Chapter 7: Always Enough
Mia tried to pull her hand out of his grip, but he only tightened it more, so the only way she would be able to set herself free was to make a scene.
"Let me go," she said through gritted teeth.
He didn't do as told and, instead, wrapped his other hand around her waist.
He had a smug look on his face, and she was about to smack him, damning whoever was watching, when she heard their titles from behind.
"My king and my queen."
Mia stopped struggling with the king and, glancing up at him, saw the triumph on his face, knowing he had her in a tame state.
Damn him.
He released his grip on her arm but didn't let go of her waist. Instead, he turned her around, so she saw Marc Grey, Alpha Hunter's son, approaching them with his newlywed bride beside him.
"We are so sorry to interrupt you." He said and bowed his head. "My father told me about your presence, and I just had to come and say my greetings. Thank you for gracing us with your presence and your majesties."
"You are welcome, and I am happy to be here," Xavier said, and his hands wandered on Mia's side, first around her waist and then up to the corner of her breast. She glanced up at him, almost shooting him a glare, but knew she couldn't because that would be causing a scene. Xavier knew that, too and hoped to capitalise on that. "Being here now has given me a little more time with my mate," he continued. "She may be the queen, but she is also my mate, and sometimes we get so overwhelmed with the kingdom's affairs that we forget about ourselves. Now I understand why my father called ruling a curse."
"I hope that lady Billie and I could someday be like you," Marc said excitedly.
Mia wanted to tell them there and then that their relationship was the last thing the young couple should aim for, but she kept quiet and let Xavier handle the talking. He was doing a compelling job already.
"Is there any advice you could give us as a new couple for what has helped you on your journey so far?" Marc asked, and his eyes showed his eagerness to learn a thing or two.
"I'd say make sure you both have a voice and keep your wife happy as often as needed. It is the little things that count in the end."
Mia found it ironic that Xavier would advise Marc about loving his bride and mate and keeping her happy when that was the opposite of what he was doing to her. This made the saying true: It is easier said than done.
Xavier's hand around her waist squeezed down on her. She glanced up at him with a frown, only to meet curiosity in his eyes. "Do you have anything to add to what I just said, my love?" he asked.
My love. She couldn't remember the last time she heard that term, and she felt her body light up at the word and the pent-up anger she had reduced.
She turned her attention to the newlywed, and her gaze met up with the bride, who looked like the shiest. "Learn to grow together and keep nothing from yourselves. Nothing breaks a union more than secrets, so as much as you can, be honest, and remember, your shortcoming will become hers if it's not addressed."
"These are beneficial pieces of advice. Thank you, your majesties." Marc and Billie bowed their heads.
As the newlyweds departed, Mia slipped out of Xavier's hold, wanting to be as far away from his touch as possible.
"Keep your wife happy, uh? You tell people what they want to hear, don't you?"
He sighed. "Just because I have failed in some areas as a husband doesn't mean I cannot tell another the right way. My father wasn't the best model, but he told us a few good things, and they stuck. They were good advice given by an imperfect man."
This Mia had to agree with him.
"I'd like to believe we have done what needs to be done; we have successfully convinced those here that love and peace still dwell in the royal palace and between the king and queen, and now we can leave whenever you're ready to."
She walked away from him, mumbling, "I'm ready."
He quietly followed behind her.
On the ride back home, Mia pondered everything that had happened, just like when they arrived at house Grey. The carriage stopped before the palace, but instead of waiting for the king to open the carriage to let her out, she got out.
"Good night, my king," she said, walking towards the palace.
"Mia," Xavier called after her, and she halted but didn't turn to him.
"Is there something you want to say?" she asked.
He made his way over to her, only stopping when he got to where she stood. "I would like to say I'm sorry; I haven't been the best version of myself. I am sorry for my inability to communicate effectively, and I know these past few weeks haven't been the best."
"I do not want your apology, Xavier; I want to know why you have changed so much and become someone I barely know. I want to know what happened." She said, staring up at him, "Was my love never enough?" She didn't want to show her vulnerability, but he had always seen it.
"It was always enough," he said as he stepped towards her, crossing into her personal space.
Her heart picked up its pace, and she stared up at him. She could have told him to step back, but she wanted this. "You were always enough. I am sorry if I made you feel like you weren't." He said, and his lips met hers.
They pulled away, and her legs were weak, and her heart was racing at an alarming rate.
He placed his head against hers, not letting go as he said, "I will visit Capital 3 tomorrow, and I want you there with me."