heard the lock click, quickly closing my eyes in an attempt to pretend I was asleep.
“I know you are awake.” Came the stern voice of my captor and he didn’t sound happy. “There is no point trying to trick me, it will just cause more problems for you.” He warns.
I open my eyes and sit up, staring at the blanket, unable to lift my head out of fear. Why was he here? Was he going to hurt me? Use me?
Is that why he wanted me, did he want a sex slave?
“Look at me, Malyshka.” He says, standing beside the bed.
I had to do what I was told, at least until I could figure out a way to escape.
I look up, tears already sliding down my cheeks. “What do you want from me?”
He smirks. “I want many things, but for now, how about I help you to the toilet? It must be hard to walk with a cast on.”
He taps the cast on my leg, laughing softly.
Did he have no heart? He was the one who did this to me, he shot me.
“I don’t need the toilet.” I say, it was a lie.
A terrible lie, because I was desperate to go, I just didn’t want him to take me. I would use the toilet after he left.
He lifts a single eyebrow, “You don’t?” He says, standing walking across the room and locking the toilet door. “I guess I will leave this locked until you do then.”
My eyes go wide, “I-I do need to go.”
I had no choice. It is like he knew what I was thinking before I did.
“Good girl.” He says, his voice soft for the first time.
He walks over to the bed and picks me up like I weighed less than a bag of sugar, although to him I probably did, he was muscular and strong, just like all his men.
How could I ever hope to escape?
He walks me to the bathroom door before placing me down onto my feet, but when I tried the door, it was still locked.
I turn to look at him with a mixture of fear and confusion. “it’s locked.”
He smirks, “it is.”
I frown. “Can I go to the toilet?” I ask.
What did he want from me? Why was he being so weird, watching me like I was a spectacle to him.
“Say: can I go to the toilet please master.” He commands, watching me with a sterner look.
Don’t tell he is one of those. I didn’t want to be owned.
I cross my arms, my voice shaky but annoyed. “No. I’m not going to say that.”
The stone floor was cold on my feet, but I didn’t care, he needed to realise I wasn’t a fucking pet to control. I was a person with thoughts, feelings and ideas. I was not about to let him control me.
He slaps me across the face, so hard I fall back into the door and crash into the floor, I look up at him in shock, holding the side of my face. I couldn’t believe he had hit me, just for saying no.
This guy was insane.
“Never say no to me when I give you an order.” He says, leaning down to grab my arm and roughly hoist me back onto my feet.
I wince in pain, trembling as I look up at him. He was furious at me.
“I’m sorry M-master.” I stammer, not knowing what else to say.
My cheek burned; he definitely doesn’t hit lightly.
He smiles coldly, “Good girl.” He unlocks the bathroom door. “Go to the toilet, you have five minutes.”
He gives me a little shove and I hobble into the bathroom, my leg protesting. I had accidently landed on my bad leg when I fell, not that it would be a problem if he hadn’t have shot me in the first place.
I was beginning to wonder if it would be better to be dead than be his slave or whatever it is he has planned for me.
I wanted to cry, but I held the tears back as I shut the door. There was no lock on the inside, just the outside. The bathroom was a plain while sink, toilet and bath with a shower head attached. It was just like the apartment I had, there wasn’t much, but it was enough.
I limped to the toilet and did my business before washing my hands, I was making my way back to the door when it swung open, Alexi watching me with angry eyes.
“I said 5 minutes.” He snaps. “You were longer.”
I frown. Yep, this guy is insane.
“I’m sorry master.” I whisper, casting my eyes towards the floor in fake submission. “I didn’t know, I don’t have any way to tell what time it is.”
He watches me for a minute, deep in thought. Don’t tell me he is going to hit me again. Ugh. This is stupid.
“Come here.” He says eventually, his voice like ice.
I obey immediately, wanting to avoid being hit again. I keep my head down as i stand in front of him, my body trembling, even when i tried to stop it. I couldn’t help it. I was so afraid.
He was the worst kind of monster.