Chapter 6 A Surprise

Elsie's POV

With the exchanged suitcase in hand, I walked out of my house, heading to the location that the man later sent to me. I was a bit nervous, I didn't know who this was or what the person could possibly do.

Pushing those disturbing thoughts out of my head, I focused on the positive side, the man was possibly just as confused as I was about retrieving his property.

I just hoped it wouldn't be difficult to identify him because I honestly didn't know who he was or what he looked like.

The restaurant he selected was an exquisite, well patronized one, the man in question must be of high status and income.

What was I thinking? Of course, he was, for him to be on the same plane as I was in the first place.

As I arrived at the location, the sun was hot and shining brightly, I couldn't wait to get inside and get the exchange over with.

Standing at the entrance, I scanned the area, it was tiring given the fact I had no idea who he could be.

A familiar face pricked my attention, I was truly perplexed, what was he doing here? He seemed to read my expression because he just smiled broadly.

"Albie?" I called out to him as I came closer.

"In the flesh and blood." He said with a bow.

"What are you doing here?" As soon as I asked, I felt silly, he probably came to chill, maybe with me on a date. My eyes quickly searched and to my surprise, I was relieved to find him alone.

"I came to do the needful." He drew his hand from under the table and a black suitcase slid out. I gaped."Surprise Surprise."

"How did you? Wait. So you are?" I was stunned, to say the least, this was so crazy.

"Yes and please sit down."

Only then did I notice I was still standing in the middle of the room? I took my time as he stood up, drew the chair out for me to sit, and rounded the table to claim his. It gave me enough time to recollect myself.

Yesterday's departure statement slowly danced through my memory. That's right, he knew all along.

"Why didn't you just tell me yesterday?"

"It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I did and I wouldn't have an excuse to meet you."

Realizing I was still holding on to his, I quickly rushed and switched the cases, they still looked as though it was the same case.

"I'm so sorry about the whole mixup, I can't even imagine the type of inconvenience I caused you."

He merely smiled, looking at my face with an interest that brought color to my cheeks.

"It's just crazy how they are the exact type and they are alike, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I'm honored to have the same taste in things as a beautiful woman like yourself."

His words brought a smile to my face and I laughed a bit, it lightened the mood. I noticed his eyes were unwavering as he watched me closely.

"Yes, I totally agree you have good taste." I paused uncertain how I should ask him. "Let me treat you to dinner that's if you aren't occupied. To thank you." I quickly added.

"I would love that very much."

"Alright then, perfect." Picking up the menu, I ducked my face behind it in the pretence of thinking of what to order. I wanted to scream, I'm on a date. Technically, it isn't but-

My phone suddenly rang, my eyes shot to the screen and my heart dropped to my stomach as I saw the caller ID.


Suddenly the giddiness and excitement that eloped my whole body just melted, leaving in its stead, a sad depressing tug.

"Please excuse me, I have to get this." I hurried got up and headed to a secluded area.

"What's going on honey?" Daniel's panicked voice shot through my ears."I received some divorce papers from you, must have been a mistake."

"No Daniel, it wasn't a mistake. I advise you to sign them as soon as possible." My voice was as cold as ice. "Or there will be consequences."

"What the hell do you mean they aren't? What the fuck are you saying?"

"Do you really think I don't know what you are doing?"


"If that's all you wanted to know then you are now aware."

"You can't do that to me, not after negligent me, I won't allow that. You sidelined everything that matters to me. My job and every single thing."

"Don't act like the victim."

"I'm not acting, do you know how it feels to carry the burden of the family, I can't even focus on my career. You know too well how I worked hard and if not for these burdens, I would have held an exhibition at MoMA in New York."

A bitter laughter erupted from my chest, Daniel was really delusional.

"What burdens? Don't play coy, all these things you claim are affecting you are all invalid and bullshit."


"Listen, we both know if you had the talent, you would have been famous by now, and don't forget whose income you used to even get your art dream rolling in the first place."

Taking a moment to catch my breath and relax. "If you don't want the rest of your dreams to never come to life, sign the papers and find your way around."

I was breathing unevenly when I ended the call. How did I get to this point? Was I really the reason for his cheating? Did I neglect our marriage?

I surge of emptiness and dissatisfaction engulfed me, my marriage was a failure, and my husband was merely using me for his financial security.

I really have to understand how-

"Sorry Miss, I'm terribly sorry."

I looked down at my skirt that was soaked, back to the scared face of the waitress, and then to the broken glasses on the floor.

My face was wet but not from the water, my sight suddenly blurred, my heart ached and I was on my knees in a second. Tears ran freely.

In an instant, strong hands held me up and into a band of masculine scent.

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