CHAPTER Five- That’s Right Bitch, I’m Back
Arabella’s POV
As the truck stopped at the security gate my heart froze in my chest. I hadn’t been back here in three years and knew not a soul would be happy to see me, not after the way I’d left things.
The first guard that appeared I recognised immediately. His name was Harry and we had once been friends with benefits. Though for a short time I wished we could be more just as I knew he did to. Something that changed once he found his mate.
They were part of the reason I didn’t want to be with who I was fated to. Harry couldn’t stand his mate Kate and the thought of being with her made him sick. After all she had been involved in numerous threesomes a few of which included Harry’s brother.
“Bella? What are you…”
“Harry who is… it?” And there she was, Kate.
“You!” As her eyes turned into slits, I couldn’t contain my laughter. The girls and Leo looked at me like I was mad but hey, they didn’t know this bitch. Getting out of the truck I walked around the front so she could see me clearly. I wasn’t about to let her have the last word, not this time.
“That’s right bitch, I’m back.” Leaning on the bonnet as I gave her my best darn fake smile just to make a statement. “Is that anyway to welcome me back?”
“Welcome you back? Don’t make me laugh.”
“I didn’t think that was possible. You’ve always looked so sour faced.” Hearing Sara snort as she tried to prevent from laughing, I struggled to keep a straight face. “Harry open the gates.” Shaking my head at the pair I walked back to the passenger door. The whole interaction could have run smoothly but she just couldn’t keep that gaping hole of hers shut.
“You’re not welcome here, not anymore.”
“Excuse me? Who the hell are you to say I’m not welcome in my family’s pack!” My eyes flashed as I felt Willow surge forward.
“Sorry to break it to you sweetie but this pack no longer belongs to your family.” Hearing the taunting tone in her voice Willow pushed me aside and shifted.
The feeling of bones cracking and popping into place was something I would never get used to. As wolves we were only granted the chance to shift during the full moon so becoming used to the pain was never an option. It was part of the reason so many wolves never shifted more than once in their entire lifespan.
Growling she made a beeline for Kate only for Harry to run in her way blocking her from his mate.
“Arabella stop! Joshua is Alpha now.” I could see the truth in his eyes. Even after we stopped sleeping together, he never once lied to me. Grabbing the reins, I forced Willow to retreat leaving me once again standing on two legs.
Out of nowhere Leo appeared at my side placing his leather jacket over my shoulders to obscure anyone’s view of my very naked body. With our kind nudity was never a problem but for Leo it certainly seemed to be. Though a part of me couldn’t help but flutter my eyelashes in thanks just to show this miserable pair that I had moved on.
“Where is he, Where’s Joshua?”
“Probably in his office. Go through Arabella it was nice to see you.” Offering Harry, a small smile I got back in the truck.
Leo restarted the engine and proceeded down the dirt road once the electric gates opened.
“Who was he?”
“Harry.” I mumbled as I pulled a set of leggings and training bra free from my bag before putting them on. I had half expected Leo to peak but he kept his eyes on the road the entire time. Perhaps I had been wrong to form my opinion of him before getting to know him.
“The one you…” knowing what Susie was about to say I turned instantly to glare at her. A message she was quick to heed.
“Yes, that one.”
“Were you guys a thing before you left?” That was when things got awkward. I hadn’t expected Leo to ask, not in front of the girls anyway.
“They were more than that Bella lost her virginity to him!” Clearly Sara hadn’t seen the warning shot I gave Susie. Hearing those words Leo’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white. For a second, I thought I’d seen steam coming out of his ears as they turned red.
Thankfully the rest of short drive was silent, only the sounds of gravel crunching beneath the wheels heard. As we pulled up out front of the pack house, I took a deep breath. It was as if the building had been stuck in time, every detail remained the same. The same tulips in assorted colours lined the garden, the basketball hoop still hung to the side of the house, and even though our dog died just after I left his house still stood tall and proud. For just a split second I thought my dad would come walking round the corner his goofy smile on his face.
Biting on my lower lip I got out gently closing the door behind me. What I hadn’t expected was for Leo to stand beside me and hold my hand. Had I been in the right frame of mind I probably would have pulled away, but I didn’t. I let him hold it. Let the sparks of his touch calm my raging anxiety.
“Come on, you’re not alone Bels. We’ve got you.” Susie stood the other side of me her head on my shoulder while Sara wrapped her arms around my waist her head on my other shoulder.
Nodding my head together we walked inside.
Leo’s POV
I could smell Arabella’s fear as though it were my own. A feeling that left me uneasy. When I held her hand, I felt her jump but what shocked me was that she didn’t pull away. I’d half expected her too.
As we entered the foyer several omegas stopped in their tracks their faces paling like they’d seen a ghost. A few of them were quick to scramble but one didn’t think twice before approaching us.
“Oh, child I’m so, so, sorry.” Arabella pulled away from me and her friends throwing herself into the arms of the older woman. Her hair a bright silver and her face full of fine lines. Judging by the way they embraced each other it was obvious this woman was of some importance to Arabella. “I’m so happy to see you. I just wish it were under far better circumstances.”
“Margaret I…”
“Hush child I understand. I don’t blame you for leaving I never did. Pack life isn’t for everyone and neither is becoming Alpha.” Listening in may have been wrong but at least what the woman said confirmed my suspicions.
“Where’s mum?” I could hear the heartbreak in her words as they shook with each breath she took.
“She’s in the laundry room. Alpha Joshua put her on duty the same day. We haven’t even buried your father. I always thought they were close, but that man has no heart.”
“What!” As Margret released Arabella her tears instantly stopped. It was tradition for the fallen Alpha to be buried the same night. Though my pack were older our beliefs were mostly the same. If our bodies weren’t buried by sunrise the morning after our passing it was believed that our soul wouldn’t pass and gone was our chance at rebirth.